1. It was not an arrow that missed, but a loving gazelle
Even if it did not kill my heart, it has wounded it
١. ما كان سهماً غار بل ظبيٌ سنحْ
إن لم يكن قتلَ الفؤادَ فقد جرحْ
2. It brought beauty, wanting our souls in exchange
So we traded it as it suggested
٢. جلبَ الجمالَ يريد أنفَسنا به
ثمناً فتاجرناه فيه كما اقترحْ
3. The gardens of the valley were scented with it
Take me away from the garden's edge when it blows
٣. أرِجتْ جِنانَ السفح فيه بنافضٍ
رُدنيْه عن عَرف الجِنان إذا نفحْ
4. The sweat of endeavor poured out his youthful water
And the rose's scent is finer than what dripped
٤. عَرَقُ المجاسدِ فاض ماءُ شبابه
والوردُ أطيب منه ريحاً ما رشحْ
5. In his neck is a bead of ambergris
It did not neglect me, though not counting beads
٥. في جيده الكافورِ سبحةُ عنبرٍ
ما كان أغفلني وليس عن السُّبَحْ
6. And as for his gait, he walks with pride at times
And sometimes he graces gently from frivolity
٦. وأَمَا ومِشيتِهِ توقَّر تارة
صلَفاً وأحياناً يُجنُّ من المَرَحْ
7. And meetings with me amidst his threats
My tear mingled with that of the wine cup
٧. ومَواعدٍ ليَ في خلال وعيده
مَزجتْ بدمع صبابتي دمعَ القَدحْ
8. I will share his love if he is faithful
And be stingy with solace if he is forgiving
٨. لأشاطرنَّ هواه جسمي إن وفَى
ولأبخلنّ على العواذل إن سمحْ
9. Rebuke wandered in youth, how could it be
That your prohibition of the worst company reform him
٩. راحت تعنّفُ في الصِّبا ما آن أن
يثنيك عن أَشَر الثِّنَى نَهيُ القَرَحْ
10. Twenty five seems corrupt
Even if forty passes and does not improve
١٠. والخمسُ والعشرون تعذرُ فاسداً
لو ناهزتْه الأربعون وما صلحْ
11. You thought me deluded that I
Awaken while the absurd discarded assumption
١١. منَّاك ظنُّك بي غروراً أنني
أصحو وفي الظنّ المحالُ المطَّرَحْ
12. Like a lion made daring with his grin
So he approached and ask what has matured
١٢. كالليث والغمرُ استغرَّ بثغره
فدنا إليه فاسئلي عمَّا كلَحْ
13. And the companion sought to mimic the clouds
With his hands, surely look how he is exposed
١٣. والصاحبِ التمس الغمامُ تشبّهاً
بيديه لا جَرَم انظري كيف افتضحْ
14. Competing with them, almost drowning in them
With generosity, though swimming in it
١٤. جاراهما ويكاد يغرق فيهما
بالجود إلا أنه فيه سَبحْ
15. Al-Hussein was not prevented from honor
Nor did the palm of time grant and bestow
١٥. للعزّ ما منعَ الحسينُ فلم تَنل
كفُّ الزمان وللمكارم ما منحْ
16. If he intends, he sees his goal with his wisdom
Like an eye that reaches its light wherever it throws
١٦. إن هَمَّ أبصر غايتيه بحزمه
كالطَّرف يُدرِك نورُه أنَّى طَرَحْ
17. Or is serious in an address sufficient for him
While his face smiles and his envier jokes
١٧. أو جَدَّ في خطبٍ كفاه ووجهُه
متبسِّمٌ فيقول حاسدهُ مَزَحْ
18. How many favors did not distract him from devotion
And abstaining a year did not make him indulge when it opened
١٨. كم نعمةٍ لم تُلههِ عن عصمةٍ
وجمادِ عامٍ لم يُعقهُ أن انفسحْ
19. And an innocent maiden he spent the night entertaining
And a morning with disheveled hair he then woke
١٩. ومدامةٍ عذراءَ بات نديمَها
وبغارةٍ شعواءَ يومئذٍ صبحْ
20. Gently test him and say in his fire
When ignited though it has burned you with what it blew
٢٠. رفقاً فجرِّبْهُ وقل في ناره
إن أُضرِمتْ وقد اشتواك بما لفحْ
21. And his anklet would clatter, you would be doomed
So where would your pillar be if he stamps?
٢١. واهترَّ كلكلهُ لكنت سحيقةً
بدداً فأين يكون ركنك إن نَطحْ
22. With me, the sword would roar until if
It had a voice that day, it would have barked
٢٢. بي أنت ضجَّ السيفُ حتى إنه
لو كان يومَ يُسلُّ ذا صوتٍ لَبَحْ
23. And your steed complained of the strain on it
When at rest, still not eased under you
٢٣. وشكا جوادُك في الضوامرِ بثَّه
لما استراحت وهو تحتك لم يُرَحْ
24. An eye accustomed, if it pursued, not
The north wind over it, its rider knelt
٢٤. طِرفٌ تعوّد أنه لو طارد ال
ريحَ الشَّمالَ عليه فارسهُ بَطحْ
25. And the most flirtatious, the day he is adorned, his face
Dawns the blossoms of the planets, standing or resting
٢٥. وأغرُّ يُسرِجُ يومَ يُسَرجُ وجهُهُ
زُهْرَ الكواكبِ قام فيها أو سرحْ
26. And the well-mannered, whose limbs do not sway
His sides, as if the boy did not feel or touch
٢٦. ومؤدَّبِ الأعضاءِ لا يهفو به
جنباه ما حسَّ الغلامُ وما مسحْ
27. So it equaled whether he took off the halter and let
Arrogance run wild, or held back the stirrup
٢٧. فسواه ما خلع اللجامَ ومدَّ طغ
ياناً وما منع الركابَ وما رمحْ
28. And you have the abode, you visited it, and the palm trees
Stooping, before your den they are as if barking
٢٨. ولك المقامُ زرأتَ فيه والقنا
أجَمٌ فهان على عرينك من نبحْ
29. And the opinion most perplexed by what is right
None but you acted correctly, even if it advised, it would not have counseled well
٢٩. والرأيُ أعجزه الصوابُ فلم يُشِرْ
فيه سواك ولو أشار لما نصحْ
30. Will you blame me for gratitude I owed you
If my tongue of thanks falls short or strains?
٣٠. أمؤاخذي كرماً عليَّ قضيتُهُ
إن ضاق عنه لسانُ شكري أو رزحْ
31. Forgive when I fall short of your praise
For I am more worthy if I reach you with praise
٣١. غَفْراً متى قصَّرتُ عنك فإنني
بالمدح أولَى لو بلغتُك بالمِدَحْ
32. This, and your power did not reduce my imagination
What came to it freely, with no toil
٣٢. هذا ولم تَخفُرك قدرةُ خاطري
ما جاءه عفواً وما فيه كدحْ
33. How many sleepless nights for lovers I spent
Waiting for his rooster to crow until dawn broke
٣٣. كم نومةٍ للعاشقين وهبتُها
ليلاً أراقب ديكَه حتى صدحْ
34. And the dark night gives birth to my thought
Jealous of the morning when daylight spreads
٣٤. واللية البهماءُ تُولِد فكرتي
غرّاءَ يحسدها الصباحُ إذا وضحْ
35. And you, pleased with it, made me eloquent
And by honoring, expanded my chest, so it eased
٣٥. ولأنتَ باستحسانها أنطقتني
وشرحتَ بالإكرام صدري فانشرحْ
36. And you forgot what you gave me, though in them
God forbid! Who when gives, grasps?
٣٦. ونسيتَ ما أعطيتَنيه وفيهمُ
حاشا سماحِك مَنْ إذا أعطى لَمَحْ
37. For others the cheap given freely in
Its cheapness, and for you the unique and savory
٣٧. فلغيرك المتسهَّلُ المبذولُ في اس
ترخاصه ولك الغرائبُ والمُلَحْ