
Is there a gathering after the parting of companions?

هل بعد مفترق الأظعان مجتمع

1. Is there a gathering after the parting of companions?
Or is there a time that has passed that can be regained?

١. هل بعد مفترَق الأظعانِ مجتمَعُ
أم هل زمانٌ بهم قد فات يُرتَجَعُ

2. The desert bears their traveling party,
And the heart bears within them more than it can contain.

٢. تحمّلوا تسعُ البيداءُ ركبَهُمُ
ويحمل القلبُ فيهم فوق ما يَسعُ

3. They are exiled, and have become accustomed to the sun
Not setting anywhere they rise.

٣. مغرِّبين هُمُ والشمسَ قد ألفوا
ألا تغيب مغيباً حيثما طلعوا

4. With eyelids and hearts complaining of separation from loved ones,
Aggrieved by the likes of what aggrieved them.

٤. شاكين للبين أجفاناً وأفئدةً
مفجَّعين به أمثالَ ما فَجعوا

5. Listless camels plod on in their misery,
Their necks bent under the compulsion of determination.

٥. تخطو بهم فاتراتٌ في أزمَّتها
أعناقها تحت إكراه النوى خُضُعُ

6. Nu'man longs for pastureland he is not content without,
Even if Musatafa is pleasant and populous.

٦. تشتاق نعمان لا ترضى بروضته
داراً ولو طاب مصطافٌ ومرتبَعُ

7. Self-sacrificing women walk with them,
Tears, blood, ferociously in their tracks are cut off.

٧. فداء وافين تمشي الوافياتُ بهم
دمعٌ دمٌ وحشاً في إثرهم قِطَعُ

8. The night after them is like dawn, unceasing,
However it desires, and sleep is like connection, interrupted.

٨. الليلُ بعدهُمُ كالفجر متّصلٌ
ما شاء والنومُ مثلُ الوصل منقطِعُ

9. If only those who cried out when the caller of fate summoned them
Had rebelled, fallen silent, as they heard.

٩. ليت الذين أصاخوا يوم صاح بهم
داعي النوى ثوِّروا صَمّوا كما سمِعوا

10. Or if only what leave-taking took from my body
Had finished me off, so torture has nothing left.

١٠. أو ليتَ ما أخذَ التوديعُ من جسدي
قضَى عليَّ فللتعذيبِ ما يدعُ

11. And a reproacher insisted I disobey him and ordered me
Regarding them, but I flee him and he pursues me,

١١. وعاذلٍ لجَّ أعصيه ويأمرني
فيهم وأهرب منه وهو يتّبعُ

12. Saying, "Preserve yourself," for it has
A right, though the ties of passion are deceptive.

١٢. يقول نفسَك فاحفظها فإن لها
حقاً وإن علاقاتِ الهوى خدَعُ

13. Comfort your longing with the coolness of despair, find peace in it,
Beyond what is said of love except that it is vain hope.

١٣. روّح حشاك ببَرد اليأس تسلُ به
ما قيلَ في الحب إلا أنه طمعُ

14. Time's two faces, and the world constantly shifting-
Now a heart knows how to hold back.

١٤. والدهر لونان والدنيا مقلَّبة
الآن يعلم قلبٌ كيف يرتدعُ

15. The causes of Allah's Messenger are neglected,
Treacherously, and the cloak of Allah's Messenger is torn.

١٥. هذي قضايا رسولِ اللّه مهمَلةٌ
غدراً وشملُ رسول اللّه منصدِعُ

16. The people are true to the covenant they encountered and drew near,
And true to the treachery when they were absent and transgressed.

١٦. والناس للعهدِ ما لاقَوا وما قربوا
وللخيانة ما غابوا وما شَسَعوا

17. His family-they are the family of God, and they
Are the guardians of this religion, wronged after him, dutiful.

١٧. وآلُهُ وهُمُ آل الإله وهم
رعاة ذا الدين ضيموا بعده ورُعُوا

18. His covenant discarded while with them,
And his community with those who hated and opposed them loyal.

١٨. ميثاقه فيهمُ ملقىً وأمّته
معْ من بغاهم وعاداهم له شِيعُ

19. His allegiance on the Day of Ghadeer was binding to them
After acceptance, and Romans and those who pledge allegiance surrounded.

١٩. تضاع بيعتُه يومَ الغدير لهم
بعد الرضا وتحاط الرومُ والبِيعُ

20. Divided by oaths they were pulled
By selling them, and by their swords stamped.

٢٠. مقسَّمين بأيمانٍ همُ جَذبوا
ببوعها وبأسياف همُ طَبعوا

21. Between one who destroys a rope formed yesterday,
Considering innovation after it permissible.

٢١. ما بين ناشرِ حبلٍ أمسِ أبرمه
تعدُّ مسنونةً من بعده البِدعُ

22. And one who cunningly seizes, deceiving him
From a deferred inevitable, a prompt sweetness, so he is deceived.

٢٢. وبين مقتنصٍ بالمكر يخدعه
عن آجلٍ عاجلٌ حلوٌ فينخدعُ

23. And saying to me, "'Ali was clearly his inheritor
By his designation, so did they give or deprive him?"

٢٣. وقائل لي عليٌّ كان وارثَهُ
بالنصِّ منه فهل أعطَوه أم منعوا

24. I said there were passions I do not mention
May God reward a people for what they did.

٢٤. فقلت كانت هَناتٌ لستُ أذكرها
يجزي بها اللّهُ أقواماً بما صنعوا

25. Tell men, if you name them they are recognized
They have faces flushed with rancor.

٢٥. أبلغ رجالاً إذا سمَّيتهم عُرِفوا
لهم وجوهٌ من الشحناء تُمتقعُ

26. They agreed and the course of religion inclined,
So when it stood straight they scrambled and cast lots for it.

٢٦. توافقوا وقناةُ الدين مائلةٌ
فحين قامت تلاحَوا فيه واقترعوا

27. The first of them obeyed in betrayal, the second
Came following his footsteps.

٢٧. أطاعَ أوّلُهُم في الغدر ثانيَهم
وجاء ثالثُهم يقفو ويتَّبِعُ

28. Take a position regarding the truth we presume,
Reason judges and the deceived recoils.

٢٨. قفوا على نظرٍ في الحقّ نفرضه
والعقلُ يفصلُ والمحجوجُ ينقطعُ

29. By what ruling are his sons to follow you
When your pride is that you kept company and followed him?

٢٩. بأيّ حكمٍ بنوه يتبعونكُمُ
وفخركم أنكم صحبٌ له تَبَعُ

30. How has his burial place narrowed for his family
While for strangers a place is cleared next to him?

٣٠. وكيف ضاقت على الأهلين تربتُهُ
وللأجانب من جنبيه مضطجَعُ

31. And in what have you made consensus your proof
When the people never agreed voluntarily or gathered?

٣١. وفيم صيّرتم الإجماعَ حجَّتَكم
والناسُ ما اتفقوا طوعاً ولا اجتمعوا

32. A matter, 'Ali is far from his consultation,
Disfavored among them, and al-'Abbas refuses.

٣٢. أمرٌ عليٌّ بعيدٌ من مشورتِهِ
مستكرَهٌ فيه والعبّاس يمتنعُ

33. And Quraysh claims it based on kinship while
The Helpers have no high rank or station in it.

٣٣. وتدّعيه قريشٌ بالقرابة وال
أنصارُ لا رُفُعٌ فيه ولا وُضُعُ

34. What reversal is like the reversal among you
If accounts were not fabricated and doctored?

٣٤. فأيّ خُلفٍ كخُلفٍ كان بينَكُمُ
لولا تُلفَّقُ أخبارٌ وتُصطنَعُ

35. And ask them, on the day doubt crept after they tied
To him the succession, why they betrayed and deposed him?

٣٥. واسألْهمُ يوم خَمّ بعد ما عقدوا
له الولايةَ لِمْ خانوا ولِمْ خَلَعوا

36. True words but intentions wherein is deceit
Will not avail the sword its sharpening beneath the sheath.

٣٦. قولٌ صحيحٌ ونياتٌ بها نَغَلٌ
لا ينفع السيفَ صَقْلٌ تحته طَبَعُ

37. Their denial, O Commander of the Faithful, of it
After their admission, a disgrace covering them.

٣٧. إنكارُهم يا أميرَ المؤمنين لها
بعد اعترافهمُ عارٌ بِهِ ادرعوا

38. And their breaking with you, turning from their testament,
Lawful for you thereafter a second law they legislated.

٣٨. ونكثهم بك ميلاً عن وصيّتهم
شرعٌ لعمرك ثانٍ بعده شرعوا

39. You abandoned a matter, and had you pursued it palms
Would peel in rebellion however calloused.

٣٩. تركتَ أمراً ولو طالبته لدرتْ
معاطسٌ راغمته كيف تُجتدَعُ

40. You were patient, upholding God's command-they did not
Cast lies against religion, so you awoke when they slept.

٤٠. صبرت تحفظ أمرَ اللّه ما اطرحوا
ذَبّاً عن الدين فاستيقظت إذ هجعوا

41. The bitter day will shine with the sweetness of tomorrow
When you reap for them in the Gathering what they sowed.

٤١. ليشرقنّ بحلو اليوم مُرّ غدٍ
إذا حصدت لهم في الحشر ما زرعوا

42. I struggle for you with my words the day
Heroes contend, when my sword in the fray failed me.

٤٢. جاهدتُ فيك بقولي يوم تختصم ال
أبطالُ إذ فات سيفي يومَ تمتصِعُ

43. Verily the tongue attains paths
In the heart reason cannot find though probing.

٤٣. إن اللسانَ لوصَّالٌ إلى طُرُقٍ
في القلب لا تهتديها الذُّبَّلُ الشُّرُعُ

44. My fathers are in Persia and the religion is yours-
Rightfully, pure stock and abode were wholesome for me.

٤٤. آبايَ في فارس والدين دينُكُمُ
حقاً لقد طاب لي أُسٌّ ومرتبَعُ

45. Since my youth I have taken refuge in you
Until the rights you possess and my doubts subside.

٤٥. مازلت مذ يَفعتْ سنّي ألوذ بكم
حتى محا حقُّكم شكِّي وأنتجعُ

46. Times have passed-if you obligate me for them
I would scatter the enmity they gathered against my records.

٤٦. وقد مضتْ فُرُطاتٌ إن كفلتَ بها
فرّقتُ عن صُحفِي البأس الذي جمعوا

47. Salman is my intercessor in them, and he, if not
Fathers with you on behalf of their sons interceded,

٤٧. سلمان فيها شفيعي وهو منك إذا ال
آباء عندك في أبنائهم شفعوا

48. Then be through them my rescuer from the terror of
Tomorrow, as you on the Heights are witness.

٤٨. فكن بها منقذاً من هول مطَّلَعي
غداً وأنت من الأعراف مطَّلِعُ

49. I seduced myself with delusion that if I guaranteed it
An advantage other than loving you I'd obtain.

٤٩. سوَّلتُ نفسي غروراً إن ضمنتُ لها
أني بذخرٍ سوى حبِّيك أنتفعُ