
He watered the days of Ramah, rather he watered it

سقى أيام رامة بل سقاها

1. He watered the days of Ramah, rather he watered it
The deep well is an energetic digger of its pebbles

١. سقَى أيَّامَ رامة بل سقاها
عميقُ الحفر مقتدِحٌ حصاها

2. I think it's like the fat of lambs is in it
The bucket of gallantry for whoever drew from it

٢. أحمُّ كأنَّ أُدْمَ العيس فيه
مرقعة الجِلالِ لمن طلاها

3. It caresses the holey waterskin until
It accompanies it to wipe its hands on it

٣. يُسِفُّ يطامِع الخَرقاءَ حتى
تبوِّعَه لتمسحَه يدَاها

4. If its clouds are visited, it changes
The youth of Najd, dissolving its nakedness

٤. إذا زُرَّتْ سحابَتُه أحالت
صَبَا نجدٍ محلَّلةً عُراها

5. Its water flows and the valley of Ushayy runs
So it frolics over the suppressor of its drought

٥. يسيل بمائه وادي أُشَيٍّ
فيُترِعُ فوق كاظمةَ العِضاها

6. As if its sky has bowed so it poured
Upon the orphaned earth its heavy downpour

٦. كأنَّ سماءه حنَّت فدرَّتْ
على الأرض اليتيمةِ مِرزَماها

7. When its lightning bolts shine like swords
To sheathe them, it retreats and is collected

٧. إذا شامت بوارقه سيوفا
ليُغمدَها تراجَعَ فانتضاها

8. And my soul commands following the lightning
So if my eye followed it, it prevented it

٨. وتأمُرُ باتباع البرق نفسي
فإن أتبعتُه عيني نَهاها

9. And I have not seen before it a red or green
Whose consequences I have not considered

٩. ولم أر قبله حمراءَ خُضْراً
عواقبُها ولا ضرباً أماها

10. It reminds me, and for yearning is an Eid
The folds of Umm Sa’dah, or her wrapper

١٠. يذكِّرني وللأشواق عيد
ثنايا أمِّ سعدةَ أو لَماها

11. By God, the day of Ukaz, an eye
Majestic, if it saw it, it would melt its marrow

١١. ألا للهِ يومَ عُكاظَ عينٌ
جلتها نظرة فغدت قذاها

12. You see time playing seriously with the house
So it plays or becomes serious with it and its crying

١٢. ترى لَعِبَ البِلى بالدار جِدًّا
فيلعب أو يجدّ بها بكاها

13. And how much blossom of the loving sister and from a heart
Captive, if it spoke, it would say "Oh!"

١٣. وكم بِلَوى الشقيقة ومن فؤادٍ
أسير لو تكلم قال آها

14. And from a doubter, if I listened to him
The bottles of grapes would melt from its clarity

١٤. ومن شاكٍ لو استمعت إليه
قِنانُ أبانَ ذاب له صفاها

15. The perfume of morning passes gently
Its plaits and the musk that scented it

١٥. وطيِّبة الغداةِ تفُتُّ باناً
عقائصُها ومسكا رَيْطَتاها

16. If it does not find faults in it
Its coquetries make excuses, blaming it

١٦. إذا ما لم يجد فيها معابا
ضرائرها تعلَّل عائباها

17. Misguidance confused its intelligence so it was confused
Like Umm Khishf seeking its youth

١٧. أضلّ البينُ فطنتها فحارت
كأمّ الخشفِ ناشدةً طَلاها

18. It inclines to the travelers an inclination of saddlebags
Secretly happy to me, making me understand its love

١٨. تميل على الرِّحالة ميلَ سرجي
تُسِرُّ إليَّ تُفهمني هواها

19. So I sin in its mysteries and flirtations
And who can make the ear chaste if it gaped?

١٩. فألثِمُ في السِّرار تريبتيها
ومن لي لو تكون الأذنُ فاها

20. Neighbors of yearning, the family of Layl
Came seeking guidance through your ways

٢٠. أجيرانَ الحمى مَن لابن ليلٍ
أتى مسترشدا بكُمُ فتاها

21. And when you were the day we parted
The expiration of his soul, you were its purpose

٢١. ولما كنتُمُ يومَ التنائي
مَنيَّةَ نفسه كنتم مُناها

22. I want to uncover its affliction but you
And even if its healer is who tested it

٢٢. أروم لكشف بلواها سواكم
وإن طبيبهَا لمَن ابتلاها

23. I was wakeful and a friend slept
From making my eye happy, though he shared its disdain

٢٣. أرِقتُ ونام عن إسعادِ عيني
خليلٌ كان يُسهمُ في كراها

24. I pull him from happiness by force
And who can control intimacy and dislike?

٢٤. أجاذبه عن الإسعاد كرها
ومن ذا يملِك الودَّ الكراها

25. And before you I have bound my hand to a master
To heal it though he took it and moved it away

٢٥. وقبلك قد عصبتُ يدي بمولىً
ليُلحمَها فظفَّرَ فانتقاها

26. He shot my back and said, stop your step
So the arrows came to me but I do not see them

٢٦. رَمى ظهري وقال توقَّ قُدْما
فجاءتني النبالُ ولا أراها

27. When I greet him I close my palm
Upon a hand whose fingers extended in greeting

٢٧. إذا صافحتُه أطبقتُ كفّي
على كفٍّ أناملها مُداها

28. And a flashing smile that imagines in the virgins
Upon the sights, from my face, its cheerfulness

٢٨. وبارقة تخايل في عذارى
على الأبصار من وجهي سناها

29. If it rained upon a land it did not make green
It danced though it did not fertilize its pasture

٢٩. إذا مطرت بأرضٍ لم تخضِّر
أراكتَها ولم يُخصِب ثراها

30. The trace of misfortunes grew in my heart
So it transgressed my endurance until it destroyed me

٣٠. نمَى أثرُ النوائب في فؤادي
فأعدَى لِمَّتي حتَّى دهاها

31. Time threw away my grey hair for a while
But when accompanying it became boring, it threw it away

٣١. رمى عنها الزمانُ الشيبَ حينا
فلما ملَّ صحبتَها رماها

32. And it was a night hiding my faults
So the morning disclosed me to its seeker

٣٢. وكانت ليلة تُخفِي عيوبي
فدلَّ عليَّ طالبَها ضُحاها

33. If the experienced reflects on his years
And their ups and downs, he will be certain of its end

٣٣. إذا اعتبر المجرِّبُ في سِنِيه
تقلُّبَها تيقَّنَ مُنتهاها

34. A person's life is breaths that pass
And counted numbers that cease

٣٤. حياةُ المرء أنفاسٌ تقضَّى
وإن طالت وأعدادٌ تناهَى

35. I see the days as a day and the destinies
Borrowed robes, solutions to its problems

٣٥. أرى الأيامَ يوماً والأسامِي
عليها مستعارات حُلاها

36. And the youth of a dark night who daringly entered
Its darkness with me, so I was the knight of its secret

٣٦. وفتية ليلةٍ ظلماءَ خاضوا
دجاها بي فكنتُ فتَى سُراها

37. I allowed them at my peril with a soul
That complies with the first to call it

٣٧. سمحتُ لهم على غَرَرٍ بنفسٍ
ملبيِّةٍ لأوّل مَن دعاها

38. They threw their suspicions - who is their brother?
Upon the smooth rock but they did not purify it but it

٣٨. رمَوا بظنونهم من ذا أخوهم
على الجُلَّى فما زكنوا سواها

39. And the disheveled one whose gown I spread out
And the paths and road I covered for him

٣٩. وذي شَعَثٍ نشرتُ له الفيافي
وأدراجَ الطريق وقد طواها

40. When the traveling was considered a disgrace to a house
And I said its descent degrades it

٤٠. إذا حسِب الرواحَ بعُقرِ دارٍ
وقلتُ نُزولُها عارٌ عداها

41. And whoever the highlands were inaccessible to
And disciplined himself patiently did without it

٤١. ومن كانت له العلياءُ حاجا
وأشعرَ نفسَه صبرا قضاها

42. I swear by it, bellowing in its vastness
Clamor or equal in its elevation

٤٢. حلفتُ بها تنافخُ في بُرَاها
عجيجاً أو تَساوَكُ من وَجاها

43. Making the sun sink deeply
Like the heart of water if its echo fell in it

٤٣. تُولِّي الشمسَ أحداقا عِماقا
كقُلبِ الماءِ لو نقعتْ صداها

44. The pebbles and the dark night clamor
The birds' warble in the early waters

٤٤. يلاغطن الحصا والليلُ داجٍ
لُغاطَ الطيرِ باكرنَ المِياها

45. The grass hoped for a day after day
But it had no pasture but its company

٤٥. تَمنَّى العُشْبَ يوما بعد يومٍ
فلا مرعَى لها إلا مِعَاها

46. Shores like armor, cloaked
And they are like arrows over its hunter

٤٦. نواحل كالقسيِّ معطَّفات
وهم مِثلُ السهام على مَطاها

47. Upon them is every vow if they saw it
Descending in Mecca or its purpose

٤٧. عليهم كلُّ نذرٍ ما رأوها
بمكّةَ هابطاتٍ أو مِناها

48. The clouds did get tired behind
The hands of Bani 'Abdul Rahim but did not help it

٤٨. لقد تعِب السحابُ وراءَ أيدي
بني عبد الرحيم فما شآها

49. A generous family whose building
Its dignity supported and protected its sanctuary

٤٩. كرام عشيرةٍ دعَمتْ بِناها
بعزَّة بيتها وحَمتْ حِماها

50. Superiority emerged in its nights
Of suckling, and they mastered its youth

٥٠. تفوَّقَت المكارمَ في ليالي
مرَاضعِها وسادت في صِباها

51. For them it gave birth so it begot superiorities
Sons from them, and from them it found its father

٥١. لهم ولدتْ فأنجبت المعالي
بنينَ ومنهمُ وجدتْ أباها

52. Free birds, masters of places
If the counting of genealogies denied it

٥٢. عتاق الطير أحرار المجالي
إذا حدَثانُ أحسابٍ نفاها

53. You would think them cubs, good-natured
If they uncovered the veils and foreheads

٥٣. تخالُ درارياً طُبِعت وجوها
إذا كشفوا الموارِن والجِباها

54. Sons of years, if it declined, its villages
Decayed, they fattened, its villages fertile

٥٤. بنو السنوات إن هزلت قِراها
جدوبا سمّنوا كرما قَراها

55. For them is a fire on the edge of watchtowers
May God delight the eye of whoever saw it

٥٥. لهم نارٌ على شَرَفِ المقَارِي
أقرَّ الله عينَيْ مَن رآها

56. If the abundant firewood falls short of it
Before dawn the kindler places its logs in it

٥٦. إذا قصر الوقودُ الجزلُ عنها
قبيلَ الصبح مُندِلَ مَوقِداها

57. It illuminates as if in the darkness of night
Increasing from their foreheads its flames

٥٧. تُضيءُ كأنَّها والليلُ داجٍ
تزيَّد من جباههُم جُذَاها

58. A youth from them keeps its burning company at night
So if he settles by it, he seeks its warmth

٥٨. يبيت سميرَ سؤددها عليها
فتىً منهم إذا قَرَّ اصطلاها

59. Staying awake, diverting sleep from his eyelids
His soul looking, hoping for a guest to come to it

٥٩. يماطل نومَه عن مقلتيه
تطلُّعُ نفسِهِ ضيفاً أتاها

60. When the coal heap is made fat by spring
And it narrowed between ribs that bear it

٦٠. إذا الكوماءُ يُسمنها ربيعٌ
وغَصَّت بالأضالع عرضتاها

61. And it started overlooking prosperity equally
As if the plaster of a Roman built it

٦١. وراحت تشرُفُ النَّعمَ استواءً
كأنّ مِلاطَ روميٍّ بناها

62. He saw the guests are more worthy to shame
Its generosity and demolish its structure

٦٢. رأى الأضيافَ أولى أن يُهينوا
كريمتَها ويهتدموا ذُراها

63. So he got up and fed the Indian falcon
Its lower sections to feed them its heights

٦٣. وقام فأطعم الهنديَّ عَقْرا
أسافلَها ليُطعمَهم عُلاها

64. And it did not appeal to him that its loved ones sighed
And its shepherd was anguished, crying out

٦٤. ولم يعطِفْه أن عَجَّتْ حنينا
ألائفُها وفُجِّعَ راعياها

65. So they became war spoils the guests picked off
Bringing close a piece of it they desired

٦٥. فأمست بينهم نُهبَى أكيلٍ
يُدَنِّي فَلذةً منها حواها

66. If he feared scarcity regarding it
He stalled, hastily gulping it down

٦٦. إذا ما خافَ من قِدْرٍ عليها
مماطلةً تعجَّلَ فاشتواها

67. And he stayed happy in himself if he attacked it
Rich in money but he impoverished its wealth

٦٧. وبات يَسُرُّ نفسا لو عداها
غِنَى الأموالِ موَّلها غِناها

68. Its veins grew in the house of Chosroes
Until unknown, hidden places collected it

٦٨. نمَتْ أعراقُها في بيت كسَرى
إلى غَيْناءَ مُحْلَوْلٍ جَناها

69. You see its chastity washed from them
Products of what its cooking pots dripped

٦٩. ترى مغسولة الأعراض منها
نتائجَ ما تدرَّن من ظُباها

70. And you reckon them, when they witness slander
With their tongues, desecrating its sanctity

٧٠. وتحسبها إذا شهِدت طِعانا
بألسنِها منصِّلةً قَناها

71. They protected the rights of the highlands, we are not
With words and swords that parried them

٧١. حموا خُطَطَ العلا لَسنا وضربا
بأقوال وأسيافٍ نَضاها

72. And every young man that pursues my needs
The arsenal of wolves tracking prey for me

٧٢. وكلُّ فتىً يُتَبِّعُ حاجتيه
مَقَصَّ الذئبِ يعتقبُ الشِّياها

73. If the mouths of enemies are torn open for him
Humbling, though their faces were rocks

٧٣. إذا حُسرتْ له لِمَمُ الأعادي
مطأطئةً للَهذمِه فَلاها

74. And how many fault finders exposing it to blame
Shot for Umm Al-Nujum but did not fear it

٧٤. ولما طال منبِتها وطالت
تفرَّع من رَواسيها رباها

75. And he intended its terraces so he fell, accursed,
By it his devil, and its arrows saved him

٧٥. رأت بمحمدٍ لولا أبوه
شيوخَ المجدِ تابعةً فتاها

76. He challenged himself regarding it so he tired
Against it so it repelled his foolishness

٧٦. تأخَّر في قياد المجد عنها
وخاتَمَها فكان كمن بداها

77. So your foot - Rub onto the heels behind me
For if it just misses them, it is their footsteps

٧٧. غلام سادها يَفَعا فأوفى
كما أوفت وقد سادت سواها

78. And what is my crime if my spear straightens?
If you were the naked, sought shelter

٧٨. له بِدَعُ المكارم لو رآها
لآخرَ قبلَه قلنا حكاها

79. Deaf ears from ignorance like a Qurashi
So they counted pebbles, babbling in its pits

٧٩. ولم أر مثلَه طودا زليقا
يُهَزُّ فيُجتنَى مالا وجاها

80. Your reward is guaranteed from me, travels
Upon the mouths, delighted with its narrator

٨٠. ولا مجدا أواجهُ منه شخصا
ولا كرما أخاطبه شفاها

81. If a jealous ear crept up listening
They turned away sullen, though the face smiled

٨١. كأن الله خيَّره فسوَّى
خلائقَه الحسانَ كما اشتهاها

82. And how many exposer to blame it
Threw for Umm Al-Nujum but did not fear it

٨٢. أبا سعدٍ قدحتُ بمصلِداتٍ
فلما فُضَّ زندُك لي وراها

83. And intended its terraces, so he fell disgraced
By it his devil, and its arrows saved him

٨٣. دعوتُك والطَّريق عليه أفعَى
سليسٌ مسُّها خشِنٌ سَداها

84. He challenged himself regarding it, so his self failed
Against it, so it repelled his foolishness

٨٤. كأنَّ مجرَّها مجرَى سبوحٍ
بلُجِّ أوالَ شَرَّعَ نُوتياها

85. So your foot, hurry behind my tracks
For if you just miss them, it is their footsteps

٨٥. تمجُّ السمَّ من جوفاءَ خِيلتْ
ثِفالَ الموت هامتُها رَحاها

86. And my spear is not crooked, though the curves straightened
If you were the bare, sought its shelter

٨٦. كأنَّ يمانياً رقَشتْ يداه
حَبيرةَ بردَتيه على قَراها

87. Deaf ears from the ignorance of a Qurashi
So they counted pebbles, mumbling in its pits

٨٧. فما إن زال نصرُك لي زميلا
ورأيُك حاويا حتى رقَاها

88. I became known through you, though my soul complains
When you gave it what satisfies it

٨٨. وكم لك والقُوَى بيدِي ضِعافٌ
يدٌ عندي مضاعفةٌ قُواها

89. Apart from you is the reward, travels
Upon the mouths, delighted with its narrator

٨٩. إذا ما قمتُ أشكرها تثنَّت
فتشغلُ عن مباديها ثِناها

90. If a jealous ear creeps up, listening
They recoil, though if pebbles line their face

٩٠. أعيذ علاك من لدَغات عينٍ
لوَ انّ المجدَ أبصرها فقَاها

91. And how many fault finder exposing it to blame
Threw for Umm Al-Nujum but did not fear it

٩١. ولا تعدَمْ محاسنَ لو أريد ال
حسودُ على الفداء لها فداها

92. And he intended its terraces but fell disgraced
By it his devil, and its arrows saved him

٩٢. فلا برحتْ بك العَلياء تُحمَى
حقيقتُها ويُمْنَعُ جانباها

93. He challenged himself regarding it so his soul failed
Against it, so it repelled his foolishness

٩٣. يمرُّ المِهرجانُ وكلُّ عيدٍ
بنعمتكم فيغنم من جَداها

94. So may your foot hurry behind my tracks
For if you barely miss them, it's their footsteps

٩٤. تجعجعُ فيكُمُ بَرْكُ المعالي
وتُلقِي بين أظهركم عصاها

95. The new moons do not cease with you protecting
Its essence, and its sides are protected

٩٥. ردَدتم عنّيَ الأيامَ بِيضا
أظَافرها معطَّلةً زُباها

96. The celebrations and each Eid pass
With your blessings, so whoever draws near profits

٩٦. وأغنيتُم ثنائي عن رجالٍ
أرى أسماءكم نَبهَت كُناها

97. The blessing of glory roars among you
And casts its staff between your backs

٩٧. لئامُ الملك لو رُدَّتْ إليهم
حياضُ الرزق ما بلُّوا الشِّفاها

98. You deflected from me the days, purely white
Its claws futile, teeth broken

٩٨. عُرِفتُ بكم وكيف تُسِفُّ نفسي
وقد أعطيتموها ما كفَاها

99. And your praise made me needless of men
I see your names alerted its nicknames

٩٩. فدونكم الجزاءَ مُسَيَّراتٍ
على الأفواه تُطرِب من رَواها

100. The vile kingdom, if the fields of sustenance returned to it
Would not wet its lips

١٠٠. إذا طارقْنَ سمعاً من حسودٍ
صَلمنَ وإن حَصَبن الوجه شَاها

101. I am known through you, and how my soul complains
When you gave it what satisfies it

١٠١. وكم متعرِّضٍ للقدْح فيها
رمَى أمَّ النجومِ وما اتقاها

102. Apart from you is the guaranteed reward of travels
Upon the mouths, delighted with its narrator

١٠٢. ورام حِطاطَها فهوى رجيما
بها شيطانه ونجا سُهاها

103. If a jealous ear creeps up listening
They recoil, even if the face smiles

١٠٣. تحدَّى نفسَه فيها فأعيتْ
عليه فردَّ مُعجِزَها سَفاها

104. Not missing your virtues, if I wanted
Except the envious, I ransom it to ransom them

١٠٤. فرجلَك لُمْ على المَسعاةِ خلْفي
فما إن شاكها إلا خُطاها

105. So the heights did not stop with you protecting
Its essence, and its sides are protected

١٠٥. وما ذنبي وقد صَحَّت سَوامي
إذا كنتَ المعَرَّ المسْتعَاها

106. The celebrations and each Eid pass
With your blessings, so whoever nears profits

١٠٦. مسامعُ عِفنَ من جهلٍ قِرَاطي
فعدنَ حصاً تردَّد في لَهاها