
If the sun above has a path for the one who seeks,

إن كان فوق الشمس للساعي قدم

1. If the sun above has a path for the one who seeks,
A soaring spirit will rise above worries.

١. إن كان فوق الشمس للساعي قدَمْ
يسمو لها مُحلِّقٌ من الهممْ

2. So seek beyond what you have attained,
And ask for more of what you have gained and threw.

٢. فابغِ وراءَ ما بلغتَ غايةً
واطلب مزيدا في الذي نلت ورُمْ

3. Perfection has left no flaw in you,
Of which it can be said "I wish this flaw was gone!"

٣. لم يَدَع الكمالُ فيك خَلّةً
يقال فيها ليت ذا النقصانَ تمّْ

4. Except for immortality - so become immortal
However you wish, despite whoever resents.

٤. إلا الخلودَ فتملَّ خالدا
كما تشاء وبرغم من رغِمْ

5. Fold time and unfold it,
While you remain a new speaker yet old.

٥. على الزمان طيِّه ونشره
وأنت غضُّ محدَثٌ على القِدَمْ

6. Get some of your kingdom freely,
With its excess flowing back to you.

٦. تميس من ملكك في مُفاضةٍ
تردُّ فضلَ ذيلها على القَدَمْ

7. Impregnable, whose sequence
Has no crevice confused or crack broken.

٧. حصينةٍ لم يتخلّلْ سردَها
نافذةٌ تبهَمُ أوْ صدْعٌ ثلَمْ

8. How enemies seek faults in you
While fangs wear out and pebbles do not grind.

٨. كم تطلب الأعداءُ فيك مغمَزا
تَفنَى الضُّروسُ والحصى لم ينعجمْ

9. They think a stumble what the watcher
Of stars' stumbles sees in the dark.

٩. ويحسُبون عثرةً ومُتعَبٌ
ناظرُ عثراتِ النجوم في الظُّلَمْ

10. Rubbish of night whose lightning laughed at
The truth of dawn and whoever slept, dreamt.

١٠. أضغاثُ ليلٍ ضاحكت بروقُها
حقيقةَ الصبح ومن نام حَلَمْ

11. God has known the goodness of His creation through you
So He decreed what He knew.

١١. قد علم الله صَلاحَ خَلْقه
على يديك فقضى بما علِمْ

12. And the kingdom, since you took it, knows who
Opens its gates for it and who shuts.

١٢. والملكُ مذ ضممتَه يعرِف مَن
يفتح باعيْه عليه ويضُمّْ

13. How you pleased its child in youth
And sprayed its elder with dignity in old age.

١٣. وكيف رُضتَ طفلَه على الصِّبا
وكيف رِشت شيخَه على الهَرَمْ

14. One day an equal sharing himself
In all hardships, another day you are the pillar.

١٤. يوما أخٌ مساهمٌ بنفسه
في جُلِّ ما ناب ويوما أنت عَمّْ

15. And a bird of diverse views gone
Lost in wilderness, you drove the wolf from the sheep.

١٥. وطائرٍ من شُعبِ الرأي مضى
بدائدا طردَك بالذئب الغنَمْ

16. You sent your strategy to its edges
To gather it from its corners until it came together.

١٦. أرسلتَ تدبيرك في أطرافه
يجمع من أقطاره حتى انتظمْ

17. None provoked you to share rule
Not even the full moon - had it consulted, it would not have reached perfection.

١٧. وحدَكَ لم تقدحه عن مشاركٍ
زِيدَ ولو شورك بدرٌ ما استتمْ

18. And a dissenter severing the rope of allegiance
Who consulted a rising eastern star.

١٨. وقاطعٍ حبلَ الحفاظِ خالعٍ
شاور نجما مشرقيّا قد نَجمْ

19. You bent his staff and split it
And he knew not with which palm it would be spliced.

١٩. لانت لكفيه العصا فشقَّها
وما درى بأيّ كفٍّ تلتئمْ

20. The glory of religion rose from its supporters
Like rising eagles and roaring lions.

٢٠. ثارَ وعزُّ الدين من أنصارِهِ
كواسرُ الجوّ وآسادُ الأجَمْ

21. He claimed he would not return without fulfilling his goal
Had you not been, he would have been truthful in his claim.

٢١. يزعم لا يرجِعُ دون غايةٍ
لولاك كان صادقا فيما زعَمْ

22. You went against him with a silent army
As if you met him without rising.

٢٢. قمتَ إليه بحشىً ساكنةٍ
كأنما لقيتَه ولم تقُمْ

23. Leading a beautiful-faced bay, her face
Was never seen ugly, never stubborn in battle.

٢٣. تقود شهباءَ جميلا وجهُها
ما أُبصِرَتْ قبيحةً ما تَقتحمْ

24. She impersonates people in what she has polished
Of perfect brown and white and reddish hide.

٢٤. تُمثِّلُ الأشخاصَ فيما صقَلتْ
من سابغ وافٍ وصمصامٍ خَذِمْ

25. The water of her whiteness and blackness drips
Signaling that tomorrow blood will drip.

٢٥. يقُطر ماءُ بِيضِها وسمرها
علامةً أنًّ غداً تقطُر دَمْ

26. And perfectly straight though her sire crooked,
She stands in the paths of turmoil upon slices.

٢٦. ومستقيماتٍ أبوها أعوجٌ
تقوم من طُرْق الوغى على لَقَمْ

27. You have trained her for war, she does not panic
Like vessels of butter from the striking of minted coins.

٢٧. عوَّدتَها الحربَ فما تفِرُقُ ما
أوعيَةُ العليقِ من فُوسِ الُّلجُمْ

28. And you cunningly entangled the battle's legs
Grasping it with the legs of words.

٢٨. وغيره فالتَ أشراكَ الوغى
قبضتَه مكراً بأشراكِ الكَلِمْ

29. You stripped away from yourself for it a cutter
On the day of reckoning that kills the rival's horn.

٢٩. جرّدت من فيك له قاطعةً
يوم الحجاج تقتلُ القِرنَ الخصِمْ

30. The people of war said, and you wrote it,
It leaned to the sword in loyalty to the pen.

٣٠. قال بنو الحرب وقد كتبتها
مالَ على السيفِ وفاءً للقلَمْ

31. Indeed the gifts you were gifted recently
Were great and plentiful beyond wishes.

٣١. إنّ حِبَاء آنفاً حُبِيتَه
عن المنَى كان كثيرا وعظُمْ

32. No graceful neck has longed for its like,
Nor has any nose smelled its scent.

٣٢. لا عنُقٌ جيداءُ طالت طمعا
في مثله قطّ ولا أنفٌ أشمّْ

33. Are they robes of honor upon you or gifts
You gifted to gardens from rain?

٣٣. أخلعةٌ عليك أم هديّة
إلى الرياض أهديت من الديَمْ

34. Or were they minted and studded from your bounty
With the jewel of manners from you and excellence?

٣٤. أم من نداك طُبِعتْ ورُصِّعتْ
بجوهر الأخلاق منكَ والشيمْ

35. Ministers before were pleased with less
Than what followers gained from you and servants.

٣٥. قد كان يُرضى الوزراءَ قبلها
ما أُعطيَ الأتباع منك والخدَمْ

36. They would thank whatever clothes covered them
If bestowed, and whatever mounts if honored.

٣٦. ويشكرون ما كسا إذا ضفا
عليهم وما امتُطي إذا كرُمْ

37. They were not qualified for what you built as a seat
For them, or what you served or sealed.

٣٧. ما أُهِّلوا لما ابتنى موسدا
جِلستَهم وما سقَى وما خَتَمْ

38. They never drew out pearls as an aunt's inheritance
Nor pulled the train of a judge's gown.

٣٨. لا الدرَّ لاثوا عِمًّةً قطّ به
ولا النضارَ سحبوا ذيلا وكُمّْ

39. Their steeds' feet never walked with anklets
And necklaces dangling from their necks and temples.

٣٩. ولا مشت جيادُهم وخَرَزُ ال
تيجان في الأكفالِ منها واللُّجُمْ

40. You bridled for them a trained cross-girded
Mare fully equipped and evenly balanced.

٤٠. قِيدتْ لهم مركوبةً مجنوبةً
محزَّماتٍ وسوى ذات الحُزُمُ

41. The crop of sabers used to be harvested for it
But you have now left it to reap the harvest of the vast sea.

٤١. قد كان يُجنَىَ منبِتُ التبرِ لَها
فخلتُها الآن جَنَى البحرِ الخضمّْ

42. Blessings have been endowed through you in their stead
And a group you have erred in bestowing blessings.

٤٢. نُعمى أُحِلَّت بك في محلِّها
ومعشر تَغلَط فيهمُ النَّعَمْ

43. Glory has tied you without contention
Wealth shared and virtues not usurped.

٤٣. أعلقَك المجدَ بلا مساجل
عِرْضٌ جميعٌ وثراءٌ مقتَسَمْ

44. Of an essence unspoiled by the arrogance of rule
And reverence of nations.

٤٤. وشيمٌ لم تغتصبها طِيبَها
أبَّهةُ الملكِ وتعظيمُ الأُمَمْ

45. O reviver of the dead through his grace
Why is my share singled out for stoning?

٤٥. يا ناشر الأمواتِ في إحسانه
ما بالُ حظّي وحده تحت الرَّجَمْ

46. You have awakened the sustenance of all
While my sustenance sleeps and hoping in you does not sleep.

٤٦. نبّهتَ أرزاقَ الورى ورزقِيَ ال
نائمُ والتأميلُ فيك لم ينمْ

47. Some people say as I describe my state to them
And they perceive me as modest.

٤٧. يقولُ قومٌ وانبسطتُ واصفا
حالي لهم ويعهدوني أحتشِمْ

48. The pride of rule comes first then the overwhelming
Of night recedes when dawn arrives.

٤٨. يقدَمُ فخرُ الملكِ ثمّ تنجلي
غاشيةُ الليل إذا الصبُح قدِمْ

49. So I said I had complained of it earlier
If it had fulfilled, it would have been kind and merciful.

٤٩. فقلت قد أسلفتُه شِكايةً
لو قد وفى لرقَّ منها ورحمْ

50. It had seen my state before its travel
As raw flesh as you now see it skinned.

٥٠. وقد رأى حاليَ قبلَ سيره
لحما كما ترونها على وضَمْ

51. But I asked it for more so it said to me
"Their adviser - if you ask for more, no doubt

٥١. لكنني استزدته فقال لي
ناصِحهُم إن تستزد فلا جَرَمْ

52. Reproach is a sin". I said "I repent"
On condition repentance is abandonment and regret".

٥٢. العتبُ ذنبٌ قلت إني تائبٌ
شريطةُ التوبةِ تركٌ وندَمْ