
We inform you of our state, all that has been

ننبيكم من حالنا كل ما كانا

1. We inform you of our state, all that has been
What was secret from you has become public

١. نُنبيكُمُ من حالنا كُل ما كانا
فما كان سِرّاً دونكم عادَ أعلانا

2. We enjoyed the pleasure of living
While time made us forgetful

٢. ظلِلنا بحكم الراح نغنم لذّةً
من العيش صَرف الدهر منها تناسانا

3. The musician tempted us with his magic
But no more of the musician's flattery and favors

٣. وعارضنا القفّاصُ يعرض سحره
وناهيك بالقفّاصِ خِدناً وإحسانا

4. When his strings harmonized their melodies
You swayed, drunk without drinking wine

٤. إذا قارنَت أوتارهُ نغماتِه
ظللتَ وإن لم تشرب الراح سكرانا

5. I have a companion among the repentant who elevates me
With flowers, perfume, and basil when they neglect me

٥. ولي مؤنس بين الندامى يَعُلّني
إذا غفلوا ورداً وراحاً وريحانا

6. His words have scattered flowers in the garden
Arranging beautifully roses, pearls, and coral

٦. وقد نثرت الفاظُه زَهرَ روضةٍ
إذا نظمت حسنا ودُرا ومَرجانا

7. He shakes my heart whenever he sways gently
A burning passion igniting my soul with longing

٧. يهز فؤادي كُلّما هَزَّ عطفه
جوىً ملهب احشاي شوقاً وأشجانا

8. He was once harsh and cruel, but I softened him
With poetry that is sorcery made lawful, so he yielded

٨. وقد كان فظاً قاسياً فرقيته
بشعر هو السحر الحلال فقد لانا

9. Life is a drink and a companion
That kills you sometimes and revives you sometimes

٩. ألا إنما الدنيا مدام ومؤنسٌ
يميتك أحيانا ويحييك أحيانا