
Were it not for Abu al-Faraj al-Humam,

لولا أبو الفرج الهمام لما

1. Were it not for Abu al-Faraj al-Humam,
Hope would not have found paths to fulfillment.

١. لولا أبو الفرج الهُمام لما
وجد الرجاءُ إلى المنى سُبلا

2. He gives generously of his gifts,
Uniting kinship ties and gathering noble traits.

٢. أضحَى يُفَرِّقُ من مواهِبه
شملاً ويجمع للعًلا شَملا

3. Oppression of wealth has passed, since
His justice has encompassed the destitute.

٣. جورٌ على الأموال عاد وقد
عمَّ العُفاةَ بنيله عَدلا

4. When difficulties multiply,
His understanding unravels their knots.

٤. وله إذا ما المشكلات عَدَت
فهم يكون لعقدها حَلاّ

5. We live well, profiting from his gifts
Abundantly, and from his manners nobly.

٥. نَغدوا فنغنم من مواهبه
جزلا ومن آدابه جزلا

6. You see him excelling by himself
In merit, jesting or serious.

٦. وتراهُ منفرداً بغايته
في الفضل إن جدَّا وإن هَزلا

7. You see his aspiring and his attainment,
Despite youthful ardour and aged forbearance.

٧. وترى تطوُّلَه ونائله
غضّ الشَّباب وحلمَه كهلا

8. The hands of glory would make
The cheek of his envier his sandal.

٨. وتودُّ أيدي المجد لو جعلت
خدَّ الحسود لرجله نَعلا

9. Hopes meet him downcast
And leave his company uplifted.

٩. تلقاهم الآمالُ كاسِفة
وتعود عند لقائه جذلى

10. Nothing has prevented him from gaining esteem
That might be said to be an obstacle.

١٠. ما عاقه عن نيل مكرمة
شيء يقال لأجله لولا

11. His merits are many, beyond counting -
Who can tally drops of rain and grains of sand?

١١. كثرت فما تحصى مناقبُه
من ذا يَعُدُّ القطرَ والرملا

12. The wretched have no hope in him,
Generosity has conquered and prevailed in him.

١٢. ما فيه للعُذال من طمعٍ
غلب السماحُ عليه واستولى

13. I continue to pioneer in praising his virtues,
In both poetry and sincere action.

١٣. ما زلتُ أبدع في محاسنه
قولاً ويُبدع في الندى فعلا

14. Dictate and transcribe his outstanding qualities,
For merit belongs only to one who dictates.

١٤. تُملي واستملي فواضله
ما الفضل إلاّ للذي أملي

15. May God protect the house of Muwaqqif,
So lofty in achievements, so beautiful in manner.

١٥. للهِ آل الموقفيّ فما
أعلى صنائعهم وما أحلى

16. They are of a nature most generous and benign,
No shame or stinginess is seen in them.

١٦. طُبِعُوا على كرم الخلال فلا
عِيَّا ترى فيهم ولا بُخلا

17. Efforts alone do not bring success,
Unless the branch is aided by its root.

١٧. إن المساعي غير ناصرة
من ليس ينصر فرعُه الأصلا

18. One seeks the heights with excellent character,
Then soars with a mind thus inscribed.

١٨. يبغي العُلا متجشما خلقا
فيروح مرسوما به عقلا

19. One whose refined exterior does not match
An equally refined heart soon falls idle.

١٩. من لم يقابل حسن لبّته
حسن الحلي غدا به عطلا

20. The reins of convention are held by your hand,
Which knows no procrastination or negligence.

٢٠. ملكت عنان العُرف منك يد
لا تعرف التسويف والمطلا

21. If it were rain, it would leave no land
Barren, parched, or empty.

٢١. لو أنّها للغيث ما تركت
جَدبآ ببلقعةٍ ولا محلا

22. Congratulations on this feast - remain
For one who visits in longing and leaves.

٢٢. فاهنأ بهذا العيد وابق له
ما زار مشتاقاً وماولّى

23. Let not the world rob beauty from one
Whose praise in verse is recited.

٢٣. لا تسلب الدنيا الجمال بمن
سُوَرُ المديح بذكره تتلى