
Who will excuse me on the day the fever of love struck,

من عذيري يوم شرقي الحمى

1. Who will excuse me on the day the fever of love struck,
From a passion that settled firmly in my heart?

١. مَن عَذيرِي يومَ شرقيّ الحمى
من هوىً جَدَّ بقلبٍ مَزَحا

2. A glance that returned, so it returned as longing,
The archer who wounded with it killed whoever he wounded.

٢. نظرةٌ عادت فعادة حسرةً
قَتلَ الرامي بها مَن جَرَحا

3. The eyes of the beloved captivate me,
A madman he became, though he had been sane.

٣. قلن يستطردن بي عِينَ النقا
رجلٌ جُنَّ وقد كان صحا

4. If you live after it, do not count yourself alive,
Casting down your eyes among us, one who is downcast.

٤. لا تعدْ إن عُدتَ حيّاً بعدها
طارحاً عينيك فينا مَطرحَا

5. I had tasted passion before her,
Yet I see the passionate one who has become salty.

٥. قد تذوَّقتُ الهوى من قبلها
وأرى مُعذبَهُ قد أَملحا

6. Ask the path to the friends from the valley of separation,
How you have darkened for us the full moon at dawn!

٦. سل طريق العيس من وادي الغضا
كيف أغسقتَ لنا رَأْدَ الضحى

7. Is it for anything but what our neighbors did -
They shook off association and pitched their tents?

٧. ألشيءٍ غير ما جيراننا
نفضوا نجدا وحَلّوا الأبطحا

8. O morning breeze, from Kazima,
Draw tight the bosom of the plain and the expanse!

٨. يا نسيم الصبح من كاظمةٍ
شدّ ما هِجت الجوى والبُرَحا

9. O morning breeze, if the morning breeze must blow,
It had been a comfort to my heart.

٩. الصَّبا إن كان لابدّ الصَّبا
إنها كانت لِقلبي أرْوَحا

10. O days of my youth at Sula', will I ever see
That campsite again, and the trailing tent ropes?

١٠. يا نداماي بسلْعٍ هل أرى
ذلك المَغْبقَ والمصطَبَحا

11. Remember us as we remember your covenant,
Many a remembrance has brought near one remote.

١١. اُذكرونا ذكرَنا عهدَكُمُ
ربَّ ذكَرى قرَّبتْ مَن نَزَحا

12. And remember a young man when he sang of you,
Who wept and was intimate with the wine-skin.

١٢. واذكروا صبّاً إذا غنَّى بكم
شِربَ الدمعَ وعاف القَدحَا

13. The blamer has despaired of me, dissuaded
From my heart's success with you.

١٣. رجعَ العاذلُ عني آيساً
من فؤادي فيكُمُ أن يُفلِحا

14. Had he known, no she-companion would have borne
His departure, of those who joke with me.

١٤. لو دَرى لا حَمَلتْ ناجيةٌ
رحلَهُ فيمن لحاني ما لَحَا

15. I have reluctantly drunk patience without you
And willingly pursued my illness with you.

١٥. قد شربتُ الصبرَ عنكم مُكرَهاً
وتبعتُ السقم فيكم مُسمِحا

16. And I have known anxiety after you,
As if I had not known happiness before.

١٦. وعرفتُ الهمَّ من بعدكُمُ
فكأنّي ما عرفتُ الفرحا

17. My night vigils in the bloom of youth went astray
In the dawn, wandering confusedly about my head.

١٧. ما لساري اللهوِ في ليل الصِّبا
ضَلَّ في فجرٍ برأسي وضَحا

18. From Sura we had never before heard
Of a son of the night who disliked daybreak.

١٨. ما سمعنا بالسُّرى مِن قبله
بابن ليلٍ ساءه أن يُصبِحا

19. A visitor who came and did not warn us,
Driving early in the morning, not crying out.

١٩. طارقٌ زارَ وما أنذرنا
مُرغِياً بَكراً ولا مُستنبِحا

20. The herbs of life flourished because of him,
So who is the tender of plants that made them flourish?

٢٠. صَوَّحتْ ريحانةُ العيشِ به
فَمن الراعي نباتاً صَوَّحا

21. It was amazed at the change in my circumstances, and who
Accompanies worldly life according to what is undertaken,

٢١. أنكرتْ تبديلَ أحوالي ومَن
صحِب الدنيا على ما اقترَحا

22. How far its soul deluded it,
The merchant of manners, that he would profit!

٢٢. شدَّ ما مَنَّى غروراً نفسَه
تاجرُ الآدابِ في أن يَربَحا

23. You always see a diminishing fortune
Wherever you see preeminence outweighing.

٢٣. أبداً تُبصِرُ حظَّاً ناقصاً
حيثما تُبصِرُ فضلاً رجَحا

24. Fate and expectations are a door forever
Closed, when hands are opened.

٢٤. والمنَى والظنُّ بابٌ أبداً
تُغلَق الأيدي إذا ما فُتِحا

25. I have experienced people according to my nature,
Stingy, and they have called themselves generous.

٢٥. قد خَبَرتُ الناسَ خُبرِي شِيَمي
بخلاء وتَسمَّوا سُمَحا

26. I have conformed myself to their characters,
Entering among their staffs and smooth stones.

٢٦. وتولَّجتُ على أخلاقهم
داخلاً بين عَصاها واللِّحا

27. I sent water from the flint of purity
Before I sent an imagination to succeed.

٢٧. وبعثتُ الماءَ من صُمِّ الصَّفا
قبلَ أن أبعثَ ظنّاً مُنجِحا

28. They desire property to remain for them,
So why do they desire praise?

٢٨. يشتهون المالَ أن يبقىَ لهم
فلماذا يشتهون المِدَحا

29. The slanderer is explicit about generosity, while they
Are excessive in stinginess, rendering eloquence mute.

٢٩. يُفصِح اللَّحَّانُ بالجودِ وهُمْ
فرطَ بخلٍ يُعجِمون الفُصَحا

30. The beautiful ones drew forth a glorious youth
Who obeyed none in generosity but sincere advice.

٣٠. جَرَّتِ الحسنى غلاماً ماجداً
لم يُطِع في الجود إلا النُّصَحا

31. They prolonged the race course of glory for him,
So he went pursuing a head that was inflammatory.

٣١. طَوَّلوا في حَلبةِ المجدِ له
فمضى يَتبعُ رأساً جَمَحا

32. A noble descended from the family of Ishmael, who did not
See anything in character other than salty and barren land.

٣٢. مُنجَباً من آل إسماعيل لم
يَروِ في الأَخلاقِ إلا المُلَحا

33. However the orbitings of the dew circulated about him,
The nests of the right [hand] steered a course.

٣٣. كيفما طارتْ عِيافاتُ الندَى
حَوْلَه طِرنَ يميناً سُنُحا

34. He does not care what rugged mountain
The one who came to him for refuge split open.

٣٤. لا يبالي أيَّ زندٍ أَصلدتْ
مَن أتى راحتَه مقتدِحا

35. Whenever the hand of the rain is constrained by what
It possesses, its clouds pour down freely.

٣٥. كلّما ضاقت يدُ الغيثِ بما
مَلكتْ جاودها مُنفَسِحا

36. For the dear one of bounty, it brought down the darkness,
A grim-faced one, kindling the lamp for the dawn prayer.

٣٦. لربيب النعمةِ اجتابَ الدجَى
خابطٌ يُنضِي قِلاصاً طُلَّحا

37. It loaded cares though they weighed heavily upon it,
The exterior of the bone, a faithful mount.

٣٧. حَمَّلَ الهمَّ وقد أَثقلَه
جَلْدَةَ العظمِ أَمُوناً سُرُحا

38. It expands the wilderness for a humble back,
In the control of travel and an elevated head.

٣٨. تُوسِعُ البيداءَ ظهراً خاشعاً
في يدِ السير ورأساً مَرِحا

39. It does not care whether it fulfills its need
From my blood or my skin, a wound or scar.

٣٩. لا تبالي ما قضت حاجتَها
ما دَمِي من خُفِّها أو قَرِحا

40. It carried the vessels of gratitude to him
And leaned over to receive gifts from him.

٤٠. حَمَلَتْ أوعيةَ الشكرِ له
وانثنت تحمِلُ منه المِنحَا

41. He won merit always renewed
And sublime deeds as if a seal renewing.

٤١. أحرز الفضلَ طريفاً تالداً
والمعالي خاتِماً مُفتتِحا

42. He follows in his wondrous signs
The trace of glory as a route made clear.

٤٢. وجرى يقتصُّ مِن آياته
أثرَ المجدِ طريقاً وَضَحا

43. A lineage - how the eyes of pride extended themselves toward him,
Hitting the racecourse.

٤٣. نسبٌ كيف ترامت نحوه
أعينُ الفخر أصابت مَسرحا

No slander from a critic stuck to him,

٤٤. أملسُ الصفحةِ لم تَعلَق به
غمزةٌ من قادحٍ ما قدَحا

45. No wink from one who carped or faulted.

٤٥. عَوَّد البدرَ وقد قابله
غُرّةً بات بها مستصبِحا

46. It accustomed the full moon, when it faced him,
To the first moment of meeting it by morning.

٤٦. ورآه البحرُ أَوفَى جمَّةً
منه بالنائل لمّا طفَحا

47. And the sea saw him as more copious
In the obtainer than when it overflowed.

٤٧. وتسامت أعينُ الشِّعر إلى
أن يكونَ السامعَ الممتدحَا

48. And the eyes of poetry rose up
That the listener might be the one praised.

٤٨. لم تجِد أبكارُهُ أو عُونُهُ
عنك في خُطَّابها مُنتدَحا

49. His virginal utterances did not find, or his help,
One to be praised apart from you.

٤٩. غير حُرَّاتٍ أراها مُهمَلاً
حقُّها عندكُمُ مُطَّرَحا

50. Other than free women I see him neglect
Their right with you as something discarded.

٥٠. كم ترى أن يصبِر الشعرُ على
أن تُهينوا مثلَها أو يَصفَحا

51. How long can poetry be patient
That you insult the likes of them or pardon?

٥١. أنتم استنزلتُمُ عنها يدي
بعد ما عزَّ بها أن أَسمَحا

52. You have restrained my hands from them
After it was honorable for me to bestow.

٥٢. ورغبتم في علا أنسابها
وكرامٍ من ذويها صُلَحا

53. And you desired the heights of their lineages
And the prestige of their agreeable tribes.

٥٣. وأرى مطلكُمُ في مهرها
دام والمهرُ على مَن نَكَحا

54. And I see your aim in her bride gift
Lasting, though the gift is for the husband.

٥٤. وثِقَ الشعرُ بكم واتصلتْ
غفلةٌ تُخجلهُ فافتضَحا

55. Poetry trusted in you and negligence occurred
That embarrasses it and exposes it.

٥٥. فاعذروه إن أتى مُقتضِياً
فلقد أنظَرَكم ما صَلَحا

56. So excuse it if it comes making claims -
It has granted you time, if there is any use.

٥٦. ومضى حَولٌ على حَولٍ ولم
يُنتجِ الوعد الذي قد أُلقِحا

A year has passed after a year, and the promise

٥٧. اُذكروه مثلَ ما يذكركم
مُحسِناً واستقبِحوا ما استَقبَحا

58. Made has not brought forth what was inseminated.
Remember it as it remembers you,

٥٨. واعلموا أنّ قَلِيبَ الشكرِ إن
هو لم يُمَددْ برفدٍ نَزَحا

59. Doing good, and deem ugly what is ugly.
And know that the heart of gratitude, if

٥٩. واصحبوا أيّامَكم واستخدموا
في المعالي هُجنَها والصُّرَحا

60. It is not helped by your overflowing rain,
And accompany your days, and utilize

٦٠. بين نيروزٍ وعيدٍ أمسيا
رائدَيْ إِقبالكم أو اصبحا

61. In the heights their leaping and the towers,
Between Nayrooz and Eid - two leaders

٦١. تَكمهُ الأحداثُ عنكم إن رأى
طرفُها غيرَكُمُ أو لَمَحَا