
Longing for the one whose love has captivated my soul

أشوقا ومن تهوى خلي الجوانح

1. Longing for the one whose love has captivated my soul
May Allah send you a sincere advisor as a trustworthy ally

١. أشوقاً ومَن تَهوى خليُّ الجوانِح
لك اللّهُ مِن وافي الأمانةِ ناصحِ

2. Not every vow from one of pure intent lives up to what was sworn
Nor does every complainer maintain the covenant he has broken

٢. فما كلّ عهدٍ بالسليم على النوى
ولا كلّ ثاوٍ حافظٌ عهدَ نازحِ

3. The beloved whom you left writhing between your ribs
Concealing within a heart that will not soften to your touch

٣. حبيبُك من خلَّفتَ بين ضلوعه
وسرتَ فؤاداً لا يلين لكاشح

4. To whom you denied a dwelling once familiar
While its people departed leaving a sweet fragrance

٤. لمَن منزلٌ أنكرتَه فعرفتَه
وقد راح أهلوه بطيبِ الروائحِ

5. My friend, though fault-finders surround me like a band of raiders
Some are excessive in rebuke, and some are forgiving

٥. خليليَ والواشون حولي عصابةٌ
فمن مُسرفٍ في لومه ومُسامِح

6. Turn your gaze among the travelers, can you see
One who grieved last night or a bird other than one who took flight?

٦. أَجِلْ في جناب الركب طرفَك هل ترى
أسى بارحاً أو طائراً غيرَ بارحِ

7. Behind the embroidered curtain was one between whom
I have concealed my love however much it was exposed by me

٧. وخلفَ الستور الرُّقمِ من كان بينُهُ
على طولِ ما ستّرتُ حبِّيَ فاضحي

8. I granted him my eyes and heart though in truth
For his dignity my own limbs were humbled before him

٨. وهبتُ له عيني وقلبي وإنما
لعزّته هانت عليَّ جوارحي

9. Does every house have an owner made fitting for it
By the care my heart, though he is unworthy of me?

٩. أفي كل دارٍ صاحبٌ اصلَحتْ له
الرعايةُ قلبي وهو لي غير صالحِ

10. A suitor whose bargain the stinginess of his gift makes cheap
Will pass his night as the most miserable bridegroom

١٠. وخاطبُ شكرٍ يُرخِص البخلُ مهرَهُ
عليه فيُمسي وهو ألأمُ ناكحِ

11. I spurn him with my blame like one seeking
To clothe a camel's back with the skin of a swimming lizard

١١. أهزُّ بعتبي منه طودأً كأنني
أريد لأكسو العَيْرَ جلدةَ سابحِ

12. When chronic stinginess is ill, the flattery of a passionate praiser
Does not cure its sickness or confirm the words of one who flatters

١٢. إذا ما عليل البخل لم يُبرِ داءَه
مهافةُ هاجٍ لم يُثبْ قولَ مادحِ

13. Rather, for a youth of my clan, if I thank him
My praises give him lawful, not profane, praise

١٣. بلى في فتىً من أسرتي إن شكرتها
منائحُ تُعطيه حلالاً مدائحي

14. Congratulations to you, my requesters, for the palm of his generosity
My heart has been freed, so let the buckets of the water-drawers pour forth

١٤. هنيئاً لكم يا طالبي سيبِ كفِّه
أبيحت قَلِيباً فليفز دلوُ ماتحِ

15. A departing visitor concludes his request, and a departing one
Exits with the noble quality of one who pardons and reconciles

١٥. يُختِّمُ غادٍ للسؤال ورائحٌ
بساحةِ غادٍ للسماحةِ رائحِ

16. May your morning and New Year's Day be made radiant
Whoever sees the best of dawns sees the best of mornings

١٦. صباحُك والنيروز يجلوه فانعمن
رأى خيرَ مصبوحٍ رأى خيرَ صابحِ

17. He is the vine stock, so welcome with it his springtime
Even if he is one who mixed the dried with the green

١٧. هو الجَذْع فاستقبل به بَكرَ عامه
وإن كان مما كرَّ في سنِّ قارحِ

18. When a day other than it was gloomy, he smiled
With hours brighter than white cheeked ones beaming

١٨. إذا وجه يومٍ غيره كان عابساً
تبسّم عن ساعاتِ أبلجَ واضح

19. Live amid seriousness for hardships and seriousness
For fortunes reconciled and doors opened easily

١٩. وعش بين جَدٍِّ للخطوب محاربٍ
حريٍّ وجدٍّ للسعود مُصالحِ

20. Safe throughout days whose evenings were supple
Righteous women of righteous keys

٢٠. سليما على الأيام طرّاً طِوالُها
رقاقُ العشايا صالحاتُ المفاتحِ