
The one of warped mind, though I walked behind,

وذي صلف وقد سرت خلفه

1. The one of warped mind, though I walked behind,
Ignorance's brother twists not against one made inaccessible.

١. وَذي صَلَفٍ وَقَد سِرتُ خَلفَهُ
أَخو الجَهلِ لا يَلوِيَ عَلى مَن تَعَذَّرا

2. So I sang to him when his excuse took shadow:
Love's brother twists not against one made inaccessible.

٢. فَغَنَّيتُهُ لَمّا أَظَلَّ عِذارُهُ
أَخو الحُبِّ لا يَلوي عَلى مَن تَعَذَّرا