1. Spare me from the shame of nudity
That white hair has turned black
١. حاشاك من عاريَّةٍ تُرَدُّ
اِبيضَّ ذاك الشَّعَرُ المسودُّ
2. A hawk perched atop its prey
Until the branch withered and the curled hair straightened
٢. أشرفَ بازيَّ على غرابه
حتى ذَوى الغصنُ ولان الجَعْدُ
3. He exhausts me with his relentless wooing
As if to ward him off would avail
٣. أتعبني بخاضبٍ مُصدَّدٍ
لو كان من هُجومهِ يُصَدُّ
4. And an annoying little bird bending its twig
Known since the day it was hatched to be shut off
٤. وثالمٍ بلقطه ثَنيَّةً
معروفةً من يومها تُسَدُّ
5. He dyes her black though without taking her
The white appears at times and at others is hidden
٥. يصبغ سوداءَ ودون أخذه
بيضاءُ تَخفَى تارة وتَبدو
6. My nature made me among the wine-drinkers since
A fervent wine-server has always pulled me along
٦. أَخلقَ جاهي في ذوات الخُمْرِ مذ
لِيثَ خمارٌ لِيَ مُستَجَدُّ
7. The girls said after I had complained in pacts
Made and then broken without guilt or pact
٧. قلنَ وقد عتبتُ في وثائق
نقضنها ما غادةٌ وعهدُ
8. Old age denied you the vigor of youth
The night is jest and the day earnest
٨. نافَى بك الشيبُ بِطالاتِ الصِّبا
الليلُ هزلٌ والنهارُ جِدُّ
9. So I said a sword whose scabbard is not blamed
They said so where is the water and the whetstone?
٩. فقلتُ نصلٌ لا يُذَمُّ عِتقُهُ
قلنَ فأينَ الماءُ والفِرِندُ
10. It used to be a canal but is now a reservoir
Your back, nothing makes it erect but the rod
١٠. كان قناةً فغدا حنِيَّةً
ظهرُك ما القضيبُ إلا القَدُّ
11. I asked the clan of Saʿd and what wrong
Did Saʿd not unjustly take from you?
١١. سائل بني سعدٍ وأيّ مأثمٍ
لم يتقلَّدْ منكِ ظلماً سعدُ
12. Hind said you've wearied me and swore
Relax, sworn one, O Hind
١٢. أهندُ قالت ملَّني وحلَفتْ
تحلَّلي حالفةٍ يا هِندُ
13. Your compact in my ribs is a crime
A marvel hidden by burning embers
١٣. أمْنُكِ بين أضلعي جنايةٌ
أعجبْ بها ناراً خَباها زَندُ
14. Why was your promise on Babylon's day
Broken? Nay it was sorcery and only seemed a promise to me
١٤. وعدُكِ لِمْ أُخْلِفَ يومَ بابلٍ
بل كان سحراً واسمُهُ لِي وعدُ
15. Your waist is too weak and the tongue too loose
Knocking upon you that the knot be tied tight
١٥. خصرُكِ ضعفاً واللسانُ مَلَقاً
دقَّاً عليك أن يصحَّ عَقدُ
16. Passion is lost, lost like one who would preserve it
And died with the people of loyalty and love
١٦. ضاع الهوى ضياعَ من يحفَظُه
ومات مع أهل الوفاء الودُّ
17. Flee from the shame of debt and sit alone
With drawn sword if the swords are sheathed
١٧. اُنْجُ ربيحَ العِرضِ واقعدْ حَجرَةً
منفرداً إن الحسامَ فردُ
18. How many rest in the shade of blessings
While you struggle to gain them
١٨. كم مستريحٍ في ظلالِ نعمةٍ
وأنت في تأميله تَكُدُّ
19. Wealth was long with you, had you but preserved it
He would have seen you hoarding it
١٩. طالك بالمال ولو أريتَهُ
صَوناً رآك مَعَهُ تُعَدُّ
20. I controlled myself when I abandoned greed
Despair is free while hope is a slave
٢٠. ملكتُ نفسي مذ هجرتُ طمعي
اليأسُ حُرٌّ والرجاءُ عبدُ
21. Had I known any desires that would bring
Me benefit, I would have feared abstinence would harm
٢١. ولو علمتُ رغبةً تسوق لي
نفعاً لَخِفتُ أن يَضُرَّ الزهدُ
22. I've tasted the morals of men, so
With asking, they were lenient, with me they grew harsh
٢٢. جرَّبتُ أخلاقَ الرجال فإذا
بسَمحِها مع السؤال نَكْدُ
23. I extended to them every charm
They softened while their hands with me grew firm
٢٣. ورمتُ أيديهم بكلِّ رُقيةٍ
تلين والأيدي معي تَشْتَدُّ
24. No bounty wearied me turning them toward me
Rather, struggle wearied me
٢٤. لم يُعبني فضلٌ أداريهم به
وإنما أعيا عليّ الجَدُّ
25. Whose mirage dazzled me, I thought it water many
My mouth was tricked and I said fresh waters abound
٢٥. ما كان مَن شَعْشَعَ لي سرابَهُ
غَرَّ فَمِي وقلتُك ماءٌ عِدُّ
26. Among the people are those whose bounty is around my neck
A burden, and those whose friendship is a necklace
٢٦. في الناس مَنْ معروفُهُ في عُنُقي
غُلُّ وفيهم مَن جَداه عِقدُ
27. The like of al-Husayn – if I seek the summit
It escapes me, does he have a match or peer?
٢٧. مثلُ الحسينِ إن طلبتُ غايةً
فاتت وهل مِثْلٌ له أو نِدُّ
28. The men missed attaining his glory
Girding his loins for glory, prepared
٢٨. فات الرجالَ أن ينالوا مجدَه
مشمِّرٌ للمجدِ مستعِدُّ
29. He dived into the trail of ascension while they
Fell behind as he advanced the stars
٢٩. غَلَّسَ في إثر العلا وأشمسوا
فجاء قبلاً والنجومُ بعدُ
30. And among the clan of ʿAbd al-Rahim a moon
Each of its nights a perfect, auspicious one
٣٠. ومن بني عبد الرحيم قَمرٌ
كلُّ لياليه تَمامٌ سعدُ
31. The Banu Murra's seed was not mixed purely
Sweeter than what the cloak embraced
٣١. ما نطفةُ المزنِ صفَت طاهرةً
أطيبُ ممّا ضمَّ منه البُرْدُ
32. Do not, friend, wrap the rod in resignation
And rise up, for the heavy rhinoceros challenges you
٣٢. لايِنْهُ لا تُلفِ القضيبَ عاسياً
واصعُبْ يزاحمْك ثقيلاً أُحْدُ
33. Among the jurists according to their accounting
Through their wealth, though poverty in them is glory
٣٣. من المحامين على أحسابهم
بمالِهم فالفقرُ فيهم مَجدُ
34. They do not wish, if they fail to find
A world, that they live without striving their utmost
٣٤. لا يتمنَّون على حظوظهم
أن يَجِدُوا دنيا إذا لم يُجدُوا
35. They were generous without hypocrisy raised in them
Articulate without Najd giving them birth
٣٥. سخوا ولم تَبْنِ عليهم طيّىءٌ
وفصُحوا ولم تلدهم نَجْدُ
36. They were the elect – and were you to increase
The fire rises up and its father is tinder
٣٦. كانوا الخيارَ وفَرَعْتَ زائداً
والنارُ تعلو وأبوها الزَّندُ
37. O my companion, ask my longing in your absence
What adversities distance from you has inflicted!
٣٧. يا مؤنسي بقربه سلْ وحشتي
بعدَك ما جرّ عليَّ البُعدُ
38. Does the day intentionally torment me with parting from you
Or is that unintentional, without aim?
٣٨. أكلَّ يومٍ للفراق فيكُمُ
تَعَمُّدٌ يسوءني أو قصدُ
39. When will I see you again until
My companionship with you is bounty and struggle?
٣٩. ما بين أن يَحبُرَني لقاؤكم
حتى النوى فنَعْمَةٌ وجُهدُ
40. And why not, when you are in my assaults
A hand, a backbone, a mouth, and a shoulder
٤٠. وكيف لا وأنتُمُ في نُوَبي
يدٌ وظَهرٌ وفمٌ وعَضْدُ
41. The feathers of my wing with you are abundant
And the rope of my bucket extended through you
٤١. ريشُ جَناحي بكُمُ مُضاعَفٌ
وحبلُ باعِي منكُمُ ممتَدُّ
42. How much heavy gear you carry for me
As if carrying my load were inevitable
٤٢. كم تحملون كُلَفِي ثقيلةً
كأنّ حَملي ليس مه بُدُّ
43. Smiling while the ground is frowning
Bright of face while serious of circumstance
٤٣. مبتسمين والثرى معبِّسٌ
بيضَ الوجوهِ والخطوبُ رُبْدُ
44. Your kind acts have exceeded me, so for everything
I consider yours the sufficient measure
٤٤. قد فَضَلَتْنِي سَرَفاً ألطافُكم
فحسبكم لكلِّ شيءٍ حَدُّ
45. Keep me, for keeping me is a store
For the day of my need, prepared
٤٥. أَبقُوا عليّ إنما إبقاؤكم
ذُخرٌ ليومِ حاجتي مُعَدُّ
46. Your graying, your womenfolk, the tender
Among your youths and the bearded ones
٤٦. شِيبُكُمُ والنُّصَفاءُ منكُمُ
والغُرُّ من شبابكم والمُرْدُ
47. In pleasant company, the hands of time are unable
To sever them; the eyelids of nights are blinking
٤٧. في نجوةٍ أيدي الخطوب دونها
بُتْرٌ وأجفانُ الليالي رُمْدُ
48. Each day I see you wearing
A robe of ermine that renews itself
٤٨. أراك فيها كلَّ يومٍ لابساً
ثوباً من النَّعماء يستجدُّ
49. Poetry visits you in its bloom
The melody intoxicating, the ode rousing
٤٩. يزورك الشِّعرُ به في مَعرَضٍ
منشِدهُ يُحسبُ طِيباً يشدو
50. And I remember what makes you forget me
By chance, which saddened me, no intent
٥٠. وربما أذكرُ ما أنساكَ من
رسمي اتفاقٌ ساءني لا عَمْدُ
51. Why have you left your sword bare of enemies
With no scabbard encasing it?
٥١. سيفُكَ في الأعداء لِمْ خلَّفتَهُ
مجرَّداً ليس عليه غِمدُ
52. How can you bear to see a soul made prey
While the days of winter are lions?
٥٢. وكيف طِبتَ أن يُرَى فريسةً
نفساً وأيامُ الشتاء أُسْدُ
53. The sun buries its face from it rising
While the festival requires you
٥٣. يَحتشِمُ النّيروزُ من إطلاله
والمهرجانُ يقتضيكَ بعدُ