1. I move along with life though it has flowered for us,
To a land where is no shade or fruits to pick.
١. نَقيلُ مع الدنيا وقد أورقت لنا
إلى دَوحةٍ لا ظلَّ فيها ولا جنى
2. And foolishly we marvel at remaining alive,
Yet your remaining, o deluded one, is but leading to extinction.
٢. ونغترُّ عُجبا بالبقاءِ وإنما
بقاؤك يا مغرورُ ساقَ لك الفنا
3. I stood still while the foremost passed, so it saddened me,
And the neighbors did not blame except to blame me too.
٣. أقمتُ وسار السابقون فسرَّني
وما ظعنَ الجيرانُ إلا لأظعنا
4. And my fate called in another's name, falsely,
Yet I - though unnamed at first - am the one who was meant.
٤. وصوَّت دهري باسم غيري مغالطا
وإني وإن لم يُسْمِ أوَّلُ من عنَى
5. And how can we hope for the love of a day and night
That add to our loss what they take away each minute?
٥. وكيف نرجِّي ودَّ يوم وليلةٍ
يزيدان مما يُعديان بنقصنا
6. Our father, Time, makes our blood lawful to him,
And our mother, this earth, feeds on us.
٦. يُسيغ أبونا الدهرُ منّا دماءَنا
وتأكُلنا من هذه الأرض أمُّنا
7. Alas, the unhearing arrows came, not understanding glory,
Nor dreading the protected tents and covert places.
٧. ألا طرَقتْ صَمَّاءُ لا تفهم الرُّقَى
ولا ترهبُ الحاوين مسرىً ومَكمَنا
8. For our sons they exceeded in the speed of their flying,
Striking the unarmored or the armed and mailed.
٨. لأبنائنا ما فوّقتْ من نبالها
رمتْ أعزلاً أو دارعا متحصِّنا
9. They hit the essential parts of honored men,
Cutting them down for me though others were hit.
٩. أصابتْ صميما من رجالٍ أعزّةٍ
علَيَّ نَحتْهم والمصابُ بها أنا
10. My loved ones - Time stretched out a hand to them, his beloveds,
A hand that never shook another's except to cheat us.
١٠. أحبّاي مدّ الدهرُ نحو حبيبهم
يدا لم تصافِح قطُّ إلا لتغبُنا
11. Their eyes saw the calamities as mote-like,
Would that the observer of them for us had been blind!
١١. تراءت عيونُ الخطب خُزرا لعينهم
ألا ليت أعمى ناظراً لهُمُ رَنا
12. May God water a grave in Al-Khudayriyyah with fresh rain,
Till what the clouds poured on it grows intensely dark.
١٢. سقَى الله قبرا بالخُضَيريّة الحيا
فخضَّره ما أمطرَ المُزْنُ أدكنا
13. Turn, turn your steeds aside from the valley, my companions,
And go to it, salute the excellence and loftiness there!
١٣. أميلوا أميلوا من هوادي جيادِكم
إليه فحيّوا نخبةَ المجد والسنا
14. Stop, strip it bare, and approach it step by step,
That what the loss of its dweller made slender may fatten.
١٤. قِفوا جِّردوها واعقِلوها عقيرةً
ليهزلَها فِقدانُ من كان أسمنا
15. Drawn out yet threatening, with its saddlebags broken,
Its white and black marker-stones cracked and torn up.
١٥. ومجرورة مبروزة من سروجها
مكسّرة من حولها البيضُ والقنا
16. Perhaps Father Nasr will return a greeting there,
Though he could only do it if we enabled him.
١٦. لعلّ أبا نصرٍ يردُّ تحيّةً
وما هو إلا فاعلٌ لو تمكّنا
17. My friend, though the earth lies between me and him,
In spite of me, how I wished the soil to be your dwelling!
١٧. أيا صاحبي والترب بيني وبينه
برغميَ ما اخترتُ الثرى لك مسكنا
18. I knew you to be one who refused and was defiant,
Then by what were you deluded that you submitted to death?
١٨. عهدتك منّاعا أبياً فما الذي
خُدعتَ به فانقدتَ للموت مذعِنا
19. Let the announcer announce your departure, but I could not
Deny your day though it be the truth we ascertain.
١٩. نعاك ليَ الناعي فما كدتُ منكِرا
ليومك وهو الحقُّ أن أتيقَّنا
20. So I doubted, in desolation on hearing him,
And refused sight till at last I saw clearly.
٢٠. فشكَّكْتُه مستوحشا من سماعه
وعمَّيتُه حتى انجلى وتبيَّنا
21. The worst misfortune strikes whom it will after you.
But I see each day after your day as mean and paltry.
٢١. أصابَ الردى من شاءَ بعدك إنني
أرى كلَّ يومٍ بعدَ يومك هيِّنا
22. I gained the full moon on the night it becomes full from you,
And plucked from you the branch at the hour it is to be picked.
٢٢. لخولستُ منك البدرَ ليلةَ تمِّهِ
وجوذبتُ منك الغصنَ ساعةَ يجتنَى
23. You were the wide plain for my hopes to race on,
As though death had been gentle with you at your dying.
٢٣. وكنت لآمالي الفسحية مَسرَحا
لوَ اَن المنايا فيك أمهلتِ المُنى
24. You tangled with one who grants no truce,
So he deepened the wounds, inflicting all he could.
٢٤. عُرِكتَ بقرنٍ لا هَوادةَ عندَه
فعمَّق ما اسطاعَ الجروحَ وأثخنا
25. Until an hour came whose pain will not lessen,
And whose skin, when scratched, is not soothed by being touched gently.
٢٥. إلى ساعةٍ لا يبلغُ الكيُّ داءَها
ولم تَشفَ منها جِلدةُ القَرْفِ بالهِنا
26. I continued snatching sleep from you anxiously,
Fearing for you, until what I feared fell.
٢٦. ومازلتُ من أخذ الضنا منك مشفقا
عليك إلى أن جاء ما هوَّن الضَّنا
27. And I put far away the day when there is rest
From the complaints, until the worst of what drew near came near.
٢٧. وأستبعدُ اليومَ الذي فيه راحةٌ
لما تشتكي حتى دنا شرَّ ما دنا
28. Abu Talib, be patient, even if needy,
For there is no merit in patience if endurance is possible.
٢٨. أبا طالب صبرا وإن كان مُعوِزا
فلا فضلَ في صبرٍ إذا كان ممكنا
29. You have lost a brother, so keep safe his reward,
For God never guaranteed the reward if we grieve.
٢٩. سُلبتَ أخاً فاحفظ عليك ثوابَه
فما ضَمِن اللهُ الثوابَ لتحزَنا
30. I have purified my love for him in tears,
Weeping for him and fulfilling righteousness regarding him.
٣٠. بكرهيَ أصفيتُ المودّة باكيا
له وقضَيتُ الحقَّ فيه مؤبِّنا
31. Yet had he lived, our weeping would restore him,
Had we strewn cheeks in his grave and wailed.
٣١. على أنه لو هالكٌ رده البكا
نثرنا خدودا في ثراه وأجفنا
32. He took pride in a position like his,
And it would be shameful to guard his blood and store it.
٣٢. وكان خبالا في رزيَّة مثلِه
ولُؤماً بدمع أن يصانَ ويُخزَنا
33. But no flank avails against a raider
From Time, except the flank that is roughest and harshest.
٣٣. ولكنَّه ما لان جنبٌ لطارقٍ
من الدهر إلا كان أصعبَ أخشنا
34. And whoever contends with events with tears and weeping,
Time wounds his eyelids and makes his ribs ache.
٣٤. ومن نازَل الأحداثَ بالدمع والبكا
فمقلتَهُ أدمَى وأضلعَهُ حَنا