
You are burdened with passion, while the slanderers burden me with blame,

لكِ الغرام وللواشي بكِ التعب

1. You are burdened with passion, while the slanderers burden me with blame,
And all the reproach, when passion took hold, turned into play.

١. لكِ الغرامُ وللواشي بكِ التعبُ
وكلُّ عذلٍ إذا جَدَّ الهوى لَعِبُ

2. Is it not enough that eyes turn away, indifferent,
While my hearing is veiled by the dignity of yearning?

٢. أما كفاه انصرافُ العين مُعرِضةً
عنه وسمعٌ بوقْر الشوق محتجِبُ

3. My inner feelings are tickled, stirred,
When the days of life stand straight, they tremble.

٣. وأنقلباً وأحشاء مُدغدَغةً
إذا استقامتْ حُمول الحيّ تضطربُ

4. Blame me as much as you wish - you did not tie knots or untie them.
You found fault, but did not split or crack anything.

٤. لاموا عليكِ فما حلُّوا وما عَقدوا
عندي وعابوا فما شقُّوا ولا شعَبوا

5. For every dormant fire of passion in the chest
Blame will kindle it, and reproach will provide its fuel.

٥. فكلُّ نارِ هوىً في الصدر كامنةٍ
فاللَّوم يُسعرها والعذلُ يحتطبُ

6. Oh how lonesome between me and you all,
When the heart is empty of the company of neighbors!

٦. آهاً لوحشةِ ما بيني وبينَكُمُ
إذا خَلتْ من دِلاءِ الجيرةِ القُلُبُ

7. Your camels went far away, beyond my sight,
Cutting off my eyes, with the sands separating us.

٧. وعَطَّت القُورَ والأجراعَ نوقُكُمُ
طُروحَ عيني وحالت بيننا الكثُبُ

8. Who can I complain of passion to, when it shook my pillow,
With tears flowing, or ribs that ache?

٨. مَن أشتكي الشوقَ إذ هَزَّت وسادتَهُ
مدامعٌ تَنتَحي أو أضلعٌ تَجِبُ

9. I have never regretted anything lost as much as living
While the neighbors of youth have been absent.

٩. فما أسفتُ لشيءٍ فائتٍ أسفي
من أن أعيشَ وجيرانُ الغضا غَيَبُ

10. I used to steal my tears within my eyelids
Fearing to weep, but today I wail loudly.

١٠. قد كنتُ أسرِقُ دمعي في محاجره
تطيُّراً بالبكى فاليومَ أنتحبُ

11. May God not banish a heart that remained loyal to you,
Neighing and yearning did not avail me.

١١. لا يُبعدِ اللّهُ قلباً ظلَّ عندكُمُ
لم يُغنِني عنه نِشدانٌ ولا طلبُ

12. You took it unjustly, without returning it,
Maybe the plunder comes after the raid.

١٢. سلبتموهُ فلم تُفتُوا برجعتهِ
وربّما بعدَ الغارةِ السَلبُ

13. Where is your guarantee, before parting,
That no harm will reach it, and no doubts overcome it?

١٣. فأين إذمامُكم قبلَ الفراق له
أَلاَّ يضامَ ولا تمشي له الرِّيبُ

14. Taken prisoner by your betrayal - was it partial
Or did she revert from her faith, like the Arabs?

١٤. أسِيرَةٌ لكُمُ في الغدرِ حادثةٌ
تَخُصُّ أم رَجعتْ عن دينها العَربُ

15. O people of my love - though I did not rightfully call you that,
These are just habits and paths we used to roam.

١٥. يا أهل ودِّي وما أهلاً دعوتُكُمُ
بالحقِّ لكنها العاداتُ والدُّرَبُ

16. With them we used to scent ourselves, before your betrayal.
Today, every name of love between us is a stigma.

١٦. كُنَّا بها نَتَسمَّى قبلَ غدركُمُ
فاليومَ كلُّ اسمِ ودً بيننا لقبُ

17. You resembled time in the changing of its coloration.
Each one of you is the ever-changing, fleeting colors.

١٧. أشبهتم الدهر في تلوين صِبغتهِ
فكلُّكم حائلُ الألوان منقلبُ

18. You used to be, with the days, like their brothers.
But injustice towards me is the only blood tie between you!

١٨. كنتم عليَّ مع الأيّام إخوتَها
وليس إلا عُقوقي بينكم نسبُ

19. Patience - even if worn over anguish.
I was wronged, but the patient victim hopes for reward.

١٩. صبراً وإن كان ملبوساً على جَزعٍ
ظُلمتُ والصابرُ المظلومُ محتسِبُ

20. Perhaps the absence of this luck will end for me one day,
And the firmness of purpose will bounce back.

٢٠. لعلَّ عازبَ هذا الحظِّ يرجِعُ لي
يوماً وقاعدَ هذا الجَدِّ بي يثبُ

21. Would that the perfection of the kingdom were impartiality,
Its opinions agreeing with mine, and the people's views probed thoroughly.

٢١. ولَيتَ أنَّ كمالَ المُلكِ خالصةٌ
آراؤه لي ورأيُ الناسِ مؤتَشبُ

22. Rather, would that its judgments were its favors,
So its fairness in what it grants would be verified.

٢٢. بل ليتَ أنَّ قضاياه مواهبُهُ
فكان إنصافُه في عَرضِ ما يَهَبُ

23. A noble youth whom I accepted from among those
Whose travels were difficult, and processions wandered.

٢٣. فتىً قَنِعتُ به من بين مَنْ حَمَلتْ
خُوصُ الركابِ فسارت تُنقَلُ الرُّكُبُ

24. I loved him with the love of my eye for its sister, and my hand for my hand,
And I had, beyond these two, still more love for him.

٢٤. أحببتهُ حُبَّ عيني أختَها ويدي
يدي ولي في مَزيدٍ منهما أربُ

25. He protected me where I had no eyelid to watch over me,
Keeping and guarding me, when relatives do not guard against closeness.

٢٥. وكان لي حيثُ لا جفنٌ لناظرِهِ
حفظاً وصَوناً ولا تحمِي الظُّبا القُرُبُ

26. He was gentle to my rights, covering over my faults,
As if he, in his affection, was my father.

٢٦. عَطفاً لحقيِّ وإسبالاً على ذممي
كأنّه وهو مولىً في الحنوّ أبُ

27. He tended to my confused state, when no wind went along with it,
Nor did the clouds aspire to help it.

٢٧. يرعَى شواردَ فيه لم تَسِرْ معَهَا
ريحٌ ولا طمعتْ في شأوها السُحبُ

28. But a hand of fate overcame me in that position,
Which had long overwhelmed me with defeat.

٢٨. فغالبتني على ذاك المكان يدٌ
للدهر كان لها مذ ملَّني الغَلبُ

29. An aversion that no conciliation occurred in it,
And a hatred like recoiling, though with no cause.

٢٩. مَلالةٌ لم تَطِرْ فيها مُطاوَلةٌ
وبِغضةٌ كالتجنِّي ما لها سببُ

30. It hardened, so for the slanderers my ear was ready
To accept whatever they fabricated and claimed about me.

٣٠. قَسَا فأصبحَ للواشين بي أُذُناً
تَليقُ ما اختلقوا عنِّي وما اجتلبوا

31. If they said I had stolen the hearing, or they directed
To me the changing of God's religion, or they attributed

٣١. لو قيل إنِّي سرقتُ السمعَ أو صرفوا
إليَّ تبديلَ دينِ اللهِ أو نَسَبوا

32. That God's messengers were faced with disbelief from me,
Or that the books were distorted from my affair,

٣٢. لَمَا امتَرَى أنَّ رُسْلَ اللّه بي جُبِهوا
بالردِّ أو حُرِّفَتْ عن أمرِيَ الكتُبُ

33. Then say to him may God beautify his loyalty,
While the truth surfaces, and the lies slink around furtively.

٣٣. فقل له طيَّب اللّهُ الوفاءَ له
والحقُّ يَسفِرُ والبهتانُ يَنتقِبُ

34. O you who criticize people, revealing their essence,
When did gold change its origin?

٣٤. يا ناقدَ الناس كشْفاً عن جواهرهم
متى تَغيَّرَ عن أعراقِهِ الذهبُ

35. How did ill fate corrupt your news about me
Until it seemed to you that pearls were burning?

٣٥. وكيف أَفسدَ سوءُ الحظِّ خُبرَك بي
حتّى بدا لك أنّ الدرّ يلتهبُ

36. After you approved of me for twenty years or lifted me up,
Will you now deny my racing or my leaping?

٣٦. أبعد أن رضتني عشرينَ أو صَعِدتْ
لا الجريُ تُنكره منّي ولا الجَنَبُ

37. The breach of my resolve is described to you, so accept it
With forgiveness, while the slanderer pulls you and you are pulled.

٣٧. يُروَى لك الخُرْقُ عن حزمِي فتقبلهُ
صفحاً ويَجذبُك الواشي فتنجذبُ

38. You all are too far above supporting an incident
Or unleashing your claws against me.

٣٨. حاشاكُمُ أن تكونوا عَونَ حادثةٍ
أو ترتميني على أيديكم النُّوَبُ

39. My sin toward you was love and sincerity,
For manners were always my sin toward my days.

٣٩. أذنبيَ الحبُّ والإخلاصُ عندكُمُ
فإنّ ذنبي إلى أيّامِيَ الأدبُ

40. By your protector and the established glory to them,
If I swore by them, and the religion and lineage!

٤٠. أَمَأ وقَومِكَ والمجدُ التليدُ لهم
إذا حلفتُ بهم والدينُ والحسبُ

41. I have never - and time's wonders do not disappear -
Thought the eminent were hypocritical in its market.

٤١. ما خلتُ والدهر لا تَفنَى عجائبُهُ
أنّ العلا نافقٌ في سُوقها الكذبُ

42. I was not surprised by my fate's injustice to me,
But your injustice is what is truly surprising.

٤٢. ولا عجبت لدهري كيف يظلمني
وإنما ظلمكم أنتم هو العجبُ

43. O you through whom the life was set right, and around his uniqueness
The factions and nations united.

٤٣. يا مَن به صحَّ سُقمُ العيشِ واجتمعتْ
على توحدهِ الأحزابُ والشُّعَبُ

44. And who sufficed the kingdom what his blade did not,
And warded off from it what the armor did not repel.

٤٤. ومَن كَفَى المُلكَ ما لم يَكفِ صارمُهُ
ورَدَّ عنه الذي ما ردَّه اليَلبُ

45. And who frequented the horizon of glory, so the stars
Aligned with him, and meteors submitted to his command.

٤٥. ومَن توسَّط أفقَ المجد فاعتدلتْ
به البدورُ ولبَّت أمرَهُ الشهُبُ

46. Upon your carpet every ambiguity is solved,
Which the prominent are preoccupied with, or the orators speak of.

٤٦. على بساطِكَ تُقضىَ كلُّ مُبْهِمةٍ
يعنو بها الخطْبُ او تعيا بها الخطَبُ

47. And the halo of the moon is a hand you ride,
While at times it is the darkness of overlapping tails.

٤٧. وهالةُ البدرِ دَستٌ أنت راكبه
وتارةً هو غابُ الضيغم الأشِبُ

48. A cheerful, dignified, humorous and satisfied seriousness -
Were it not for the fluency, we would think him angry.

٤٨. بِشْرٌ وَقورٌ وجَدٌّ ضاحكٌ ورضاً
لولا الطلاقةُ خِلْنا أنه غضبُ

49. Morals flowed through you freely then coalesced,
And awe contracted around you, so chains and flames.

٤٩. جَرَى بك الخُلُقُ الفضفاضُ وانقبضتْ
بك المهابةُ فالسَّلسالُ واللهبُ

50. Gifts and praise have enriched you,
And positions of prominence and rest have tasked you.

٥٠. وأفقرتك العطايا والثناءُ غنىً
وأنصبتك العلا والراحةُ النَّصَبُ

51. Who lacks glory to support him
Will find through you glory without props.

٥١. مَن عندَهُ نَشبٌ لا مجدَ يعضُدُهُ
فإنّ عندك مجداً ما له نشبُ

52. I gained access, by your name, to the knot of sustenance, so it flowed,
Split open generously and burst for me.

٥٢. حَلَلْتُ باسمك عَقْدَ الرزق فاندفعتْ
عُراه تُفصَمُ لي عفواً وتَنقضبُ

53. And you were the means to the knot which manners
Were derived from, and holes were not pierced in.

٥٣. وكنتَ واسطةَ العِقد الذي انتظمتْ
عنه السلوكُ ولم تُخدَشْ به الثُّقَبُ

54. You are the proud back's saddle, if my skin weakens,
And the pearl of life for me, with the well-rope grasped.

٥٤. أنتم رفادةُ ظهرِي إن وَهَى جَلَدِي
ودَرَّةُ العيشِ لي والضَّرعُ معتصَبُ

55. My number and betrayers are covered over,
For me, by you, the basin or the drinking place.

٥٥. ومَشربي العِدُّ والغدرانُ غائرةٌ
منكم لِيَ الحوضُ أو منكم لِيَ القَرَبُ

56. You brought me forward, so for me is the merit of precedence, and whoever
Drags behind after me is bent over and following.

٥٦. قدَّمتموني فلي رهنُ السباقِ ومَن
يلِزُّني بعدُ مجنوبٌ ومعتقِبُ

57. My honor is in myself, but you increased my nobility
By my affiliation to you when I consort with others.

٥٧. عِزِّي بنفسي ولكن زادني شرفاً
أني إليكم إذا باهلتُ أنتسبُ

58. And people other than you, those whose poetry to insult me
Has pillars built up but no clay bricks.

٥٨. والناسُ غيرَكُمُ من لا يجاوزني
ابياته عَمَدٌ تُبنَى ولا طُنُبُ

59. If you are pure, I have no flowers or breast
From them, even if they hint one day or hurt me.

٥٩. إذا صفوتم فلا وِرْدي ولا صَدَري
منهم وإن أملَحوا يوماً وإن عذُبوا

60. From you is the radiant brow for me, the smooth neck,
While people are the forearm and tail.

٦٠. لي منكم الجبهةُ الغرّاء والعنُقُ ال
تلْعاءُ والناس بعدُ الرُّسغُ والذنَبُ

61. So do not let nights among you give me, by any hand,
Anything but affection, intimacy and tenderness.

٦١. فلا تَنلْني الليالي فيكُمُ بيدٍ
إلا التَّبابُ لها والشلُّ والعطبُ

62. And may the eyes of fate not strike you, for to perfection
Their glance aims, and their arrow misses.

٦٢. ولا تُصبْكم عيونُ الدهر إنّ لها
إلى الكمال لحاظاً سهمُها غَرَبُ

63. And if the herald of Nawruz comes seeking oaths
By you, then the green pastures and plants.

٦٣. وإن أتَى رائدُ النيروزِ مجتدياً
أَيْمانَكم فالروابي الخُضْرُ والعُشُبُ

64. For from your brows comes the light of spring for us,
And from your palms come the rains pouring down.

٦٤. فمن جباهكُمُ نَورُ الربيع لنا
ومن أكفِّكمُ الأنواءُ تنسكبُ

65. One day, the ascent of your glory
Will curve back tomorrow upon your kingdom, uncurved by eras.

٦٥. يومٌ يكُرُّ به إقبالُ جَدّكُمُ
غداً على ملككم ما كرّت الحِقَبُ

66. You appear, from its beauty the eyes' good fortune, so for poetry
In you are the fortunes of hearing and enchantment.

٦٦. تَجلُونَ من حسنه حظَّ العيونِ فلل
أشعار فيكم حظوظُ السمعِ والطربُ

67. As long as you remain, my days in your glory
Are as I love, and my states as they should be.

٦٧. فما بقيتم فأيّامي بعزّكُمُ
كما أُحبُّ وأحوالي كما تجبُ