1. The gazelles are like parchments
At times clear to your eye or clouded
١. لمن الطلول كأنهنَّ رقومُ
تَضْحَى لعينك تارة وتَغيمُ
2. They make a new covenant of rising
As if it were of old wrinkled things
٢. يعهَدنَ بالإقواءِ عهداً حادثا
وكأنّه مما بَلينَ قديمُ
3. I did not know they were my poem
Until the breeze conversed among them
٣. ما كنتُ أعرفُ أنهنَّ نشيدتي
حتى تحدَّث بينهنّ نسيمُ
4. It seemed to me the scent of the meadows told me
Or a sojourner strayed in their pastures
٤. وكأنما عَبَقُ الترائب دلّني
أو ضلّ في عَرَصاتهنّ لطيمُ
5. You heard me without my companions
And revelation with my brother love is understood
٥. أسمعتِني يا دارُ دون صحابتي
والوحيُ عند أخي الهوى مفهومُ
6. Where are the camels in you, the wishes of longing
And those rising the life while it is unblemished?
٦. أين الموالكُ فيكِ أعناقَ المنى
والراقياتُ العيشَ وهو سليمُ
7. Those unleashing suns for us in the darkness
And those rising at dawn while they are stars
٧. والسارياتُ لنا شموسا في الدجى
والطالعاتُ ضحىً وهن نجومُ
8. They are not sought while laden with worries
My heart and no covenant to them is fulfilled
٨. لا يُقتَضَيْنَ وفي الديون علهيمُ
قلبي ولا يُقضَى لهنّ غريمُ
9. There remains in you for an elegist only
Standing over you and surrendering
٩. لم يبقَ فيكِ لناشدٍ أوطارَه
إلا الوقوفُ عليكِ والتسليمُ
10. And bound with two wristlets as if
The bracelets slipped off a tattooed wrist
١٠. ومقيَّدٌ ذو رُمّتين كأنه
غِبَّ السواري مِعصم موشومُ
11. We buried the dust of you with parting and passion
If only it were sealed by our lips
١١. دُسْنا ترابَكِ بالمناسِم والهوى
لو أنه بشفاهنا ملثومُ
12. And our rising for your inhabitants is loyalty
While their setting from the meadows is lying down
١٢. ومن الوفاء لساكنيكِ قيامُنا
وشكولُهن من الظباء جثُومُ
13. And I had stood but was not given success
And complained, if only the complainer hears the Merciful
١٣. ولقد وقفتُ فما رُفِدتُ بمسعِدٍ
وشكوتُ لو سمِع الشكاةَ رحيمُ
14. The eye is lenient then stingy in confusion
And the riders excuse and blame in turns
١٤. والعينُ تسمَح ثم تبخلُ حَيْرةً
والركبُ يَعذِر تارةً ويلومُ
15. It's as if I'm above the travelers, renouncing
Sport for the mother bones of its trunk
١٥. وكأنني فوق الرِّحالة خالعٌ
لعبت بأمّ عظامِهِ الخُرطومُ
16. No mortgage, O Lamiya, is unfastened, nor
Is the cord of obligation untied
١٦. لا الرهنُ يا لمياءُ مفكوكٌ ولا
حبلُ الوثيقة باللِّوى مصرومُ
17. It is forgotten like pouches in wealth
Behind the ribs your secret concealed
١٧. يُنسَى كما تُنسَى المفاقرُ في الغنى
خلفَ الجوانح سرُّكِ المكتومُ
18. That he who visited me with hatred
The sheen of aloofness was dyed by my smear
١٨. إنّ الذي عن بِغضةٍ زاورِتهِ
لونُ الصدود بِلمَّتي مأدومُ
19. A unjust judge rules over my tooth and how not
My enmity over him while you are against him?
١٩. حَكَمٌ يجورُ على سنيَّ وكيف بال
عَدْوَى عليه وأنتِ فيه خصيمُ
20. You burdened me with his saddlebags and exiled me
So I am expelled and my tents destroyed
٢٠. حمَّلتِنِي أوساقه ونفيتنِي
فأنا الطريدُ وغاربي المهدومُ
21. What takes you from a youth departed
From me while my mind stays with you
٢١. ماذا يمسُّكِ من شبابٍ راحلٍ
عنّي وبَلبالي عليكِ مقيمُ
22. Or did you not see the gray mingled its color
In the eye a pearl for your threaded poem?
٢٢. أوما رأيتِ الشَّيبَ جانسَ لونَه
في العين دُرُّ لثاتِك المنظومُ
23. And on the turbaned and veiled, blameworthy
Are maternal uncles to him and paternal uncles
٢٣. وعلى المقلَّد والمعصَّب منك بال
نسَبيْن أخوالٌ له وعُمومُ
24. Will you be content in kinship that he
Is excluded and excluding kin is blameworthy?
٢٤. أفتقنعين مع القرابةِ أنه
يُقصَى وإقصاءُ الأقاربِ لُومُ
25. If not for the dawn's challenging the Pleiades
The night would have finished it and it is beastly
٢٥. لولا تلافِي الفجرِ خابطةَ السُّرَى
لقضى عليها الليل وهو بهيمُ
26. Alas! A hater will not flatter
With guile nor will the blameworthy be praised
٢٦. هيهات أعوزَ أن يجامَلَ مُبْغَضٌ
بخديعةٍ أو يُحمَدَ المذمومُ
27. What decayed until you saw its drying up
How can the plant grow and it is rabble?
٢٧. ما عِفنَه حتى رأينَ ذُبولَه
كيف انتجاعُ النبتِ وهو هشيمُ
28. O delicacy of the two cheeks, I have not stopped
Being struck by lightning in the midst of calamities a sharer
٢٨. يا برقَةَ الفَودينِ إني لم أزل
للبرق من خللِ الخطوب أشيمُ
29. You were not the first since time loaded me
I am its branch of dense foliage
٢٩. ما كنتِ أوّلَ ما الزمانُ محمِّلي
أنا عَوْدُه ذو الجُلْبة المزمومُ
30. It reaps while with me despised, not helpless
In what patience and surrender reaped
٣٠. يجنِي وعندي حاقرا لا عاجزا
فيما جناه الصبرُ والتسليمُ
31. Or unleash your arrows O time, for
Kindness strikes and the striking is proper
٣١. أوفِضْ سهامَك يا زمانُ فإنه
ترمِي الحنيَّةُ والرميُّ سليمُ
32. We are laden with every feared thing
I return to you and its harm predetermined
٣٢. نُطني بكلّ غريبةٍ محذورة
أَرجعْ إليك وداؤها محسومُ
33. Except asking the misers, for it
Became gloomy for me the way of it is grievous
٣٣. إلاّ سؤالَ الباخلين فإنه
غُمَّى عليَّ سبيلُها مغمومُ
34. Andrestraint from decency gave me insight
The humiliation of the covetous and his provision apportioned
٣٤. ولقد كفاني في العفافِ بصيرةً
ذلُّ الحريصِ ورزقُه مقسومُ
35. And people are either obliging while excusing
Or infatuated with generosity and destitute
٣٥. والناسُ إما واجدٌ متعذِّرٌ
أو مغرمٌ بالجود وهو عديمُ
36. This one hoards and that one's wealth is short
So the fortunate and deprived are equal
٣٦. هذا يضَنُّ وذاك يَقصُر مالُه
فقد استوى المحظوظُ والمحرومُ
37. Either you see the ready cash of eyes refuse me
And the path before me half-closed and tied
٣٧. إمَّا ترى نقدَ العيون يردُّني
والبابُ دوني مرتجٌ مقرومُ
38. Stripped of the leaf of vitality, I fell
My crutch gone and in my cold the allotment
٣٨. عُريانَ من ورَق النضارة سوقطت
كِنَنِي وضاع ببُردِيَ التسهيمُ
39. Cast off, hands push me away as if I
Am a waterskin whose stitching came undone
٣٩. مُلقىً تَنابذُني الأكفُّ كأنّني
قعبٌ تفاوتَ صدعُهُ مرجومُ
40. Between wealth and poverty, not heedless of my fortune
Nor in fortunes wise
٤٠. بين الغنى والفقر لا هو جاهلٌ
حظِّي ولا هو في الحظوظ حكيمُ
41. For behind my scabbard is a sword not harmed
By the dishevelment of sheaths and their roughness
٤١. فوراءَ غِمدي صارمٌ ما ضرَّه
شعَثُ النّجاد وغربُه المثلومُ
42. Vileness crept up on my people so I sat
Lest any rise but me when I rise
٤٢. خَلَسَ الردى قومي فأقعد نهضتي
أن لا يقومَ سواي حين أقومُ
43. No effort from one who found weapons and himself
Filled and victorious, his wrath void
٤٣. ما جهد من وجد السلاحَ وَنفسُه
ملآى وَناصرُ غيظهِ معدومُ
44. Time has tread on their beauty with its forehead
So their brows are cracked by its blows
٤٤. وطىء الزمانُ بهم محاسنَ وجهه
فجبينُه بشِجاجِهِ مأمومُ
45. They were blown away by the hands of events as if
They are blades stalked by the gusts wound up
٤٥. نُسِفوا بأيدي الحادثات كأنّهم
وَبَرٌ تطارده الصَّبَا مجلومُ
46. I was delayed from them for misery after them
And deliverance from my life of antiquity was successful for them
٤٦. أُخِّرتُ عنهم للشقاوة بعدَهم
ونجا بهم من عيشِيَ التقديمُ
47. By the most high, bent necks
And backs adorned and sculpted
٤٧. قَسَماً بها معهونةً أعناقُها
وظهورُها الموشيُّ والمرقومُ
48. Drop by drop dancing in ropes, their leader
Frolicking and taking its celebration responsively
٤٨. قُطُراً تَراقصُ في الحبال إمامُها
مَرَحاً فيأخذ إِخذَه المأمومُ
49. The walk of ostriches rising with the dawn
Until stirring haunches and bodies
٤٩. مشْيَ الخرائد ينبعثن مع الطُّلى
حتى تعوقَ روادفٌ وجسومُ
50. They cast mirages at Mecca like the lanterns
Disheveled while they are marked
٥٠. يَطرحْن أشباحا بمكَّةَ كالقنا
شُعثاً وهنّ مسنَّماتٌ كُومُ
51. They tied desires where permitted is forbidden
At Mina and where prohibitions are permitted
٥١. عقَدوا الحُبَى حيثُ الحلالُ محرَّم
بِمنىً وحيثُ يحلَّلُ التحريمُ
52. By the splendor of Banu Abdul Rahim and their glory
A lofty degree from the garden of life and a safeguard
٥٢. لَنَدى بني عبد الرحيم ومجدِهم
من جِنَّةِ الدنيا رُقىً وتميمُ
53. The obstructers but their neighborhood is not shaken
And the milkers while their cattle are tied
٥٣. المانعوُن فما يُدَعْدَعُ جارُهُم
والحالبون وسرحُهم مصرومُ
54. Among them is conniving from suspicious glances
And stupidities of time are overcome
٥٤. فيهم عن النظَر المُريب تخاوُصٌ
وعلى جهالاتِ الزمانِ حُلومُ
55. And if years render the morals of life wicked
They refrain from them while the noble remains noble
٥٥. وإذا السنونَ أحلْنَ أخلاقَ الحيا
أقلعنَ عنهم والكريمُ كريمُ
56. They erected signposts on the clear path
In barren times it feeds their nights and lays them down to rest
٥٦. نصبوا على وضَح الطريق مَقارياً
في الجدب يُطعِمُ ليلُها ويُنيمُ
57. And they slipped away to the passersby and were certain
That in praise the gainer is the gained
٥٧. وتسلَّبوا للطارقين وأيقنوا
في الحمد أنّ الغانمَ المغنومُ
58. And when calamities crowded and the breadth
For the soul of the coward and his hated soul narrowed
٥٨. وإذا تزاحمت الخطوب وضاق عن
نَفَسِ الجبان ونَفْسِه الحَيزومُ
59. They turned over their opinions so thoughts were relieved
And from the swords, notions and resolve
٥٩. سلُّوا لهم آراءهم فتفرّجتْ
ومن السيوف خواطرٌ وعَزيمُ
60. And when you see Hussein cheapen his soul
And describe the distant known and perceived
٦٠. وإذا الحسين رأيتَ سؤددَ نفسه
وصفَ البعيدَ المدرَكُ المعلومُ
61. With the companion he began favors and ended
So pride is a beginning sealed by it
٦١. بالصاحب ابتدأوا المكارمَ وانتَهوْا
فالفخرُ مفتتَحٌ به مختومُ
62. Euphrates extended but did not fulfill his oath
And reached high but clouds hover
٦٢. مدَّ الفراتُ فما وفَى بيمينه
وسما فحلَّق والسحابُ يحومُ
63. And he saw a peer's place for his friend
In affection and he is leader of kings
٦٣. ورأى مكانَ نظيرهِ لصديقه
بالودّ وهو على الملوك زعيمُ
64. O you loyal to the kingdom and the brother betraying
And determined while his sword is defeated
٦٤. يا وافيا للملك والأخُ غادرٌ
ومصمِّما وحسامُه مهزومُ
65. No harm to him that you are orphan
Present and mother in protection inclined
٦٥. ما ضرَّه يُتْمٌ وأنت له أبٌ
حانٍ وأمٌّ بالحفاظِ رَؤومُ
66. While the eyes of pixies slept neglectfully
About him and your eye its sleep agitating
٦٦. نامت عيون الكالئاتِ تواكُلاً
عنه وعينُك نومُها تهويمُ
67. Until you restored his jaw from its fangs
And the lion voracious with it chewed up
٦٧. حتى أعدتَ الدُّرْدَ من أنيابه
والليثُ مفتَرَسٌ بها مضغومُ
68. And he came to you admitting the error of his view
He who claimed to be infallible
٦٨. وأتاك معترِفا بزَلَّةِ رأيه
من كان يزعُم أنه معصومُ
69. That he who cut enmity like a load
For you returned before the hunt and it is weak
٦٩. إن الذي فتل العداوة كِفّةً
لك عاد قبل الصيد وهي رميمُ
70. He did not stop plunging his palms in greed
Until his claws were blunted by the clipping
٧٠. ما زال يُنْشِبُ في المطامع كفَّه
حتى تحيّفَ ظُفْرَه التقليمُ
71. He gored the does altogether, knowing they
Will return the two gashes and he is wrecked
٧١. نطَحَ الصفاةَ أجمَّ يعلم إنَّها
لَتَرُدُّ ذا الرَّوْقَينِ وهو حطيمُ
72. He cut ties and came to ride his head
So he fell, wishing he were tied up
٧٢. قطع الحبالَ وجاء يركَبُ رأسَه
فهوى يودُّ لوَ اَنه مخطوم
73. Evil hopes give birth to evil and wishes
Are a barren mother throughout vileness
٧٣. يستولد الآمال شراً والمنى
أمٌّ على طول السفاد عقيمُ
74. The dances of a stallion enticed his glances
And confusion with its honey poisoned entered his mouth
٧٤. حبَراتُ فحلٍ راقصتْ ألحاظَه
وحلا بفيه شهدُها المسمومُ
75. He laid siege, defending against his day
If only besieging were lasting
٧٥. علِقَ الحصارَ مدافعا عن يومه
لو أنّ إملاءَ الحصار يدومُ
76. He fears fleeing and does not offer himself
So dies under the sword and he is noble
٧٦. يخشى الفرارَ ولا يقدِّم نفسَه
فيموتُ تحت السيف وهو كريمُ
77. So he chose another, his dignity debased in it
For baseness the muzzle is bloodied by it
٧٧. فاختار أُخرى ذلَّ فيها أنفُه
لخَشاشة يُدمَى بها الخيشومُ
78. The worst calamity in wars is its prisoner
The slain are excused and the defeated blamed
٧٨. شرّ البليّة في الحروب أسيرُها
يُسلَى القتيلُ ويُعذَر المهزومُ
79. You settled him in the abode of misery, and it
Compared to what he fears of bliss is slight
٧٩. أسكنتَه دارَ الشقاءِ وإنها
في جنب ما هو خائف لنعيمُ
80. The customs of your grandfather in your heights, though
The spear of the whole with its edge is supported
٨٠. عاداتُ جَدّك في علاك وإنما
رمُح الكميِّ بحَدّه مدعومُ
81. For them the crookedness of affairs if they are faulted in it
And for your palm the guidance and correction
٨١. لهم اعوجاجُ الأمر إن طعَنوا به
ولكفّك التثقيفُ والتقويمُ
82. And I see ministry is eclipsed, though
It is free and permissive and inviolable
٨٢. وأرى الوزارةَ تُستَرقُّ وإنما
هي حُرّة وتباحُ وهي حريمُ
83. It was played with by little spirits and became
Though its bliss to men is worries
٨٣. لعبتْ بها الهمم القصارُ وأصبحتْ
وسرورُها عند الرجال همومُ
84. In every day, twisted and thorny of branches sprouted in it
No shade above the ground protecting anyone in it
٨٤. في كلّ يوم نابت نبعت به
عوجاءُ شائكةُ الغصونِ عَذومُ
85. Nor under earth a pillar
Destroying, time passes its fragments
٨٥. لا ظلّ فوق الأرض يَحمِي قائلا
فيها ولا تحت التراب أرومُ
86. Beneath claws its sculpted wood
It meets him while knowing the secret of his face
٨٦. خوَّارة يمضي شَظايا طُيَّحاً
تحت النواجذِ عُودُها المعجومُ
87. In humiliation while he in its glory is marked
Confined in it is supremacy, aloof
٨٧. تلقاه عارفةً أسرّةَ وجهه
بالذلِّ وهو بعزِّها موسومُ
88. From his image is veneration and glorification
He is content with prominent ones with a name having
٨٨. محصورةٌ فيه السيادةُ نافرٌ
من شكله التوقيرُ والتعظيمُ
89. No meaning, and the arrogance of eras is an epoch
He gives lips when he wants benevolence
٨٩. يرضَى من العلياء باسمٍ ما لَهُ
معنىً وزِعنفةُ الأديم أديمُ
90. A palm kissing them by it filled
Are you angry while you are its neighbors
٩٠. يُعطِي الشِّفاهَ إذا أراد كرامةً
كفًّا مُقبِّلها بها ملطومُ
91. For ambitions no beginnings for them are demarcated?
Or is all merit in time and its people
٩١. أفتغضَبون وأنتمُ جِيرانُها
لسَوامِ مجدٍ ما لهنَّ مُسيمُ
92. Even ministry neglected and wronged?
Warble, for with you O dove is its collar
٩٢. أم كلُّ فضل في الزمان وأهلِه
حتى الوزارة مهملٌ مظلومُ
93. And look, for in you are its glances O Oryx
And forgive it if you were superior to it
٩٣. غرِّدْ فعندكَ يا حمامةُ طوقُها
وانظر ففيك لحاظُها يا ريمُ
94. How many deficient but for them are charms
Sit for the delegation of festival while your heel
٩٤. واسمح لها أن كنتَ عنها فاضلا
كم ناقصٍ وله بكم تتميمُ
95. Not elevated and the nose of time in you a drizzle
It comes to you forcibly serving you loyally
٩٥. واجلس لوفد المهرجان وكعبُك ال
عالي وأنفُ الدهر فيك رغيمُ
96. In it and your glory sitting served
Wearing the garb of eternity and escorted
٩٦. يأتيك قَسرا خادماً لك قائما
فيه ومجدُك جالسٌ مخدومُ
97. By the caravan of the train and its strung poem
The souls are seized from rarities, vanquishing
٩٧. متسربلاً ثوبَ الخلود وشيعُهُ
حَلْيُ القريض ودرُّه المنظومُ
98. The command of nights is your commanded decree
O family why do I sit withered
٩٨. تهَب النفوسَ من النفائس غالبا
أمرَ الليالي أمرُك المرسومُ
99. While your valley is abundant, ever brimming?
Refusal of precedents disdained precedents
٩٩. يا أسرتي مالي أَلُسُّ خَشاشتي
يبَساً وواديكم أغنُّ جميمُ
100. So they perished and glory in loyalty lasted
And if Qays had been content in his mother's decree
١٠٠. أَنِفَ الإباءُ لوائل من وائلٍ
ففنُوا وعزَّت بالوفاءِ تميمُ
101. He would have gone straight and a piercing calamity
And I see a brother of Chosroes spend his night while his people
١٠١. ولو اكتفَى قيسٌ بفتوَى أمِّه
لمضى عَدِيٌّ طائحاً وخَطيمُ
102. Among them the swords of victory and he is oppressed
My pact with you a time and my wound among you
١٠٢. وأرى أخا كسرى يبيت وقومه
فيهم سيوفُ النصر وهو مَضيمُ
103. Yusuf though the cleavage of my intimacy is stitched
So if my reed whistles and in you supports
١٠٣. عهدي بكم زمناً وجُرحي بينكم
يوسَى وصدعُ خَصاصتي ملمومُ
104. The seeking of heights my side undermined
Lions protected against cubs and she-camels pulled
١٠٤. فإذا خوَى قصبي وساندَ فيكُمُ
طلبَ الرفادةِ جنبيَ المهضومُ
105. Beyond young she-camels tribulations and small hills
So why when you grew long and extended in space
١٠٥. حمت الليوثُ عن الشبول وجرجرتْ
دونَ البِكارِ مَصاعبٌ وقُرومُ
106. Am I by your clouds' suckling weaned?
I seek your enclosures but am struck away from them
١٠٦. فعلام إذ طُلتم وزدتم بسطةً
أنا من رضاع سحابكم مفطومُ
107. The striking of strangers and they are hot enraged
Blame from the guide though below it your affection
١٠٧. أبغي حياضَكُمُ فأُضْرَبُ دونها
ضربَ الغرائب وهْي حَرَّى هِيمُ
108. A breast over the cleavage of chasms unharmed
١٠٨. عَتْبُ المدِلِّ وتحته لودادكم
صدرٌ على حزِّ الشفار سليمُ