
You stumbled on the day of torment, so bear it with patience

عثرت يوم العذيب فاستقل

1. You stumbled on the day of torment, so bear it with patience
Not everyone who strives feels the slips

١. عثرتَ يومَ العذَيبِ فاستقلِ
ما كلُّ ساعٍ يُحسُّ بالزَّلَلِ

2. Before you, hearts were not safe from the arrows of beauty, nor were those who cast them with skill
They took away my heart and left behind a body, completely destroyed by the madness of love

٢. ما سلِمَتْ قبلك القلوبُ على ال
حُسن ولا الراجمون بالمقلِ

3. I stood in it, and it is no wonder, like a shadow standing on a shadow
Ask my brothers in the palaces of Persia about a dear brother who is persecuted in chains

٣. راحوا بقلبي وغادروا جسداً
أعدى بِلاه ربعَ الهوى فبَلي

4. O people, after you tribulation will take me with its first calamities
Do not seek my blood on the hills of men, for my blood is on the socks of camels

٤. وقفتُ فيه ولا ترى عجباً
كطللٍ واقفٍ على طللِ

5. As if trailing on the howdahs, walking to my death
Strange! He stubbornly hunted me down like hunting a wild deer with tricks

٥. سل إخوتي في قصور فارسَ عن
أخٍ عزيز يُضامُ في الحِلَلِ

6. He spread ropes of curls and stealthily aimed an arrow of kohl
Illness did not specifically injure my sides; rather I am totally wounded with the sorrows of love

٦. يا قوم إن العذيبَ بعدكُمُ
يأخذني بالطوائل الأُوَلِ

7. When my cheeks saw my emaciated body, they recoiled in grief, and my heart said: endure!
I have endured all the torment of passion, and if I were chided for it, I would not care

٧. لا تطلبوا في طُلى الرجال دمي
إنّ دمي في غوارب الإبلِ

8. Time has quenched its cruelty, but has not quenched the cruelty of my tormentors toward me
O short night, stay still for the sleeper, for without drowsiness, the night would not be long

٨. كأنها بالحمُول واطئةٌ
صفحةَ خدّي تمشي إلى أجلي

9. My tears have turned the color of blackness in my eyes, and the color of darkness has not faded
My eyes have become unaccustomed to daylight, from being accustomed to long nights of anxiety

٩. يا عجباً صادني عناداً على
وجرةَ ظبيٌ يصاد بالحيلِ

10. Seeming outwardly clad in well-being, while underneath is a skin tattooed with wounds
He gives me the drink of patience when I describe to him a thirst from the utensils of honey

١٠. مدَّ حبالاً من الذوائب واس
ترهف يرمي نَصلاً من الكَحَلِ

11. Smiling at me without any displeasure - not every glance comes from an eye that was once displeased
When his clothes of wealth were renewed, I went in a robe of his betrayal, patched

١١. ما اختصَّ مني السَّقامُ جارحةً
على جهاتي أغراضُ منتبلي

12. He sees with his eyes every crack to be repaired, except what has closed up of my own wounds
He sees the departure of nobles has darkened him - oblivion is a brand upon the heedless

١٢. إذا لحاظي لجسمِيَ امتعضتْ
من الضنا قال قلبِيَ احتملِ

13. Say to the vile one who is self-satisfied: "Are you spared my questioning? Then withdraw!"
You withheld it, fearing to give, yet how much better had you withheld from being powerless!

١٣. كلّ عذابِ الهوى بُليتُ به
ولو كُفيت الملامَ لم أُبَلِ

14. O you who binds the forelock of benevolence to needs, out of greed, by evening the camel!
Seeking what fate has deferred of wealth during the hastened journey

١٤. قد اشتفى الدهرُ من قساوته
وما اشتفى العاذلاتُ من عذلي

15. Perplexed, sacrificing security on land, yet by nightfall in trepidation from it
He halted after his courses became obscured, looking for guidance - you are the full moon, so depart!

١٥. يا قِصَر الليل دمْ لنائمه
فالليلُ لولا السهاد لم يطُلِ

16. This is the chief of the generous, fire of the dark villages, and illuminator of the faces of the roads
His smile indicates his generosity, and the East is clad in the striking lightning

١٦. أحال دمعي لونَ السواد من ال
عين ولونُ الظلام لم يحُلِ

17. Dazzling, his black attire surpassed his people's attire in excellence
He excelled so that his district was not trodden by the teeth of youths, nor the wisdom of the aged

١٧. وأنكرتْ عينيَ النهارَ من اع
تياد ليلاتِ همّيَ الطِّوَلِ

18. He alighted and his talisman was not cast, and he dominated the first ten years of his life
Wakeful of thought, brilliant when the slumber of eyelids hid the sentry

١٨. ظاهرَ ثوباً من السلامة لي
فوقَ أديمٍ محلَّمٍ نَغِلِ

19. He almost, in obedience to concord, makes peace between the southern and northern winds
In the dew, his insight was corrected, so he does not respond to questions with excuses

١٩. يَسقِينيَ الصابَ إن وصفتُ له
ظماءةً من إدواة العسلِ

20. And linking the raincloud, lest his generosity rival him with a hand of loosened reason
Of a band of youths whose glory in the prime of life trod the early days of dynasties

٢٠. مبتسم لي من غير ما مقةٍ
ما كلّ لحظٍ بالماقِ عن قَبَلِ

21. When the ambitious strove in youthful vigor, they looked from the forelocks of the hills
They left wealth with their hands and bestowed in its place such gifts and kisses!

٢١. إذا استجدَّتْ له ثيابُ غنىً
رحتُ بثوبٍ من غدره سَمَلِ

22. At daybreak, the livelihood of people is under a hand of theirs, and the weight of the world on a foot
Each cultivated youth inclines to cultivation, nimbler in work than craftsmen

٢٢. يرى بعينيه كلَّ منصدع
يُرأبُ إلا ما سدّ من خِللي

23. If he wished, he could touch with what his straps have reached, the yellow lions, standing
Good birth distinguished him among them, and he attained the heights in the lofty enclosures

٢٣. يرى ذهابَ الساداتِ سوّده
إن التفاني وسمٌ على الغُفلِ

24. Muhammad is like al-Husayn in precedence to his goal, and al-Husayn is the example of Ali
Your efforts are sought by one wearied, whose hand unravels ropes for the straying camel

٢٤. قلْ للئيم يضمّ راحته
خوف سؤالي أُعفِيتَ فاعتزلِ

25. One who walks on fire without burning his feet will not earn shame like the foot of a youth
You have granted me to wade into hope, while before I refrained from it, avoiding wetness

٢٥. كفَفتَها تَرهبُ العطاءَ فما
أحسنَها لو تُكفُّ من شلَلِ

26. My poetry in you has exceeded my reflection - the increase of your favor beyond my hope
But it requires your perfections be hastened, lest time waste them in slowness

٢٦. عهدي بمال الجواد يأمنني
فكيف قد خفتني مع البخَلِ

27. That I may share in the abundance of water, just as I was made a partner in the milk's cream
Every hand but mine has been immersed in your praise - it is the palm of a pretentious plagiarizer!

٢٧. ما لك ترتاع للسماع إذا
سِيل أُناسٌ وأنت لم تُسَلِ

28. And every heart after mine has loved you - the heart of an outsider to affection, fickle in transference
How much tender sweetness have I poured for you, in which I brought you a gift from my amorous imagination!

٢٨. غضبان تبغي شرّي بلا تِرةٍ
ولا يدٍ أنت ربُّها قِبَلي

29. The morning comes to you with it like the sun, chaste until it shines with the day
Sweet of fragrance through what I secured of conduct toward you and example

٢٩. يُذَمُّ مسترجِعُ النوالِ فهل
تكون مسترجعاً ولم تُنلِ

30. She increases, with her beauty, intimacy - I fear only boredom for her
You have burdened the neck of her excellence - so if she increases, it is for pride, not for absence

٣٠. يا عاقداً صبوةَ الحسان إلى ال
حاجات حرصاً بغارب الجملِ

31. How many enviers have walked in misery toward her, when her opinion went straight against their crookedness!
He hoped, by what he said in your presence, his burden would deliver him from his rancor, but did not attain

٣١. يطلبُ ما أمهلَ القضاء به
من الغنى في سَفارة العجَلِ

32. Had your hearing not been generous to him, the worthless one would not have hoped for the mouth of nobility!
He traces aberration, seeking defects, and forgets favors in their sum

٣٢. حيرانَ يُضحي على أمانٍ من ال
أرض ويُمسي منها على وجلِ

33. When his hand reaches out, I am pointed out for defects while virtues are for him
It is enough contempt that I left his answer unheeded - had he been one whose answer was heeded, he would not have spoken

٣٣. حَطَّ وقد أعتمتْ مذاهبُهُ
ينظر رُشْداً أقمرتَ فارتحلِ