
My tears, though they be blood flowing,

دمعي وإن كان دما سائلا

1. My tears, though they be blood flowing,
I shall not pay the wergild for the slain.

١. دمعي وإن كان دماً سائلا
فما أسوم الديَةَ القاتلا

2. He who judges eyes in his heart,
His death is shown by the archer's arrow.

٢. من حكمَّ الألحاظَ في قلبه
دلَّ على مقتله النابلا

3. I sent my glance as a bold suitor,
And he held it captive in his palm.

٣. بعثتُ طرفي بمِنىً قانصاً
وكان في كفَّته حابلا

4. Ask the enchanter of magic in Najd - when
Was Najd after us changed into Babel?

٤. سل نافثَ السحر بنجدٍ متى
حُوّل نجدٌ بعدنا بابلا

5. And call out to the water of our wakefulness -
Did the night bring any use when we kept it?

٥. ونادِ لمياء سهرنا لها ال
ليلَ فلم نُحرزْ به طائلا

6. My debt to you - do not be content
When it is full that it be seen delayed.

٦. دَيْني على فيك فلا تقنعي
وهو مليءٌ أن يُرَى ماطلا

7. The riders hurried the steeds, so is there
An appointed time we await postponed?

٧. اِستعجلَ النفْرُ المطايا فهل
من موعدٍ ننظره آجلا

8. If counsel were united in our gathering,
We would not yoke one working alone.

٨. لو جُمع الرأيُ بجَمع لنا
لم نُزجِ من يَعملةٍ ناحلا

9. Or the excellent Hussein was in the group -
It would suffice him or make you an attainer.

٩. أو كان في الركب الحسينُ انبرت
كفَّاه أو علّمك النائلا

10. The clan of Abdu'l-Rahim answered the call -
A summoner - and they pitched their dwelling.

١٠. لبَّى بنو عبد الرحيم الندى ال
داعي وحلّوا ربعه الماحلا

11. And they clung to glory by its bridle
Where pedigree descends, languishing.

١١. واعتلقوا المجدَ بأعنانه
حيث يَحُطُّ النسبُ الخاملا

12. The rights of generosity become rich with them -
Taking the due and the false equally.

١٢. تمسى حقوقُ الجود في وفرهم
تأخذ منه الحقَّ والباطلا

13. Their judgments do not recognize the unjust one,
And their wealth does not know the equitable one.

١٣. لا تعرف الجائرَ أحكامُهم
ومالُهم لا يعرف العادلا

14. They protect, by what makes the powerless wither,
From the sword made feeble by rust.

١٤. حامون من ذابلِ أقلامهم
بما يفوت الأسلَ الذابلا

15. And they left their glory to their son -
So they gave him leadership, all-encompassing.

١٥. وخلَّفوا مجدهمُ لابنهم
فقلّدوه الراعيَ الكافلا

16. Like a sword, its sheath is beautifully adorned,
Yet its war leaves it idle.

١٦. كالسيف يحلو سِلمُه حالياً
زيناً ويُرضِي حربَه عاطلا

17. Smooth, when crisis gapes open-mouthed -
The rider and the walker eat of it.

١٧. سهلٌ إذا ما فغرتْ أزمةٌ
يأكل منها الراكبُ الراجلا

18. It shouted against its oppressors, kindling
For God's sake, who will plead me to a questioner?

١٨. صاحَ على ظلمائها مُوقداً
لله من يَنشُد لي سائلا

19. Glory made him pliant while he plucked fruit young,
The view of the plump deemed the slender body feeble.

١٩. أنحلَه المجدُ وقِدْما جنىال
رأيُ السمينُ البدنَ الناحلا

20. Base in spending, when the clouds refused
Except to be seen pouring down.

٢٠. لِيمَ على البذل فلما أبى ال
سحابُ إلا أن يُرى باذلا

21. His reproacher agreed with him in generosity -
He who gathered lover and blamer.

٢١. وافقه في الجود عُذَّالُه
من جَمعَ العاشقَ والعاذلا

22. When the swords in speech were unsheathed,
You tried from it the sayer and the doer.

٢٢. إذا غلا في القول سُوّامُه
جرَّبتَ منه القائلَ الفاعلا

23. And the quality, abundant, not stubborn -
In the side of vanity nor shrinking.

٢٣. والخُلُقَ الفضفاضَ لا ناشزاً
في جانب العُجبِ ولا خائلا

24. When evil traits appear vile, he escapes
Cleansed of its shame, determined.

٢٤. إذا السجايا خضنَ لؤماً نجا
مطهَّراً من عارها ناصلا

25. Poetry flowed to you in streams -
Praising your excellence or commenting.

٢٥. جاد عليك الشعرُ شؤبوبَهُ
مصطفياً مدحَك أو ناخلا

26. If an example flowed, passing on,
Or remained, ruins enduring,

٢٦. إن حَلّ أجرىَ مثلاً سائراً
أو سار بقَّى طللاً ماثلا

27. Uniquely, by the judgment of beauty - but you see
Around you one calling out, assembled.

٢٧. فَرداً بحكم الحسنِ لكن تَرى
حولَك منه نادياً حافلا

28. The pillar was not received, nor did
The Ruins from Mina's delegation become crowded.

٢٨. ما استُلِمَ الركنُ وما أصبح ال
حطيمُ من وفد مِنىً آهلا

29. And the procession whose breadth it fills
Seeks from God a receiver for it.

٢٩. وساقها يملأ أنساعها
مُهدٍ رجا اللهَ لها قابلا

30. Like waves with violence making them
Surge or a blazing flash of lightning.

٣٠. كوماء معْ شدّةٍ تُصيرها
مُجذعة أو قارحاً بازلا

31. Fulfilling for me the wishes promised me
If its youths demanded delays.

٣١. تنجزني فيك المنى وعدها
إذا اقتضى أبناؤها ماطلا