1. God gave him feet that brought him
To heights beyond ambitious minds
١. لله ساعٍ بلَّغتْهُ قدَمُهُ
حيث تعدَّت عالياتٍ هممُهْ
2. He traversed the path seeking glory until he attained it
While his brethren remained in the dark with their stars
٢. طوَى السُّرى يبغِي العلا حتى انطوى
إخوتُه تحت الظلام أنجمُهْ
3. He took dangerous risks upon himself
Plunging ahead or able to rein himself in
٣. حَكَّمَ أخطارَ الفلا في نفسه
يُوغلُ أو تمَّ له تحكُّمُهْ
4. Time tests him while he remains a bird
Competing against fate with his onslaught
٤. تحُصُّه الأيّام وهو طائرٌ
يزاحم الحظَّ به تهجُّمُهْ
5. Yet he sits chaste and content
With the ample provisions he has stored in his mouth
٥. وقاعدٌ مع العفاف قانعٌ
ببُلغةِ الزاد حشاه وفَمُهْ
6. No sweetness in his face has diminished
Nor has the question of begging made him deaf
٦. لم تُنتقَص طلاوةٌ في وجهه
ورقّةً ذلُّ السؤال يصِمُهْ
7. He hurts for every drop that drips
From his water as if it were his blood
٧. يَأْلَمُ كلَّ قطرةٍ سائلةٍ
من مائه كأنما سال دمُهْ
8. People's natures have been colored by him
So his gray hair and sorrows have molded him
٨. تلونت خلائق الدهر به
فحنَّكَتْه شُهْبُه ودُهُمُهْ
9. He tested people so if you bargain with him
For his brotherly affection he will feel ashamed
٩. واختبر الناسَ فلو ساومتَه
قُربَ أخيه خلتَه يحتشِمُهْ
10. If he is only given sustenance by begging
Then his thankful rizq is from what is forbidden to him
١٠. إن كان لا يُرزَق إلا سائلا
فرزقُه المشكورُ مما يُحرَمُهْ
11. What a name hides behind its evil
Yet the lion cannot be fooled by its smile
١١. والله ما عفتُكِ يا دنيا قِلىً
وإنَّ فيك لمتاعا أعلمُهْ
12. If God and resolute reason had not helped him
The arrows of correctness would not have hit their mark
١٢. لكنَّ أبناءكِ مَن لا صنعتي
صنعتُه ولا وفائي شِيَمُهْ
13. With abundant kingdom, legacy and satisfaction
Whatever he desired, nothing would be missing
١٣. أُخرِجُ من مكمنهِ الصِّلَّ وما
فيهم بسِحري من يصِحُّ سَقَمُهْ
14. He rained in summer so he thought
His rain had saturated the earth completely
١٤. عندهُمُ شكري وما أموالُهم
عندي فهل عندكِ ذا من يقسِمُهْ
15. He keeps me up praising him without
Arrogance and sleeps heedless of his duties
١٥. كم باسمٍ لي من وراءِ شَرِّه
والليثُ لا يغُرُّني تبسُّمُهْ
16. His acceptance and wisdom are not straitened
But my understanding falls short of grasping him
١٦. لو لم يقِ اللهُ وحزمٌ ثابتٌ
ما نَصَلَتْ عندي سدادا أسهمُهْ
17. Joy and generosity shine from his face
So his cheer is for me and his generosity for others
١٧. وواسعٍ ملكا وصيتا واجدٍ
ما شاء لم يُسمع بشيء يَعْدَمُهْ
18. Yesterday I had mercy on my lot in what I missed
Of his money and today I have mercy on him
١٨. أمطرَ صَيْفيّاً فظنّ أنّه
قد عمّت الأرضَ جميعا دِيَمُهْ
19. My friendship matches his perfectly
The full moon is born a twin unable to be separated
١٩. أسهرني في المدح لا يَلزَمُني
عُجْباً به ونام عمّا يَلزَمُهْ
20. His heart wanted me close
But ideals I hold myself to kept me aloof
٢٠. ما ضَاق في قبوله ورأيه
في الجود لكن ضاق عنّي فَهَمُهْ
21. He thought and deemed his money too much for me
Calculating, while I could not afford a dirham from him
٢١. في وجهه بِشرٌ وفيه كرَمٌ
فبشرُه لي ولغيري كرَمُهْ
22. If there is still a connection then it is from me
Or if there is a rope of harmony let him tie it fast
٢٢. رحِمتُ حظّي أمسِ فيما فاتني
من ماله واليومَ منه أرحَمُهْ
23. I wish Hussein who carries me would, among them
Guide me on the clear path so I meet him
٢٣. وخاطبٍ على اتحادي صحبتي
والبدرُ مولودٌ يعِزُّ توأمُهْ
24. Make him eternal in this world and keep him for me
While others come and go or pass away
٢٤. أرادني مستجلَباً فؤادُه
وردّني مستعلياتٍ قِيَمُهْ
25. Or I wish he would lighten my load
For it has weighed heavily on me, his blessings
٢٥. فكَّرَ فاستكثرَ لي دينارَهُ
محاسباً ولم يسعْني درهمُهْ
26. Loss upon loss as the pearls of Muzn broke apart
And its string snapped
٢٦. فإن يكن وصلٌ فمنِّي أو يكن
حبلُ وِفاقٍ جُدَّ فهو يَصْرِمُهْ
27. It's as if what we gain of his wealth
Is a burden whose loss we fear and so snatch up
٢٧. ليت الحسينَ الحاملي من بينهم
على طريقٍ واضح لي لَقَمُهْ
28. I tire of abundance so while his excellence
Builds it up, a request comes and tears it down
٢٨. تُخلِدُه الدنيا وتستبقيه لي
وغيرُه تُبقيه أو تخترِمُهْ
29. It's as if he swore never to attain wealth
So whatever he gives, his oath obliges it
٢٩. أو ليته يمنعني مخفّفاً
فإنها قد أثقلتني نِعمُهْ
30. He tied me in friendship so no creditor
Can unravel it nor can any envious one sever it
٣٠. سَيبٌ على سَيب كما تقطَّعتْ
أوكية المزن وحُلَّت عُصُمُهْ
31. He does good even if I cut off
My kinship to him, it's as if our love were a womb relation
٣١. كأنّ ما نغنَم من أمواله
حطٌّ يَخاف فوتَه يَغتَنمُهْ
32. Melancholy gave him a towering origin
And discerning wisdom perfects it
٣٢. أعيا على الوفرِ فبينا فضلُهُ
يبنيه إذ عنّ سؤالٌ يهدمُهْ
33. He brings together every pair of opposites
Until his sword and his pen are reconciled
٣٣. كأنه أقسم لا نال الغنى
فهو بما يُعطى يَحِلُّ قَسمُهْ
34. No delusion about you dims the brilliance
In you nor does any doubt about you make him suspicious
٣٤. عاقدني الودَّ فلا قارضةٌ
تنشره ولا حسودٌ يفصِمُهْ
35. Rather faults that anger carps at
He vents now and then but then suppresses
٣٥. مجتهدُ البِرِّ ولو قاطعتُه
في صِلتي كأنَّ ودّي رحِمُهْ
36. God reveals their excellence though he hides them
As gray hair loudly proclaims its owner though he hides it
٣٦. ملَّكه السوددَ أصلٌ فارعٌ
فيها ورأيٌ بارعٌ يُتمِّمُهْ
37. Hear its glorification as the singer eulogizes its splendor and proclaims it
It let fall for them the starred dusk and wept
٣٧. يجمعُ بين كلِّ ضدين له
حتى تصافَى سيفُه وقلمُهْ
38. From the blaze of noon its hot tears
Its lush plants vied turbulently
٣٨. ما خلَبتْ مَن اصطفاك برقةٌ
فيك ولا أخلفه توسُّمُهْ
39. Where the stirrings of the wind murmured
Walk among them and you will smell a recognizable scent
٣٩. لمّا قضَى قاضي القياس عنده
مَن هائبُ الأمرِ ومَن مقتَحِمُهْ
40. The fragrance of the jasmine, pure and pungent
Witnessing for the eloquent mouth that
٤٠. ومَن أخو الفخر إذا ما أَشكلتْ
مذاهبُ الفخر وخيفتْ ظُلَمُهْ
41. Free speech is a slave that serves it
When people see you wearing its cloak
٤١. شمَّ الذليلُ التربَ رغما ووُقِي
أنفُ الحميِّ أن يُضامَ شممُهْ
42. Bearing it, reciting it or rendering it song
They are amazed by its form on you
٤٢. ما للحسود فرصةٌ يعيبها
منك ولا ذنبٌ عليك يَنقِمُهْ
43. And your description of it, ordered and from it I order my poem
Every generous, eloquent soul
٤٣. بلى خلالٌ قد شجاه غيظُها
ينفُثُه طورا وطورا يكظِمُهْ
44. And you surpass it in your generosity and silence it
٤٤. يكتمها والله يبدي فضلها
كالشيب صاح باسمه من يكتمه
٤٥. إسمعْ لها كما احتبتْ بنَوْرها
غنَّاءُ يُوشِي بُردَها ويُعلِمُهْ
٤٦. دَرَّ لها نوءُ السِّماك وخَبا
من وهَج القيظِ عليها مِرزَمُهْ
٤٧. تزاحمتْ مصطخبا نباتُها
بحيث هبهابُ الرياح زَمزَمُهْ
٤٨. عِرضك منها عبَقاً مُعَرَّفٌ
عَرْفَ اليلَنجوج ذكيّا فحمُهْ
٤٩. شاهدة لمفصح فاه بها
أن الكلام الحر عبد يخدُمُهْ
٥٠. إذا رآك الناسُ في وشاحِها
تحمله مقلَّدا أو تُفْغِمُهْ
٥١. تعجّبوا من شكلها في حمله
وصفَك منظوماً ومنه أنظِمُهْ
٥٢. كلُّ كريم منطقٍ شاعرُهُ
وأنتَ من فَرْط السماح تُفحِمُهْ