
A scorpion-like one watered for a time in Babylon,

سقى زمنا ببابل عقربي

1. A scorpion-like one watered for a time in Babylon,
Filled with what would satisfy and quench thirst.

١. سقى زمناً ببابلَ عقربيٌّ
مليٌّ بالذي يُروِي ويُرضِي

2. Violent in journey, gentlest when settled,
Upon the superabundance of what he fulfills and accomplishes.

٢. عنيفُ السير أوطفُ مستمرٌّ
على غُلَواء ما يَقضي ويمضي

3. He visits the land after his dryness in it
With drizzle from his buckets and rain clouds.

٣. يزور الأرضَ بعد جفائه في
قضيضٍ من زماجره وقَضِّ

4. He watered so it flowed, and fattened every thirsty one
That passes by him, and lifted every lowered one.

٤. سقَى فجرَى فأسمنَ كلَّ ضاوٍ
يمرُّ به ورفَّع كلَّ خفضِ

5. So whoever is arrogant after the rain is a transgressor,
And whoever is watered after dryness is humble.

٥. فمن ملآن بعد الغيض طاغٍ
ومن ريَّانَ بعد اليبْسِ غضِّ

6. And he honored a family who, when
My clear, pure streams were cut off,

٦. وكرَّمَ أسرةً كانوا إذا ما ان
تجعت زُلاليَ الصافي وحَمضي

7. Bore my life's burden and drove away the blows of fate from me,
And stimulated the reins of my endeavor and goal.

٧. همُ حملوا وسوقَ الدهر عنّي
وهم نشطوا عرى نِسعي وغَرْضي

8. They illuminated my doctrine so I glanced freely
After my downcast eyes and gloom.

٨. أضاءوا مذهبي فسرَحتُ طرفي
وسيعاً بعد إطراقي وغضّي

9. And they stood between my days and me
So they were not ruined or shaken in their pulse.

٩. وقاموا بين أيامي وبيني
فلم تقتُل ولا راعت بنبضِ

10. They shielded my face and I asked no other but them,
And they gave every supererogatory act and duty.

١٠. حمَوا وجهي ولم أسأل سواهم
وأعطَوا كلَّ نافلةٍ وفرضِ

11. So I spend my mornings with them and my evenings away,
To the abundant wealth and honor that are mine.

١١. فأصبحُ فيهُمُ وأروح عنهم
إلى وفرين من مالي وعِرضي

12. Is there one to bear my longing to them
Despite the pain and torment in it?

١٢. فهل من حاملٍ شَوقِي إليهم
على ما فيه من ألمٍ ومضِّ

13. One to bear it and deliver it to them
On sand grouse he startles and flushes out?

١٣. فحاملَه فموصلَه إليهم
على بزلاءَ ينحلها ويُنضي

14. One who chants to the pilgrims with it and ascends
Noisily between nearing and galloping?

١٤. يؤمّ الزابيين بها ويعلو
قويقاً بين تقريب وركضِ

15. Then he is heard, then heard by noble ones
Bereft of life after them, and pours forth.

١٥. فيُسمعَ ثَمَّ سامعةً كراماً
أَيَامَى العيش بعدهُمُ ويُفضي

16. And since my world drew away from them
In estrangement and refusal,

١٦. وإني مذ نأت دنياي عنهم
من الدنيا على هجرٍ ورفضِ

17. I spend what I wrongly waste of my time
With agonies that nearly destroy me.

١٧. أقضِّي ما أغالطُ من زماني
بلَوعاتٍ تكاد عليَّ تَقضي

18. So I lived, and some of me in Baghdad,
Sick, and some of me in Tikrit,

١٨. فكم أحيا وفي بغدادَ بعضي
على مَرضٍ وفي تكريتَ بعضي

19. And though rebuked with censure or reproof,
Still preceding in the paths of glory.

١٩. ومسبوقين في طرق المعالي
وإن زُجِروا بِحَثٍّ أو بحضِّ

20. I befriend them, so by evening affection for them
Slips on smooth ground from the quarrelsome.

٢٠. أصاحبهم فيمسي الودّ منهم
على زِلقٍ من الشحناء دحضِ

21. And I determine sincere praise of them
Which their blamers meet with rejection.

٢١. وأُبرمُ فيهمُ مِدَحاً مِتاناً
فتلقاها معايبهم بنقضِ

22. Had the perfection of the kingdom protected me
I would have enjoyed prosperity in lowliness and abasement.

٢٢. ولو حامى كمال الملك عني
رعيتُ الخِصبَ في دَعةٍ وخفضِ

23. Then he would have restored a glittering, shining
Rule to my customs, clan, and family.

٢٣. إذاً لأعاد سلسالاً نميراً
على عاداته ثَمَدِي وبَرْضي

24. I ransom you, O father of glories, with every palm
That falls short of you in open-handedness and grasping.

٢٤. فدتك أبا المعالي كلُّ كفّ
تقصِّر عنك في بسطٍ وقبضِ

25. And every hand degraded by moral failings
That cannot remove dishonor by purity or cleansing,

٢٥. وكلُّ مدنَّس الأبِ لا بحتٍّ
يميطُ العارَ عنه ولا برَحْضِ

26. Humble in virtues each day,
With lineage that comes and goes.

٢٦. دعيٌّ في الفضائل كلّ يوم
له نسبٌ يجيء به ويمضي

27. Anger carried you far from
His gloomy entrails, and poured them forth.

٢٧. نأى بك جمرةً بالغيظ تسري
إلى سوداء مهجته وتُفضِي

28. You are generous, yet in the rain clouds' gifts some dimness,
And the water of your hands is pure and unsullied.

٢٨. كرُمتَ ففي عطايا الغيث شَوبٌ
وماء يديك من صافٍ ومحضِ

29. Men give stingily and you give
The gift of thanks from debt and loan.

٢٩. ويعطي الناسُ من جِدةٍ وتعطي
عطاءَ الحمد من دَيْن وقرضِ

30. Gifts embarrass you, yet they are many,
As if you were indignant and your munificence grudging.

٣٠. وتخجلك المواهبُ وهي كُثرٌ
كأنك مسخطٌ ونداك مُرضي

31. God fulfilled perfection, so you were the embodiment
Of His image, while the people's creation proceeds.

٣١. قضى اللّهُ الكمالَ فكنت شخصاً
لصورته وخَلقُ الناس يقضي

32. I chose you in the wilderness after I cut off
The path of free choice from them and turned away.

٣٢. شريتك بالبرية بعد قطعي
طريقَ الإختيار بهم ونفضي

33. I sought refuge in you from misfortunes atop me
And beneath me, between rising and squatting.

٣٣. ورعتُ بك النوائب وهي فوقي
وتحتي بين حائمةٍ ورُبْضِ

34. So your attainments have delivered me until
Both my sins and muddy history were erased.

٣٤. فقد أسلمتني بنواك حتى
نَسلنَ قوادمي وبرينَ نحضي

35. Now I am torn between my needs and longing
For some deliverance from their claws and release.

٣٥. فها أنا بين حاجاتي وشوقي
لِفَتٍّ من مخالبها ورضِّ

36. I squeeze my heart and eyes to you
With a sign among you of my wasting and blindness.

٣٦. أزمّ إليكُمُ قلبي وعيني
بآية فيكُمُ جذَلي وغمضي

37. How the delay from you has marred us
And your patience with the piercing estrangement!

٣٧. أسادتَنا كم الإبطاءُ عنكم
وصبركُمُ على الهجر الممِضِّ

38. I wish the time appointed for you would come,
I wish the first milk of you would come forth.

٣٨. ألمّا يأتِ وقتُكم المسمَّى
ألمّا يأنِ زبدُكُمُ بمخضِ

39. So much anger at the world and avoidance
Of realms while they vie for favor!

٣٩. فكم سخطٍ على الدنيا وصدٍّ
عن الدولات وهي على الترضِّي

40. Talk of you comforts with glories
So get ready - they are days of getting up!

٤٠. حديثكُمُ يبرِّحُ بالمعالي
فَنَهضاً إنها أيّام نهضِ

41. I see them at their ripest, their harvest near,
And their sealed outcome favorable to you.

٤١. أراها أينعتْ ودنا جناها
وأذعنَ ختمُها لكُمُ بفضِّ

42. May I delight eyes with your nearness
That envied me in sadness and enmity,

٤٢. عسى أقذِي بقربكُمُ عيوناً
حسدنَ عليَّ من حزنٍ وبرضِ

43. And the panting of your enemies may cool soon
With grief in breasts worn by anxiety and care.

٤٣. ويبرد من أعاديكم وشيكاً
زفيرُ جوانح بالهمّ رُمْضِ

44. But why have you neglected me
When lightning flashed after lightning?

٤٤. وبعد فما لكم أغفلتموني
وأخلبَ بارقٌ من بعد ومضِ

45. Do you reckon me self-sufficient without you
In my ornaments or wanderings and running?

٤٥. أظنّاً أنني عنكم غنيٌّ
بحلّي أو بتطوافي وركضي

46. God forbid! And the covenant kept
Even if my completeness and perfection faltered

٤٦. معاذَ اللّه والعهدِ المراعَى
ولو أنضيتُ تامكتي ونِقْضي

47. And my reliance on presents from Nayrouz pledged
For my needs however pressing?

٤٧. وتعويلي من النيروز وفداً
على متنجَّزٍ لي مُستَنضِّ

48. So do not imagine for me fertile pasture
If your rain clouds withheld from my land,

٤٨. فلا تتوهموا لي خصبَ مرعى
إذا قعدت سماؤكُمُ بأرضي