
To the fault-finder, your beauty is not for the jealous ear,

لعدو حسنك ما لسمع العاذل

1. To the fault-finder, your beauty is not for the jealous ear,
When my blamer rises against you,

١. لعدوِّ حسنِكِ ما لسمعِ العاذلِ
منّى إذا ما قام فيكِ مجادلي

2. Blame against you is prolonged, I know it is
Envy, and the envious attains no goal,

٢. طال الملامُ عليكِ أعلم أنه
حسدٌ وما حظِيَ الحسودُ بطائِل

3. Love is satisfied with you though intention troubles it,
A share, and I am content with the procrastinating adversary,

٣. أرضى الهوى منكِ المكدَّرَ بالنوى
حظّاً وأقنعُ بالغريم الماطِل

4. And if you complain of a beauty that has deserted,
I thank you for an imagination that keeps company,

٤. وإذا شكوتِك في جمالٍ هاجرٍ
عمداً شكرتكِ في خيالٍ واصلِ

5. And I would give you a place, if you but knew its worth,
A heart that barely contains, save your love, a lodger,

٥. ولقد أُحِلُّكِ لو عرفتِ محلّه
قلباً يضيق سوى هواكِ بنازلِ

6. Give with generosity what you refused in pride,
So that my attainment be not lost amidst your stinginess,

٦. أعطِي بذلٍّ ما منعتِ بعزّةٍ
فيضيعُ في أثناء بخلكِ نائلي

7. What harm, O beautiful one, to a tyrannical heart,
If it learned justice from an upright overseer,

٧. ما ضرَّ يا حسناءُ قلبا جائرا
لكِ لو تعلَّمَ من قوامٍ عادلِ

8. What questions, what have we done after his loss?
Quiet by the Tigris that does not flow for the questioner,

٨. أمسائلٌ ماذا فعلنا بعدّه
سَكَنٌ بِدجلَةَ لا يجودُ لسائلِ

9. Or a time gone by in which sorrow remained,
And passed away, but how can the gone yesterday return?

٩. أم راجعٌ زمنٌ به بقِيَ الأسى
ومضى وكيف رجوعُ أمسِ الزائلِ

10. Alas! Age increased me and weakened my strength
And generosity, and the spring of my youth dried up,

١٠. هيهات زدنَ سِنِيَّ فانتقصت قُوَى
ودّي ومُتنَ مع الشباب وسائلي

11. I was the cutting sword, the bloom of my youth split,
Between beauties, and the water of my branch polished me,

١١. كنتُ الحسامَ جلاي شرخُ شبيبتي
بين الحسان وماءُ غصني صاقلي

12. So I was cast from their necks when the tresses departed
From me, which before were my intimate friends,

١٢. فطُرحتُ عن أعناقهنّ بأن ذوتْ
منّي ذوائبُ كنّ قبلُ خمائلي

13. A life spent extravagantly and a time of idleness
Which old age took its due from my futility,

١٣. عُمرٌ مضى سَرَفا وعصرُ بطالةٍ
أخذ المشيبُ لحقّه من باطلي

14. Decrepitude took the place of my virility,
And my qualities were honored after my strength weakened,

١٤. مَلكَ الحجا منّي مكانَ خلاعتي
وتوقّرت بعد المِراحِ شمائلي

15. I revived the beauties of the dead, saying,
Had they not been afflicted by the envious killer,

١٥. أحييتُ أمواتَ المحاسنِ قائلاً
لو لم يُرَعْنَ من الحسودِ بقاتلِ

16. They said, “He is your enemy,” so an ignorant one scorned him.
Who do I have, through my merit, with the lot of the ignorant?

١٦. قالوا عدوّك فاحتقره جاهلٌ
من لي على فضلي بحظ الجاهلِ

17. O brothers of time, some follow it
Sincerely, some lying, some deviating,

١٧. يا إخوةَ الأيّام يتَّبعونها
من مستقيمٍ كاذبٍ أو مائلِ

18. Leave the son of Ayyub to me, and your business is
With the violator, the traitor or the deluder,

١٨. خلُّوا ابن أيّوبٍ عليَّ وشأنَكم
من ناكثٍ أو غادرٍ أو حائلِ

19. He who is not changed by events from me,
Nor the reason of time with any preoccupying,

١٩. من لا تحوّله الخطوبُ بحادثٍ
عنّي ولا عَقْلُ الزمان بشاغلِ

20. And if I return to the ends of his love,
I meet them with introductions and beginnings,

٢٠. وإذا رجَعتُ إلى أواخِر ودّه
قابلتُها بوسائطٍ وأوائلِ

21. And if I carry a burden on him I do not say,
Would that I had eased the back of the carrier,

٢١. وإذا حملتُ عليه ثِقْلا لم أقل
يا ليتني رَوّحتُ ظهرَ الحاملِ

22. It does not harm me if one is harsh to me and abandons me,
While Muhammad is gentle to me and meets me,

٢٢. ما ضرّني قاسٍ عليَّ فنابذي
ومحمدٌ حانٍ عليَّ فقابلي

23. To God I am content with the little for myself,
Displeased with the abundant virtuous for me,

٢٣. لله راضٍ بالقليل لنفسه
متذمّمٌ لي بالكثير الفاضلِ

24. From those who uphold the respected lineage and release
Hands when the palms of the giver have dried up,

٢٤. مِن ممسِكي الحسبِ التليدِ ومطلقي ال
أيدي إذا جفَّتْ بنانُ الباذلِ

25. Who fling at the distant goal when the day draws away
Upon the arrows of the shooter the pottery day,

٢٥. رامين في الغرض البعيد إذا نأى
يوم الفخار على سهام النابلِ

26. They set out to the ends, every impassioned one,
Riding on the horses of their fingers erring,

٢٦. شرعوا إلى الغاياتِ كلَّ مهفهفٍ
سارٍ على خيلِ الأنامل جائل

27. If it were not a lance they would not have sharpened for it
Two edges, the place of its strap and its worker,

٢٧. لو لم يكن رمحا لما شحذوا له
حدّين موضعَ زُجِّهِ والعاملِ

28. Its breaths are spellbinding sorcery, not as
I was told that sorcery is the making of Babylon,

٢٨. نفثاتُه السحرُ المبلبلُ لا كما
خُبِّرْت أنّ السحرَ صنعةُ بابلِ

29. Join them in glory and preserve them and increase,
And You have done and increased beyond the doer,

٢٩. ألحِقْهُمُ في المجدِ واحفظْهم وزد
ولقد فعلتَ وزدتَ حدّ الفاعلِ

30. And acquaint ole, the Feast, so its beauty increases,
O adornment of the days of the useless time,

٣٠. وأعِرْ علاك العيدَ يزددْ حسنُه
يا حَلْيَ أيّامِ الزمانِ العاطلِ

31. Meet with it a year that has been covered in green, it is
For You doubly good in the meeting,

٣١. قابلْ به عاماً ترنَّقَ إنه
متضاعِفٌ لك خيرُه في القابلِ