
May his face whose favor I hope for turn towards me,

عسى معرض وجهه مقبل

1. May his face whose favor I hope for turn towards me,
And may the last grant the wish of the first.

١. عسى معرضٌ وجهُهُ مقبلُ
فيوهَب للآخِر الأوّلُ

2. I see time growing gentle after its violence,
And its difficult side become smooth.

٢. أرى الدهرَ طامنَ من تيهه
وعُدّل جانبُه الأميلُ

3. It stopped deceiving people and wronging them,
No longer possessing any blameworthy traits.

٣. وخودع عن خُلْقه في العقوق
وما خلتُها شيمةً تُنقَلُ

4. The water gathered together after spreading out,
It settled down and the stopping place became home.

٤. صفت جمّة الماء بعد الأجون
وقرَّ وكان نبا المنزلُ

5. The night’s darkness overwhelms the tails of the Pleiades,
The black of the fates is darkest to it.

٥. حَمى السرحَ أغلبُ واري الزناد
أُسودُ الشرى عنده أشبلُ

6. With eyes that do not ask when will dawn break
If the negligent one has fallen asleep.

٦. بعينين لا يسألان السهاد
متى الصبحُ إن رقد المهمِلُ

7. It has an aroma the blood cannot smell
In which the preying wolves of hunger are sweetened.

٧. له عطَنٌ لا تشُمُّ الدما
ءَ فيه ذئابُ الغضا العُسَّلُ

8. Convey the news to our loved ones,
As a messenger, though no small thing is sent.

٨. فأبلغْ حبائبنا بالنُّخَيل
رسولاً وما صِغَراً تُرسَلُ

9. Greet them, for estrangement has negated
A matter whose time has come that cannot be delivered.

٩. صِلونا فقد نسخ الهجرَ أم
سِ أمرٌ له اليوم ما يوصَلُ

10. The judge of death has divided the soul in two,
Doing justice in every dark place.

١٠. وقد قسمَ النَّصفَ حرُّ اليمي
ن في كلّ مَظلَمةٍ يعدِلُ

11. And cast off your worry - does the noble one
Have litters that the active one will stir?

١١. وطرّحْ لحاظَك هل بالشُّريفِ
ركائبُ يحفِزُها المُعمِلُ

12. Rafts floating on the family, swimming
Driven by a storm that convulses.

١٢. عوائمُ في الآل عَوم السفي
ن يطردها عاصفٌ زلزلُ

13. And where is Babylon in relation to you,
Its tryst is the bier or the stretchers.

١٣. وأين ببابلَ منك الحمو
لُ موعدها النَّعفُ أو حَوملُ

14. We stopped, and the bending of necks tired me
With the falling of twigs - a lean shade.

١٤. وقفنا وأتعبَ لَيَّ الرقاب
بسَقط اللِّوى طللٌ يمثُلُ

15. So no keeper of a pact who turned away from you
Cries, nor a speaker who asks.

١٥. فلا حافظٌ عهد من بان عنك
فيبكي ولا ناطقٌ يسألُ

16. You were given a drink, and the country's flames were quenched
By the water of each youth's tears that flowed.

١٦. سُقيتَ مَحَلّاً وأحيت رباك
مدامعُ كلِّ فتى يقبلُ

17. The burdens never stopped being placed
Upon you from the packs - you bear them.

١٧. ولا برحتْ تضَع المثقَلاتُ
من المزن فوقك ما تحمِلُ

18. And among the riders are those whose curses
Guide only to their deadly arrow.

١٨. وفي الركب من ثعَلٍ من يدُل
لُ إلا على سهمه المقتلُ

19. It tosses with the fickle ones among them, the bow,
And among them the thickets of salvation, the fleet.

١٩. يطفن بلفَّاء منها القضيبُ
ومنها كثيبُ النقا الأهيلُ

20. Envious of gaze, easy of cheek,
Colored by kohl the same as its color.

٢٠. محسّدة العين سهلُ اللحا
ظِ يصبغها مثلَه الأكحلُ

21. With plunging necklaces, if it dives
Slowly upon treasures that descend.

٢١. مَهاوي قلائِدها إن هوينَ
بِطاءٌ على غَررٍ تنزِلُ

22. Their clothes escape the weavers -
They have no loincloth that is lowered.

٢٢. تفوت النواسجَ أثوابُها
فليس لها مئزرٌ مسبَلُ

23. You blame me with separation while in my passion
I am helpless - does an archer shoot without arrows?

٢٣. أحقّاً تقنَّصني بالحجا
ز في شِكَّتي رشأٌ أعزلُ

24. A beloved whose spears of hatred
Wound me if I do not visit him.

٢٤. حبيبٌ رماحُ بغيضٍ تبي
تُ دون زيارته تعسِلُ

25. Your separation has saddened the one of two seas
Whose watcher would lament it.

٢٥. لقد أحزنتْ لك ذاتُ البُرِينَ
لواحظَ كانت بها تُسهلُ

26. She saw the ascents of the youths' stars fade
And that is what saddens her most.

٢٦. رأت طالعاتٍ نعين الشبابَ
لها وهو أنفس ما تَثكَلُ

27. She is not happy under that darkness
When its lamps are lit.

٢٧. فما سرَّها تحت ذاك الظلا
م أنّ مصابيحَه تُشعَلُ

28. I counted out my years to her while gray hairs
Invalidate my claim in counting them.

٢٨. عددتُ سنِيَّ لها والبياضُ
لدعواي في عدِّها مبطلُ

29. And I came to invoke forty while still
My testimony to it is not accepted.

٢٩. وأقبلتُ أستشهدُ الأربعين
لوَ انّ شهادتهَا تُقبَلُ

30. They said a cloak is beautiful on you
Though one more beautiful might be disliked.

٣٠. وقالوا رداءٌ جميلٌ عليك
ألا ربّما كُرهَ الأجملُ

31. Woe to a mother who made it an insignia if
It were dyed with anything but white hair.

٣١. وويل امّها شارةً لو تكو
ن صِبغاً بغير الردى ينصُلُ

32. Graying hair is not the first thing disliked
In a beloved while I have changed.

٣٢. وما الشيْب أوّل مكروهة
بمحبوبة أنا مستبدلُ

33. My side has been trained to bear the times
So I carry all its heaviest loads.

٣٣. تمرَّنَ جنبي بحمل الزمان
فكلّ ثقيلاته أحمِلُ

34. It held back my hand from gaining wishes
And stopped my palm from one who sells it.

٣٤. فردَّ يدي عن منالِ المنَى
وكفِّيَ من باعه أطولُ

35. Reason reined in my resolute thoughts
And the channel holds back the water.

٣٥. وتعقِل ناشطَ عزمي الهمو
مُ والماءُ يحبسه الجدولُ

36. Fate is not eloquent in discipline
Without it a foolish raw youth.

٣٦. وما الحظّ في أدبٍ مفصِحٍ
ومن دونه نشبٌ محبَلُ

37. The rank contented the living man while his wealth
Makes him high or lowly.

٣٧. تُراضي الفتى رتبةٌ وهو حي
ث يجعله مالُه يُجعَلُ

38. And wealth may be granted to one whose hands
Are blind in generosity and miserliness.

٣٨. وقد يُرزَق المالَ أعمى اليدي
ن فيما يجودُ وما يبخل

39. People are burdened by what the poor man bears
While the rich man's load is heavier.

٣٩. ويستثقل الناسُ ما يحمل ال
فقيرُ وحملُ الغنى أَثقلُ

40. God has protected the soul that seeks glory without
Its safety - glory does not care.

٤٠. حَمى اللهُ للمجد نفساً بغيرِ
سلامتها المجدُ لا يحفِلُ

41. It has kept alive in the darkness of steps
A face that is the full moon or more so.

٤١. وحيّا على ظُلُمات الخطو
ب وجهاً هو البدرُ أو أكملُ

42. It shakes off motes if they meet it,
Eyelids whose sight adorns them with kohl.

٤٢. يندّ القذى إن تَلاقت عليه
جفونٌ برؤيته تُكحلُ

43. It meets sustenance before asking,
I cheered it when it was welcomed.

٤٣. وتُقبِلُ بالرزق قبل السؤال
أسرَّتُهُ حين تُستقبَلُ

44. To the garden beneath the sky's will
Where ewes intercept or move on.

٤٤. إلى الروض تحت سماءِ الوزي
ر تَعترِض العيسُ أو ترحَلُ

45. Stalks that drink the valley's streams
When an impeder cuts them off from the spring.

٤٥. مصاييف تشربُ جِرّاتِها
إذا عاقها عن سُرىً منهلُ

46. Its gazelles in the hollows of sand dunes
Climb down with bleating or descend.

٤٦. غواربُها بعضاضِ القُتو
د من بزّ أوبارها تُنسَلُ

47. Hope shouts at them: hey! If the neglectful driver
Forgets, where will the feet overtake them?

٤٧. يصيح بهنّ الرجاءُ العني
فُ هَبْ إن ونى السائقُ المهمِلُ

48. They are lost to the speeding dog - their brisk pacings
Make it think them krakens with no legs.

٤٨. تضيع على المقَل الضابطا
ت أخفافُها فرطَ ما تُجفِلُ

49. If you call upon his name in desolation
The shade disappears and the lamp shines bright.

٤٩. فتحسبُ منهنّ تحت الرحال
كراكرَ ليست لها أرجلُ

50. So they descended while night's turban was wrapped in darkness
Its fringe being undone in beauty.

٥٠. إذا غوّثت باسمه في الهجير
وَفَى الظلُّ وانبجس الجندلُ

51. And the stars had got ahead of us to it
Like their settings descending.

٥١. فحطّت وقد لفَّ هامَ الربى
من الليل مِطرَفُه المَخمَلُ

52. As if the Pleiades were a tongue upon which
I recite along with it or a hand that gestures.

٥٢. وقد سبقتنا إليه النجوم
فمثلَ مغاربها تنزِلُ

53. To the best of verdant meadows, most hospitable,
And the sweetest live waters drawn from the spring.

٥٣. كأن الثريّا لسانٌ علي
ه يُثني معي أو يدٌ تسألُ

54. Who got ahead of the people are not resented
If they were delayed while he was the first.

٥٤. إلى خير مرعًى جميمٍ يُلَسُّ
وأعذبِ ماءِ حياً يُنهَلُ

55. The oaths of the people come to his aid
When the exhausted land calls.

٥٥. ومن سبقَ الناسَ لا يغضبون
إذا أُخّروا وهُو الأوّلُ

56. The expansive house of helpers, and the sides of villages
When the kindling lights the firebrand.

٥٦. من القوم تُنجد أيمانُهم
إذا استصرخ البلدُ الممحلُ

57. He built his power over them,
The ancient before him and the greater behind.

٥٧. رحابُ الذَّرا وجفانِ القِرى
إذا بلّت الموْقدَ الشمألُ

58. They trod on time, young and grown
While they are the black hair with the blaze at its end.

٥٨. بنى الملكَ فوقهُمُ عزُّه ال
قُدامى وغاربُه الأطولُ

59. They have treasures like the Persian
That shine though the cloak of darkness is lowered.

٥٩. وداسوا الزمانَ وليداً وشاب
وهم شعْرُ مَفرِقه الأشعلُ

60. You see the fruits of the kingdom above them
Spread out while the people were heedless.

٦٠. لهم غررٌ أردشيريَّة
تضيءُ وسِتر الدجى مسبَلُ

61. Those are your people, whom you ennoble
So the curve of their beaks is the lowest.

٦١. ترى خرزَ الملك من فوقها
مياسهم والناسُ قد أُغفلوا

62. And I have a place with you the day of glory
Through the door of their glory an entrance.

٦٢. أولك قومك من يَعزُهم
فكعبُ مناقيره الأسفلُ

63. The tribes boast of their bows
While I boast, but you are the greatest.

٦٣. ولي تابعاً لك يوم الفخا
ر من باب مجدهِمُ مدخلُ

64. That is no equal footing between us
As the gaze is to the deer and the doe.

٦٤. وترمي القبائل عن قوسهم
وأرمي ولكنك الأفضلُ

65. A day the eyes depend on you
While the turbans of its horsemen sway.

٦٥. وما تلك تسوية بيننا
وفي الظبية العين والأيطلُ

66. That day one champion challenges another
So one strong fortified castle clashes with another.

٦٦. ويومٍ تَواكلُ فيه العيونُ
عمائمُ فرسانه القسطلُ

67. You entered it boldly plunging in its pool
However its heroes desired.

٦٧. تُعارِضُ فيه الكماةُ الكماةَ
فمتنٌ يحطَّمُ أو كَلكلُ

68. You see its shame as indelibly dyed
Blood alone will not wash it off or cleanse it.

٦٨. تورّطتَه خائضاً نقعَه
بما شاء أبطالُه تُجدَلُ

69. You built an enclosure of resolve in which
The long spears are deployed.

٦٩. ترى عارَه دَرَناً لا يماط
بغير الدماء فلا يُغسلُ

70. You promised to divide its spoils
Either distributed in generosity or transferred.

٧٠. بنيتَ حياضاً من الهام في
ه تُشرَعُ فيها القنا الذُّبَّلُ

71. Under you lies a plain where the ostrich forgets
Prudence - will a joint remain sound?

٧١. وعُدتَ بأسلاب أملاكه
تُقَسَّم في الجود أو تُنقَلُ

72. As if vessels circulated around it
Or the udders of the ostrich emptied it.

٧٢. وتحتك أحوى يطيش المِراح
به أن يقرَّ له مفِصلُ

73. The singing of the gazelles in the dales has thrilled it
From rapture, whenever it brays.

٧٣. كأنّ الأباريق طافت علَي
هِ أو مسَّ أعطافَه أَفكَلُ

74. When it is said that in horse is nature
It will suffice when its constitution is described.

٧٤. شجاه غِناءُ الظُّبا في الطُّلى
فمن طربٍ كلّما يصَهلُ

75. The trained steeds raced and did not mix
With your pool, neither guardian nor swimming.

٧٥. إذا قيل في فرس هيكلٌ
تبلَّغ ينصِفُهُ الهيكَلُ

76. When your striving missed the tempo of the winds
Then from where will feet overtake you?

٧٦. جرى المجهدون فلم يلتبس
بنقعك حافٍ ولا منعَلُ

77. The critic prattles critically, but if
You speak the council will stone him for you.

٧٧. إذا فات سعيُك شأوَ الرياح
فمن أين تلحقُكَ الأرجلُ

78. People disagree until when you decide
Fate's decree which is predetermined prevails.

٧٨. يعجُّ النديُّ خصاماً فإن
نطقتَ أرمَّ لك المحفِلُ

79. You have extended two hands - a hand that takes souls
With it, and a hand that gives.

٧٩. ويختلفُ الناسُ حتى إذا
قضيتَ قضَى القدرُ المنزَلُ

80. With you is a thunderbolt that is feared
And your left a flashing lightning that pours.

٨٠. بسطتَ يدَينِ يدا تأخذُ ال
نفوسَ بها ويداً تبذُلُ

81. You have set right the people in your comfort
Your brother the dew and your son the fine rain.

٨١. فيمناك صاعقةٌ تُتّقَى
ويسراك بارقةٌ تهطِلُ

82. You have watered, extinguishing the country's flames
With the water of your chain-moving fingers.

٨٢. وقد أصلح الناسَ في راحتيك
أخوك الندى وابنك المِقصَلُ

83. No more copious rains were seen before them
Clouds - their names are "tenderest".

٨٣. سَقيتَ فأطفأ لَهْبَ البلا
د ماءُ أناملك السلسلُ

84. So the Heavens contain not what you contained
Nor does the Earth carry what you carry.

٨٤. ولم يُرَ أنوأَ من قبلها
مواطرُ أسماؤها أنملُ

85. When the caliphs prepare and the kings
Your enemy - the noblest they appointed.

٨٥. فداك وتفعلُ ما لا تقولُ
مُمَنٍّ يقولُ ولا يفعلُ

86. The greatest of them rose to arrange
The policy of his rule you guaranteed.

٨٦. يلومك في الجود لما عرف
تَ من شرف الجود ما يَجهلُ

87. You gave back the turbans when you were appointed minister,
Speaking to their crowns from over them.

٨٧. وما غشّ سمعَك أشنا إلي
ك من ناصح في الندى يعذلُ

88. It hardly suits the ministry to have married you
After it had suffered long being bereft.

٨٨. سللتَ على المال سيفَ العطاءِ
فلاحيك في الجود مستقتلُ

89. Other than a channel whose outer side
Faces time, revealing and bare.

٨٩. أُعيذك بالكلمات التي
بهنّ تعوَّذَ من يكملُ

90. It is frightened by tribulations of events
And is cautious of you but cannot act.

٩٠. فلا يسَع الجوُّ ما قد وسِعتَ
ولا تحمل الأرضُ ما تحمِلُ

91. So are you the one saving me from the shame
Of a time that wounds me but does not bandage?

٩١. إذا الخلفاء انتدَوا والملو
كُ عدّوك أشرفَ ما خُوّلوا

92. And a life whose years -
However plentiful the people - are barren to me?

٩٢. وقام أعزّهم مَن جلستَ
لنظم سياستِه تكفُلُ

93. Its expanse contends with its fertility
And its theatre's visitors are few.

٩٣. رددتَ العمائم لما وزَرتَ
تخاطبُ تيجانَهم من علُ

94. Save me by your generosity from being humiliated
And aid my prayer so I am not abandoned.

٩٤. ليَهنِ الوزارةَ أن زُوّجتْك
على طول ما لبِثتْ تُعضَلُ

95. Guard by you my face from all others
The like of my face is not to be disgraced.

٩٥. سوى شُعبةٍ ظهرُها للزما
ن من حاله كاشفٌ أعزلُ

96. So how many like you has launched one like me
Though none can equal you in action?

٩٦. تروّعها حادثاتُ الخطوب
وتحذر منك فلا تُنبلُ

97. Had cowardice been forbidden by the sword, the smith
Would be most deserving of beating and forging.

٩٧. فهل أنت منتشلي من نيو
ب دهرٍ يدَمِّي ولا يَدْمُلُ

98. By extending to me a torrent valley, my mouth
Eloquence cannot make me bite my tongue.

٩٨. ومن عيشةٍ كلّ أعوامها
وإن أخصبَ الناسُ بي ممحلُ

99. I have led it skillfully so none but my hand
Can cleave its cheeks that proclaim.

٩٩. يكالح سرحي ثراها القَطوبُ
ومسرح رُوّادها مبقلُ

100. Forbidden to the saddle except you, honored by
You, whom you prefer from among people.

١٠٠. أجرني بجودك من أن أذِل
لَ وانصرْ دعائي فلا أُخذَلُ

101. As if slaves wiped it down
And a foal's hand stroked its sides.

١٠١. وصن بك وجهيَ عمّن سواك
فما مثل وجهِيَ يُستبذَلُ

102. If you have granted long life to Zuhayr
Then be as one who rewards bountifully.

١٠٢. فكم راش مثلُك مثلي فطار
وإن كان مثلك لا يفعلُ

103. So poetry made him among what you have heard
Of examples carried in his name.

١٠٣. وقِدْماً وَفَى لزهيرٍ وزا
د من هَرِمٍ واهب مجزِلُ

104. And Hassaan attained heights of ascent
From the family of Jafnah, descending on them.

١٠٤. فسار به الشعرُ فيما سمع
تَ من مَثَلٍ باسمه يُرسَلُ

105. He imposed on them a market frequented
By young camels bearing what they carry.

١٠٥. وحسّان أمست رُقاه الصعا
بَ من آل جفنةَ تستَنزِلُ

106. He knew the scent of their gifts
When the messenger brought them.

١٠٦. فأوقرَ منهم وُسوقا تنو
ء منها البكارُ بما تحمِلُ

107. He saw their landmarks vacant,
The abodes of their loved ones locked up.

١٠٧. تعرَّفَ ريحَ عطاياهُمُ
وقد جاء يحملها المرسَلُ

108. Al-Hutay’ah held fast to the kin of Lay
With a smooth, firmly-twisted bond.

١٠٨. وأبصر نَعماءهم نازحين
وبابُ لواحظِهِ مقفَلُ

109. They called him between the houses of Ibn Badr
But they spurned him and felt him wearisome.

١٠٩. وشدَّ الحطيئةُ مِنْ آلِ لأيٍ
بعروةِ أملسَ لا تُسحَلُ

110. They barred him while seizing praise
So there remained for them more than they hoped for.

١١٠. تنادَوه بين بيوت ابن بدر
فعلَّوه عنهنّ واستثقلوا

111. And Yazeed rose by his side
Defending what Al-Akhtal disliked.

١١١. وجازَوه يغتنمون الثناءَ
فبقَّى لهم فوق ما أمَّلوا

112. Kings who passed away with what they hastened
And what they deferred was good for them.

١١٢. وقام يزيدُ على جنبه
فدافع ما كرِهَ الأخطلُ

113. None of them gathered what you gathered
When you collected or they collected.

١١٣. ملوك مضَوا بالذي استعجلوا
وطاب لهم ذخرُ ما أجَّلوا

114. If fate was slow, the festival
To its fate is wakeful, stirring.

١١٤. وما فيهمُ جامعٌ ما جمعتَ
إذا أنتَ حصَّلت أوحصَّلوا

115. It has come to you today in gifts -
Though its like is rare to be said.

١١٥. وإن أبطأ الحظُّ فالمهرجانُ
إلى حظّه ناهضٌ قُلقلُ

116. It appeared through acceptance God graced it with
And through the aspect of your state that turns favorably.

١١٦. هو اليوم جاءك في الوافدي
ن معنىً وإن عَزَّه مِقولُ

117. Step after step of long-standing beauty
And this year its view is most beautiful.

١١٧. تجلَّى بفضلِ قبولٍ حباه
به وجهُ دولتِك المقبلُ

118. A right hand for what comes after this stance
Deaf, mute - not more glorious or refined!

١١٨. وما زال قِدْماً عريقَ الجما
ل والعامَ منظره أجملُ

119. The insolent tongue stumbles over you
And its blade yields, surrendering.

١١٩. يميناً لَما بعدَ هذا المقا
م أصرمُ منّى ولا أنبلُ

120. The flatterers have ridden difficulties
But I am the well-versed knight.

١٢٠. يلجلَج عنك اللسانُ السليطُ
وتضحى حديدته تَنكُلُ

121. They were not tasked with counting the stars' grazing
Nor weighing what mountains weigh.

١٢١. وقد ركب المادحون الصعابَ
ولكنِّيَ الفارسُ المرجِلُ

122. You made hearts subtleties beneath breasts
While I am the heart-turner, the transformer.

١٢٢. وما كُلّفوا عدَّ سرحِ النجوم
ومثقالَ ما تزن الأجبُلُ

123. The poets threw their reins to me
So their saddle-bindings are intricate to me.

١٢٣. أحلتَ القرائحَ تحت القلوب
سوى أنني القُلَّب الحُوَّلُ

124. They were pleased they work
By their claim while I work.

١٢٤. رمى الشعراءُ عناني إليّ
ففتُّ وأرساغُهم تُشكلُ

125. If cowardice were forbidden by the sword
The smooth polished steel would be most deserving of striking.

١٢٥. وَسرَّهمُ أنهم يعملون
بزعمهُمُ وأنا أعملُ

126. You extended to me a torrent valley, so my mouth
Is eloquent and my twisted tongue fluent.

١٢٦. ولو مُنعَ الجُبنُ بالسيفِ كان
أحقَّ بضرب الطُّلى الصيقلُ

127. I have led it skillfully so none but my hand
Can split its cheeks that speak clearly.

١٢٧. ببسطك لي سال وادي فمي
ولاينني الكَلِم الأعضلُ

128. Forbidden to the saddle but you, ennobled by
You, over whom you prefer among people.

١٢٨. فسوّمتها مُهرةً لا يَعَضُّ
بغيرِ يدي شدقَها مِسحَلُ

129. As if servants wiped it down
And a foal's palm stroked its flank.

١٢٩. محرّمةَ السرج إلا علي
ك تشرُفُ منك بمن تَبعُلُ

130. If you have granted long life to Zuhayr
Then reward as one who grants abundantly.

١٣٠. كأنّ عَبيداً تمطَّى بها
ومسّح أعطافَها جَرَولُ