
My brother and lovers are brothers,

أخوي والعشاق إخوه

1. My brother and lovers are brothers,
Who console each other in joy and youth.

١. أخَويَّ والعشاقُ إخوَهْ
يتراضعون جَوىً وصبوَهْ

2. They are not attributed to any shortcoming,
Even if time brings them distress.

٢. لا يُنسَبون لِعَلّةٍ
وإن انتأت بهم الأبوَّهَ

3. I appealed to you both, so one of you gave away the secret,
A secret that is carefully guarded.

٣. ناشدتُ سرَّكما فبع
ضُ السرِّ مصنوعٌ مموَّهْ

4. After a day when I met
Unaizah on a day of joy,

٤. أطمِعتُما من بعد يو
مِ عُنيزَةٍ في يوم سَلْوَهْ

5. Or did you both know why
Our bonds in Ukaz were severed?

٥. أم تعلمان لمفلت
أشراكَنا بعُكاظَ نَجْوَهْ

6. One who struggles to maintain eye contact cannot
Regain the forgiveness he lost.

٦. قطعَ الحِبالةَ لا يعل
لِق جاهدُ الألحاظ عَفوَهْ

7. I fear for the hearts
That flutter toward him.

٧. بَرِماً بحبّات القلو
ب يخافها وتهشُّ نحوَهْ

8. And I began excusing him out of mercy
After his pain and cruelty.

٨. وغَدوت أُعذَر رحمةً
من بعده وألامُ قسوَهْ

9. I take delight in the phantom's arrival,
And in the phantom's presence is aridity.

٩. وأُسَرُّ بالطيفِ الوَصو
لِ وفي وصال الطيف جفوَهْ

10. My eyes yearn for him,
And the meeting of our bodies is sweetness.

١٠. تشتاقه العينان في
هِ وملتقى الجسمين غَلْوَهْ

11. When I stop, it is in deafness -
Events have announced their bitterness.

١١. وإذا وقفتُ ففي أصم
مَ أمارت الأحداثُ مروَهْ

12. Like a line written by life
And the wind repeats erasing it.

١٢. كالسطر يكتبه الحيا
ويعيدُ ذيلُ الريح محوَهْ

13. If I had any power
Or the ages had any strength,

١٣. لو كنتُ أملِك قوّةً
أو كان لي بالدهر قوّهْ

14. I would have taken the winds' ascension
For what they took from the high abode.

١٤. لأخذتُ عُلْوِيَّ الريا
ح بما سبتْ من دارِ علْوَهْ

15. As for the covenant of the fickle ones -
Its bliss with separation is misery.

١٥. وأما وعهدِ المبدلي
ن نعيمَها بالبين شِقوَهْ

16. The fullness of the nights of connection in the evening and morning,
If not for the betrayal's assault upon my loyal love.

١٦. وسُبوغِ أفياءِ الوصا
لِ عشيَّةً فيها وغُدْوَهْ

17. And how few suitors are worthy
Of those who are unequalled!

١٧. لا كانَ للغدرِ المطا
عِ علَى وفِيِّ هوايَ سطوَهْ

18. The religion of chaste women is to be gentle,
And their religion is impudence and frailty.

١٨. وقليلة الخُطَّابِ أي
أسَ بعضُها من ليس كُفْوَهْ

19. When a pedigree is pure for her,
She is not fooled by wealth.

١٩. دينُ العذارَى أن تلي
نَ وَدِينُها صَلَفٌ ونخوَهْ

20. I married her off, the curtains were fluttering,
And the boughs of blossoms swaying.

٢٠. وإذا زكا حَسَبٌ لها
لم تخُتَدَعْ عنه بثروَهْ

21. The journey was long, the elder performed hajj,
He combined purity with youth.

٢١. أنكحتُها ساري البرو
ق ورَيْقَ أَغصان المُرُوَّهْ

22. He sought wealth as provision for a day
Of bounty, not a day of growth.

٢٢. غِرّ المدى كهل الحجا
جمعَ النَّقَاءَ إلى الفُتوَّهْ

23. And he performed rights with his money -
His children perform their desires.

٢٣. طلبَ الغنَى ذُخْراً ليو
مِ عطيةٍ لا يومِ نبوَهْ

24. He watches over the protected woman,
Whose manners are sweet.

٢٤. وقضى الحقوقَ بمالِهِ
ولداتُهُ قاضون شهوَهْ

25. Such is the secret of what the ministry selected
Regarding fatherhood and sonship.

٢٥. يرعَى الحفيظةَ مُرَّةً
غاشيهِ والأخلاقَ حُلوَهْ

26. And where the adornment of pride stands -
A plump shoulder and its summit.

٢٦. مِن سِرِّ ما اصطفَت الوزا
رةُ في الأبُوّةِ والبُنُوَّهْ

27. Among the Masarjis family, there is a star
Whose prominence no mansion reached.

٢٧. ومكانِ أسمنتِ المفا
خرُ كاهلا ضخما وذِروَهْ

28. Isa has a towering mountain and people,
An eminence joined to its hilltops.

٢٨. من آل ماسرجيس نج
مٌ لم يَحُزْ برجٌ عُلُوَّهْ

29. They tied their bond, and it cannot be undone
To the chaste woman among them.

٢٩. عيسى له طود وشِعْ
بٌ ربوةٌ لحِقتْ برَبْوَهْ

30. They went with it as envious
Of the high ones in the abode of assembly.

٣٠. عقدوا حُبَاه فما تُحَل
لُ لهم عن العوراء حَبْوَهْ

31. Whoever attacks the lips of my steps
With every sharp sword,

٣١. وغدَوا به متحاسدي
ن على العُلا في دارِ نَدوَهْ

32. The princes of battle - their speech
Opens ambiguities forcefully.

٣٢. من طاعني ثُغَرِ الخطو
بِ بكلِّ سِكِّيتٍ مفوّهْ

33. In every meeting of a writer among them
To the enemies is an invasion.

٣٣. أمراءُ معركَةٍ الخطا
بةِ فاتحو الشُّبُهاتِ عَنْوَهْ

34. And you raced to follow a step
Ahead of your people - you, their sister step!

٣٤. في كلِّ جِلسةِ كاتبٍ
منهم إلى الأعداء غزوَهْ

35. You admired the first ones, pursuing
Until a neck met decapitation.

٣٥. وجريتَ تقفو خطوة
قُدَّامَ قومِك أختَ خطوَهْ

36. You accompanied those who derive amusement, while you
Were to kindness an example.

٣٦. تشآى السوابقَ لاحقا
حتى التقى عنقٌ وصهوَهْ

37. Brothers of suffering - when I gain victory
Or neighbors of discord.

٣٧. صاحبتكم مستطرفي
نَ وكنتُمُ بالتَّلْدِ أُسوَهْ

38. So you are to me a faithful friend
When a soul becomes an enemy.

٣٨. إخوان مَصرخةٍ إذا اس
تنصرتُ أو جيران شَتْوَهْ

39. And the opinion of all wavered
And did not attain its fortune through effort.

٣٩. فلأنتَ لي نِعم الصدي
قُ إذا غدت نفسٌ عَدُوَّهْ

40. How many a brother I named before your affection
I made in affection like you!

٤٠. وتشعشع الرأيُ الجمي
عُ ولم ينل بالسعي حظوَهْ

41. Then you became more solidly allied
In my hands and more faithful than him.

٤١. كم قبل وُدِّك من أخٍ
سمّيتُه في الودّ قُدوَهْ

42. Affection we shared - I was
Foolish in it at times, and at times wise.

٤٢. فغدوتَ أصلبَ مَعجَما
بيدي وأوثقَ منه عُروَهْ

43. If not for tender moments, I may
Have corrected you, and in me ardor.

٤٣. حبٌّ تناصفناه نك
رَعُ حُسوةً فيه وحُسوَهْ

44. So may you be rewarded by trailing gowns
As the trailing gowns reward their maids.

٤٤. لولا هَناتٌ ربما
أصحتك منه وفيَّ نشوَهْ

45. The anklets were crooked
So they straightened them and set them right.

٤٥. فلتجزينَّك ساريا
تٌ ما لجاريهنَّ كَبوَهْ

46. Every day a gift
For their gift upon you is sweetness.

٤٦. كان القريضُ مميَّلا
فعدلنه وأقمنَ صَغْوَهْ

47. They sprinkle - they do not cease - upon you
And upon your father the days of life.

٤٧. في كل يومِ هديّةٍ
لهديِّهنَّ عليك جَلْوَهْ

48. A fire upon the enemies is kindled
In your traits by the Divine.

٤٨. ينضحنَ لا يَعْطُبْنَ في
ك وفي أبيك الدهرَ عُشْوَهْ

٤٩. نارٌ على الأعداء تُذْ
كَى في صِفاتِك بالأَلُوَّهْ