1. Hidden away among the abodes my passion and my good counsel established her
Two conditions upon a single foundation
١. ومكنونةٍ بين الخدور أقامها
هواي ونُصحي حالتين على رِجلِ
2. Old in the era of life, growing spinsterly
If she bears a boy for me, she will bear one like me
٢. قديمةِ عهدِ العمر تُطمَثُ عانساً
فإن ولدت منّي فتىً ولدتْ مثلي
3. She has many sisters in the lands
And her father in time is cut off from progeny
٣. لها أخواتٌ في البلاد كثيرةٌ
ووالدها في الدهر منقطع النسلِ
4. She relates to me the truth of what was present with me
And believes not the reports, after me nor before me
٤. تقصُّ علَيَّ الحقَّ ما حضَرتْ معي
ولا تصدقُ الإخبارَ بعدي ولا قبلي