
Had it not been for my ambitious imagination

ما كنت لولا طمعي في الخيال

1. Had it not been for my ambitious imagination
I would not have sung my sleep during the long nights

١. ما كنتُ لولا طمَعي في الخيالْ
أنشُدُ نومي بين طول الليالْ

2. Asked my eyes the taste of separation
Impossible question though it may be

٢. أسأل عيني كيف طعمُ الكرى
عُلالَةً وهو سؤالٌ محالْ

3. And how to sleep when separated from the beloved
While sleep is conditional on nights of union

٣. وكيف بالنوم على الهجر لي
والنومُ من شرط ليالي الوصالْ

4. My eyelids, long as they are, still weary from the darkness
Yet the nights are even longer

٤. لله أجفانٌ ذرعنَ الدجى
وهي قصارٌ والليالي طِوالْ

5. As if the shorter parts of a palace
Seek the longer parts, unobtainable

٥. كأنها من قِصرٍ بعضُها
يطلب بعضاً بقوىً لا تُنالْ

6. But the rain in its stinginess
Allows me dreams, cost what they may

٦. لكنّ لمياءَ على ضنّها
تُرخص في الأحلام لي كلَّ غالْ

7. Passing me by, whether it or one resembling it
Or a mere illusion to my eyes

٧. تَسري فإما هي أو راقني
شِبْهٌ لها أو سرَّ عيني مثالْ

8. One night whose spirits perfumed
An apparition, I had not imagined

٨. وليلةٍ عطَّر أرواحَها
طَيفٌ لها لم أك منه ببالْ

9. Whitened the darkness for me and my companions wandering
While stars bowed to it before the rise of dawn

٩. بيَّض مسراه سوادَ الدجى
حولي وصحبي شُعُثٌ في الرحالْ

10. Clearing the horizon sparkling and illuminated
At times full moon and others crescent

١٠. بمشرِق اللَّباتِ دانت له
شهبُ الدراري قبلَ بِيضِ المحَالْ

11. She came swaying between blossoms
Scented musk and pliant sand dunes

١١. يجلو العَشا مختمراً مسفراً
فتارةً بدراً وطوراً هلالْ

12. Not her eyes, nor hips nor coyness
Nor the roe's graceful tread

١٢. جاءت تَثَنَّى بين رَيحانةٍ
تُفتَقُ مسكاً وكثيبٍ يُهالْ

13. The morning breeze tilted the branch
But did not shake her

١٣. فلا وعينيها وأردافها
وشِقوةِ الدِّعصِ بها والغزالْ

14. Until the night ended its course
Her heavy steps slowed at dawn

١٤. ما قدَّها هزّ نسيمُ الصَّبا
وإنما ميَّل غصناً فمالْ

15. And she sought to make use of the darkness
Preceding the procession of revolving stars

١٥. حتى إذا الليل قضى ما قضى
خفّت مع الفجر خُطاها الثّقالْ

16. I weep and so does she, but my sorrow
Is not the sorrow of one gone

١٦. وابتدرتْ تغنم فضلَ الدجى
سبقَ مغاوير النجوم التوالْ

17. A shadow of life we delighted in
Yet a shadow that disappeared at dawn

١٧. أبكى وتبكى غير أنّ الأسى
دموعُه غير دموع الدلالْ

18. A season of indulgence I exaggerated
With youths having breasts like antelope

١٨. ظلٌّ من العيش نِعمنا به
لكنّه ظلٌّ مع الصبح زالْ

19. Each fair of face, serene of expression
Of pleasant conversation and qualities

١٩. وموسمٌ للَّهوِ كاثرتُهُ
بفتيةٍ مثل صدور العوالْ

20. Who shepherd you with their manners into a garden
Whose beauty the north wind's end trails along

٢٠. كلّ وجيه الوجه رحبِ الجدا
معذَّل السمع رضيّ الخصالْ

21. Justly spending the wine in the meadow
Not weighed against their drinking cups

٢١. يُرعيك من آدابه روضةً
جَّر عليها المزنُ ذيلَ الشَّمالْ

22. I bear witness to moments of their youth
Time called for rendezvous but was denied

٢٢. يبذلُ في الراح اللُّها عادلاً
ما وزن الخَّمارُ منها وكالْ

23. And a virgin's need I procured
Whose access was difficult and height insurmountable

٢٣. أشهَدُ منه وقَعاتِ الصِّبا
بفاتكٍ ساعةَ يُدعَى نزَالْ

24. I persevered until I caught her
With experience in such exploits and cunning

٢٤. وحاجةٍ بِكرٍ تناولتُها
وبابُها أعسرُ عالي المنالْ

25. Days guiding my youth but to no avail
Except leading myself into heated contention

٢٥. وسِعتُها حتى تقنّصتها
بدُربتي في مثلها واحتيالْ

26. Until I was distinguished by an appellation
That combined humiliation and glory

٢٦. أيّام أدلو بشبابي فلا
أرجعُ إلا مترعاتٍ سِجالْ

27. Eyes recoiled to make way for it
From me in cruelty should they meet me

٢٧. حتى تعمّمتُ بمفروعةٍ
تجمعُ بين الذلِّ واسمِ الجلالْ

28. A black mark whitened by its insistence
On my head and the blows of swords

٢٨. تَراجَعُ الأبصارُ وفضاً لها
عنّي بقاسٍ أن يراني وقالْ

29. Right stripped wrong from me
That is my state, and my state today

٢٩. صبيغة سوداء بيّضتها
نصولُها في الرأس وقعُ النصالْ

30. And the glory of fathers in office
Which ranks and status seek

٣٠. واقتصّ حقُّ الشَّيب من باطلي
فتلك حالي ولِيَ اليومَ حالْ

31. More luminous than hot passion if
Their principles were shaken or polluted byacquisition

٣١. وماجد الآباء في منصب
تأوي إليه درجات المعال

32. The traits of a ruler, its lights
Witnessed in word and deed

٣٢. أبلج حرّ العِرض إن دوخلت
أحسابُهم أو هُجِّنتْ بالمَوالْ

33. I tied him with affection and sheer passion
With resolute links and strong ropes

٣٣. ترى سماتِ الملك أنوارُها
شاهدةٌ في قوله والفعالْ

34. Out of love even if no affection
From him cooled my ardour or united us

٣٤. أعلقتُه الودّ ومحضَ الهوى
بمُحْكَماتٍ محصَداتِ الحبالْ

35. I will abandon him, but not detached
Of separation, and turn away, but not of boredom

٣٥. حبّاً وإن لم تُدنِني زورةٌ
منه ولم يُبرِدْ غليلِي وِصالْ

36. And envy the sail in its harbor
While my lips thirst without a drink

٣٦. أهجره غيرَ جليدٍ على
هجرٍ وأجفوه لغير الملالْ

37. But it is my habit not to covet
A door that has not beckoned me near

٣٧. وأحسُد الشُّرَّاعَ في حوضه
وما لذودي ظامئاً من بِلالْ

38. Blessed is He who compiled His signs
To perfection until perfection was fulfilled

٣٨. لكنّها من شِيَمي عادةٌ
لم أغشَ باباً لم يُهِبْ بي تعالْ

39. Studying the relics of past generations
Now gone, and accounts of earlier years

٣٩. تبارك الجامعُ آياتِه
في كاملٍ حتى وفى بالكمالْ

40. You will not find one like Him
Whom mothers of men stand up for

٤٠. تَدرُسُ آثار القرون الألى
فاتوا وأخبار السنين الأَوالْ

41. Fortune found in Him a youth
Who met its great events with his compassion

٤١. فلا ترى في رجلٍ مثلَه
تقوم عنه أمّهاتُ الرجالْ

42. It came to him from inherited truth
And gains righteously obtained

٤٢. صادفَتِ النعمةُ منه فتىً
لاقت بِعطفيه الأمورَ العوالْ

43. He accompanied it with gratitude, to preserve it
And kindness and charity before asked

٤٣. جاءته بين الحْقّ من إرثه
وبين كسبٍ بالمساعي حلالْ

44. Since taking shelter in His shadow
In a homeland she has not wished to leave

٤٤. جاورها بالشكرِ حفظاً لها
والبشرِ والمعروفِ قبل السؤالْ

45. While His blessings repel others
Looking away from Him on days of loss

٤٥. فهي مذ استذرتْ إلى ظلّه
في وطن لم تنوِ عنه انتقالْ

46. His prosperity increased from his soul
What no close or distant relative had imagined

٤٦. وغيرُهُ تنفِرُ نعماؤه
تطلّعاً عنه ليوم الزِّيالْ

47. If fate darkens, his resolves
Are torches on its horizon erupting

٤٧. وزاده الإسعادُ من نفسه
ما لم يكن في ظنّ عمّ وخالْ

48. Or opinions fade in confusion
His perspective is clarity in the night of misguidance

٤٨. إن أظلم الدهر فعزْماتُه
تَوَقُّدٌ في أفقه واشتعالْ

49. Harbingers of ascendance from his face
In Renewed youth and ripeness

٤٩. أو خبَت الآراءُ من حَيْرة
فرأيه بُلجةُ ليلِ الضلالْ

50. A face whose bashfulness combined
The wonders of creation and beauty

٥٠. طلائعُ الإقبال من وجهه
في جِدّةٍ من عمره واقتبالْ

51. The bloom and radiance of the world
Wandering freely in its expanse

٥١. وجهٌ على ماء الحياء التقتْ
غرائبُ البِشرِ به والجمالْ

52. In perfection, no perfection diminished
The nation was impregnated after despair

٥٢. نضارةُ الدنيا وإشراقها
تجول منه في فسيح المجالْ

53. He guided its permit in his hands so
its channels flowed without obstruction

٥٣. بكاملٍ لا عدِمتْ كاملاً
أُلقحتْ الدولةُ بعد الحِيالْ

54. You faced its worries, and your opinions
in it are melting snow

٥٤. دارت رحاها في يديه فما
ذمّت مجاري قطبها والثِّفالْ

55. How many pitfalls for the kingdom
You lifted it from, otherwise unspoken

٥٥. وجهك في غَمّائها فُرجةٌ
تجلو وآراؤك فيها ذُبالْ

56. And downfalls that nearly brought ruin
Prolonging the sickness which gripped it

٥٦. كم عثرةٍ للملك أنهضتها
لولاك كانت عثرةً لا تقالْ

57. You applied yourself to mend it
Thus healing an affliction beyond healing

٥٧. وصرعةٍ شارف منها الردى
وطال من داء ضناها المِطالْ

58. You supported him alone while his partisans
Had surrendered to the adversary without debate

٥٨. أوليتَ إقبالَك تدبيرَها
فَطبَّها والداءُ داءٌ عُضالْ

59. Pens dried in his books in despair
And swords failed him in battle

٥٩. نصرتَه فرداً وأنصارُه
قد سَلّموا للخصم قبل الجدالْ

60. He was cowardly so you emboldened him
And came between him and distinction

٦٠. وجفّت الأقلامُ في صُحفه
يأسا وخانته سيوفُ القتالْ

61. You dispatched him erect to his honour
While people implored you against departure

٦١. كان جباناً فتقدّمتَه
وصُلتَ بين يديه فَصالْ

62. Thus with God, and despite the enemy
Toward that which you yourself had intended

٦٢. رحّلته نهضاً إلى عزّه
والناس يلحونك في الإرتحالْ

63. For this his reins of power
Run their course by your command

٦٣. فكان بالله ورغم العدا
إلى التي حاولتَ أنت المآلْ

64. You ascended in truth on your two feet
While ambitions tumble like pillars into the ground

٦٤. لذاك قد أضحت مقاليدُه
تجري على أمرك جَريَ المحَالْ

65. Inform, may years hear me hopeful
For assistance, to elevate my hands or prolong

٦٥. علوتَ في الحقّ بكعبيك وال
هاماتُ تهوِي كمداً في سَفالْ

66. How we have pulled each other over the likes of her
Did you tame me for asking?

٦٦. بَلّغ زماناً سامني مطمعاً
في الرفد أن تُعلَى يدي أو تُطالْ

67. You deemed me too base to gain wealth
From me, were mountain foundations thus shaken?

٦٧. كم قد تجاذبنا على مثلها
قِدماً فهل روّضتني للسؤالْ

68. Had I submitted my back to hands, indeed
I would have been showered with great burdens

٦٨. ورمتَ حطّي باستلاب الغنى
مني فهل حُطَّت رواسي الجبالْ

69. Or had I wished riches from my family
Wealth of kind ones whose hands are homes of money

٦٩. لو ذلّ ظهري للأيادي لقد
حُبيت منها بالجِسام الثقالْ

70. Their hands in generosity like two right hands
No left weaker than any right

٧٠. أو شئتُ أغنانِيَ من أُسرتي
مالُ كريمٍ يدُه بيتُ مالْ

71. So praise be to Him who made wealth abundant
And with thanks status rarely increases

٧١. يداه في الجود يمينان وال
أكفّ معْ كلّ يمينٍ شِمالْ

72. If generous and excessive liberality
Were shameful, the critic saw in Him cause

٧٢. لذَّ له الحمدُ فعاف الثرا
وقلّما تنمِي مع الحمد حالْ

73. Blamed for freely giving, but should the withholder
Restrain when hands were created for bestowal?

٧٣. لو عيب بالجود وإفراطِه
مُعطٍ رأى العائبُ فيه مقالْ

74. The delegation crowds at his door
Crowding like pilgrims on the slopes of Al-Al

٧٤. تلامُ في النَّيلِ وهل ينبغي
للمنع كفّ خُلقتْ للنوالْ

75. Blessed is he whose palms sting with greed
If his valley in generosity flowed

٧٥. يزدحم الوفدُ على بابه
تزاحُمَ الحجّ بسفحَيْ ألالْ

76. As if the land were not his
While it and those on it are his dependents

٧٦. مباركٌ تجمُدُ كفّ الحيا
بخلاً إذا واديه بالجود سالْ

77. A lustrous pearl in time, translucent
Of noble origin and fine quality

٧٧. كأنما الأرضُ وليست له
له ومن فيها عليه عيالْ

78. He blends the wine in his palm
With his sweet nature and pure water

٧٨. جوهرةٌ في الدهر شفّافةٌ
من كرم الأصل وطيبِ الخلالْ

79. Father of loyalty, hear from me a charm
By which wayward souls are enticed

٧٩. يمزُج صِرفَ الكأس في كفّه
من خُلْقه العذبِ بماءٍ زلالْ

80. Love from it was cheapened, prevented
It became too dear, beyond the grasp of the coveter

٨٠. أبا الوفاء اسمع لها رُقْيةً
أفئدةُ العُصْم بها تستمالْ

81. Safeguarded, were it not for the intercession of passion for you
It would have declined to be abased

٨١. أرخصَ منها الودُّ ممنوعةً
غلتْ فلم يقدِر عليها المُغالْ

82. Your devotion enabled you to lead it
While its head was too lofty to incline

٨٢. مصونة لولا شفيعُ الهوى
فيك إليها فرِكت أن تذالْ

83. How many kings of earth were desirous suitors
Seeking it from me, generous provider

٨٣. أمكنك الإقبالُ من قَودها
ورأسُها صعبٌ على الإنفتالْ

84. I turned him away in anger, yet he
Cared not that I denied him

٨٤. كم من ملوك الأرض من راغبٍ
يخطُبها مني كريمِ البِعالْ

85. But I chose you as match for it
For it, from you, in any case

٨٥. رددتُه عنها بسخطٍ فلم
أُبَلْ به وهو بمنعي مبالْ

86. And if we become estranged, between us
Are ties that cannot be severed

٨٦. لكن تخيّرتُك كفؤاً لها
لأنها منك على كلّ حالْ

87. Bonds of kinship, and I and you
Of a tribe and family discard

٨٧. وإن تصارمنا فما بيننا
وشائجٌ ليس لهنّ انفصالْ

88. So enjoy what immortalizes the glory of youth
Uplifts the house, though lofty

٨٨. تلاحم القُربَى وإني وإي
ياك لنرمي عن قبيلٍ وآلْ

89. And informs me of affection untainted
For that is the sweetest of gains for me

٨٩. فانعَم بما يعمُرُ مجدَ الفتى
ويرفعُ البيتَ وإن كان عالْ

90. If its festivities are severed or postponed
The feast is but temporary

٩٠. وبعنِيَ الودَّ بها صافياً
فإنه عندِيَ أسنَى منالْ

91. She visited you the day singled out for me
When duties preoccupied me from you

٩١. إن بُزَّ منها المهرجانُ الذي
ودَّعَ أو عُطِّلَ فالعيدُ حالْ

92. Shawwal came to you with her crescent
So celebrate them coupled with the new moon

٩٢. زارتك في اليوم الذي خصّني
إذ عاق عما خصّك الإشتغالْ

93. She did not exaggerate describing you despite her longevity
But poetry found material and thus said

٩٣. جاءك شوالٌ بها غُرّةً
فاجتلِها مقرونةً بالهلالْ

٩٤. لم تغلُ في وصفك معْ طولها
بل وَجدَ الشعرُ مقالاً فقالْ