
You reap then deny what you have reaped so I deny it

تجني فتنكر ما تجني فأنكره

1. You reap then deny what you have reaped so I deny it
And claim it is beautiful so I acknowledge

١. تَجني فَتُنكِرُ ما تَجني فأُنكِرهُ
وَتَدَّعي أَنَّهُ الحُسنى فأَعترِف

2. And how many places I stood upon
The embers of anger while to me it was a meadow of delight

٢. وَكَم مَقامٍ لما يُرضيكَ قُمتُ عَلى
جمرِ الغَضا وَهوَ عِندي رَوضَة أُنُف