
I remembered, though my fidelity was not enough to forget,

ذكرت وما وفاي بحيث أنسى

1. I remembered, though my fidelity was not enough to forget,
The many mornings and evenings in Baghdad.

١. ذكرتُ وما وفاي بحيثُ أنسَى
بدِجلةَ كم صباحٍ لي ومُمْسَى

2. In my heart were pleasures
That joy had built, so it became a nest.

٢. بقلبي من مبانيها مغانٍ
بنَى فيها السرورُ فصار حِلسا

3. Gardens that granted me bounty,
Yet we did not plant the seed of good deeds.

٣. جنان نجتني منها نعيماً
ولم نغرس بفعل الخير غرسا

4. I left its groves and went away with my heart,
And even if I tormented my heart, it would not perceive.

٤. تركتُ خلالَها ورحلتُ قلبي
فلو عذَّبتُ قلبي ما أحسَّا

5. I sold its fine pearls for worthless coins.
If I had not made the purchase, I would have complained and been shabby.

٥. وبعتُ عراصها نقداً بدَيْنٍ
فلولا ما شريتُ شكوتُ وكسا

6. With a bit of the treasures of the head of the eye,
It returns to the assembly of the remorseful as a bride.

٦. وبِكرٍ من ذخائرِ رأسِ عينٍ
تعودُ بمجلس الندمان عِرْسا

7. It has a home that attracts Jews or Christians,
And it was generous though base and vile.

٧. لها بيتا يهود أو نصارى
وقد كرمت وإن لَؤُماً وخسَّا

8. We proposed to it but the priest refused it for us,
Speaking to us while the church remained empty.

٨. خطبناها فقام القَسُّ عنها
يخاطبنا فخلت القَسَّ قُسَّا

9. He spoke, Arabizing whatever he wished about it,
Customarily uttering incomprehensible gibberish.

٩. وحدَّثَ معرِباً ما شاء عنها
ويُعهدُ مُعجِماً لَكناً وجِنسا

10. Its dowry became a price he exaggerated,
In his view, while we saw it as paltry.

١٠. وصار بمَهرها ثمناً يغالى
به في ظنّه ونراه بخسا

11. Indeed, let gold weigh against gold, for we
See love for it as worthless.

١١. فَكِلْ ذهباً تزِنْ ذَهباً فإنا
نرى في حبِّها الدينارَ فَلْسا

12. My heart fluttered anxiously,
While the tents bustled around it whispering.

١٢. وخافقة الفؤاد مشين عجلَى
بها الأترابُ وهي تدبُّ همسا

13. It stumbled in confusion until
The tribes said curses against it, and it said "woe is me!"

١٣. تَعثَّر دهشةً بالبين حتى
يقلن لعاً لها فتقولُ تعسا

14. It cried out against my passions with captivating
Charms, speaking silently.

١٤. تُغَوِّثُ من نواي بمخطَفاتٍ
حَلين عواطلاً ونطقنَ خُرْسا

15. When separation caused agony, they grabbed my forelocks,
And when meeting came suddenly, they let go.

١٥. إذا فَجَع الفراقُ قبضن عشراً
وإن فجأ اللقاءُ بسطن خمسا

16. It says, "I have lost a claiming lover,
And a day between you has ended as an evening."

١٦. تقول عدمتُ مدّعياً هواكم
وأَصبحَ يوم بينكُمُ فأمسَى

17. My remorse is not worrying, for
I see it as a wilderness that will bring intimacy.

١٧. أنيبي غير جازعةٍ فإني
أراها وحشةً ستجرُّ أُنسا

18. Leave me to self-abandonment; indeed a house
Becomes confinement once familiarity makes it home.

١٨. ذريني والتطرُّحَ إنّ بيتاً
إذا هو صار إِلفاً صار حبسا

19. "Hide behind a mountain chasing fortune," it said,
While leaving our hearts harder than it.

١٩. أَدُسْ جبلاً وراء الرزق قالت
وتتركنا فؤادُك منه أقسَى

20. Oh for one to convey to me the days,
Even if they are ashamed and cannot articulate clearly.

٢٠. ألا من مبلغُ الأيام عنّي
وإن خجلتْ فما تسطيع نَبْسا

21. I will absolve you of all sins after it,
For it has left heaviness at my threshold and settled in.

٢١. أُحِلُّك بعدها من كلّ ذنبٍ
أناخَ بساحتي ثِقَلاً وأرسَى

22. It was an intoxication from which I turned away
Sober, and the sin of drunkenness is forgotten.

٢٢. وكانت سكرة أقلعتُ منها
على صحوٍ وذنبُ السكر يُنسَى

23. Destitution and affluence never combined,
Nor did anyone see good and bad fortune together.

٢٣. فما اجتمعت بَروجِرْدٌ وفقرٌ
ولا أحدٌ رأى سعداً ونحسا

24. A youth who revived the days of my memory,
And was a pillow out of them as fluff.

٢٤. فتى أحيت به الأيامُ ذكرِي
وكان موسَّداً منهنّ رمسا

25. How often the turns of fate threw him as a ball,
His hands open wide towards me sighing.

٢٥. فكم رَدَّتْ نُيوبَ الدهر دُرداً
يداهُ وقد فغرنَ إليَّ نهسا

26. His abundant overflowing generosity warded off
The wolves of changing fortune with rags.

٢٦. وذاد سماحُهُ الفيّاضُ عنّي
ذئاباً من صروف الدهر طُلسا

27. He openly gave generously with gifts,
Then when blamed, he trivialized and concealed.

٢٧. وأعطى ظاهراً سَرَفَ العطايا
فلما عوتب استخفى ودسَّا

28. O Saad son of Ahmad, what are you called,
And O Radwa, when he claims descent from Qudus!

٢٨. أيا سعدُ بن أحمدَ ما تسمَّى
ويا رضوى إذا انتسب ابن قدْسَا

29. His talents blossomed, so you blossomed as a branch.
You were wholesome when the origin was wholesome.

٢٩. نمتْ أعراقه فنماك غصناً
فطبتَ الفرعَ لمّا طاب أُسَّا

30. He shone, so you drew light from him.
You were the moon when he was the sun.

٣٠. وأشرق فاستفدت النورَ منه
فكنت البدرَ لما كان شَمْسا

31. You were generous with dew, so if mouths were kissed
With your bounty, they would be twisted and curved.

٣١. كرمت ندى فلو لُويتْ خطوبٌ
بجودك لالتوينَ وكنَّ شُمْسا

32. You were kind, so if lips were touched,
They would kiss your palm and be twisted.

٣٢. وطبت يداً فلو لُثمتْ شفاهٌ
تقبِّلُ راحتيك لُثِمنَ لُعْسا

33. With so much, O family of Ibrahim, did generosity live,
Yet time has erased it leaving only trace ruins.

٣٣. بكم يا آل إبراهيم عاش ال
سماحُ وقد محاه الدهر درسا

34. The wind blew in the spirit of glory,
So they waved, and how often they were tossed about.

٣٤. وهبَّ الريحُ في روح المعالي
فطرن وطالما رُدِّدن قُعْسا

35. Naked with Canopus, a birthmark
Smelling its scratches with force.

٣٥. عرانين مع الجوزاء شُمٌّ
تشمُّ عُداتُها الإرغامَ فُطْسَا

36. Honor greeting those it touches
The next morning when honor puts on fine garments.

٣٦. وأعراضٌ تصافح لامسيها
غداةَ تضَرَّسُ الأعراضُ مُلْسا

37. The envious die from it with an illness
That when treated recurs again, making them retrograde.

٣٧. يموتُ حسودها منها بداء
إذا استشفاه عاود منه نكسا

38. Yearning called me to cry out to you
So I set out willingly while fate frowns.

٣٨. دعاني الشوق يزأر بي إليكم
فسرت ملبّياً والدهرُ يخسا

39. To witness your miracles with my own eyes
So sight will become what was not tangible.

٣٩. لأُدرِكَ معجزاتِكُمُ بعيني
فيصبحَ منظراً ما كان حِسَّا

40. How much by praising you I scattered pearls
On paper that did not stretch out in length.

٤٠. وكم بمديحكم بددت درَّاً
على القرطاس ما استمددت نِقسا

41. Words were almost illegible lines
Yet the tongue attended, enunciating a lesson.

٤١. وقد كان البنانُ ينوب خطّاً
فقد حضرَ اللسانُ يُهذُّ دَرْسا

42. I followed the traces of your roads gathering
Pebbles, so make me smooth what is rough.

٤٢. رعيتُ هشيمَ طَرْقِكُمُ لماظاً
فرُدُّوني ألُسَّ الحَمْضَ لَسَّا

43. From your pure spring they gave me a draught
With which I returned the speck fivefold.

٤٣. ورَوُّوا من نميركُمُ غليلاً
وردتُ به القذى خِمْساً فخِمسا

44. For God has made it an obligation on you
That will last forever as duty.

٤٤. فإن اللّه أوجبها فروضاً
عليكم لا تزال الدهرَ حبسا

45. The prosperity of His lands east and west,
And the provision of His servants, Arabs and Persians.

٤٥. صلاح بلاده شرقاً وغرباً
ورزق عباده عرباً وفُرْسا