1. The meadows are in bloom, the canals overflow,
Sheltering you, gaining merits not lightly won;
١. ظُبى المَواضي وَأَطرافُ القَنا الذُبُلِ
ضَوامِنٌ لَكَ ما حازوهُ مِن نَفَلِ
2. Backing you, enough backing to attain your goal -
Honor and resolve no faint heart has claimed.
٢. وَكافِلٌ لَكَ كافٍ ما تُحاوِلُهُ
عِزٌّ وَعَزمٌ وَبأسٌ غير مُنتَحلِ
3. Do not fret if they took some small spoils By guile did the lions unsheathe to strike.
In their cowardice they chose to deceive,
٣. وَما يَعيبُكَ ما نالوهُ مِن سَلَبٍ
بالخَتلِ قَد توتَر الآسادُ بالحيَلِ
4. When they had no might against your brave troops.
Rouse yourselves! God willed your heedlessness
٤. وَإِنَّما أَخلَدوا جُبناً الى خُدَع
إِذ لَم يَكُن لَهمُ بالجَيشِ مِن قِبَلِ
5. To allow fate's decree, ordained from of old.
They came at you - no shying steeds amid the billows -
٥. واِستَيقظوا وَأَرادَ اللَهُ غَفلَتُكُم
لِيَنفُذَ القَدرُ المَحتومُ في الأَزلِ
6. No antelope bounding from weary roads.
Soft bows, slack string, restless horses
٦. حَتّى أَتوكم وَلا الماذيُّ مِن أَمَمٍ
وَلا الظُبى كَثَبٌ من مُرهَقٍ عِجِلِ
7. Grazing with mountain goats. Of what use
Are fangs and claws against thickets and dens?
٧. قَناً لَقىً وقِسيٌّ غَيرُ موتَرَةٍ
وَالخَيلُ عازِبَةٌ تَرعى مَع الهَمَلِ
8. The lion bestrode the eagles and harried
The antelope into acacia woods.
٨. ما يَصنَعُ اللَيثُ لا نابٌ وَلا ظَفَرٌ
بِما حوالَيهِ مِن عُفرٍ وَمِن وَعُلِ
9. Arrows flew from the quivers of every lithe bowman.
And they were split into bands in their own land,
٩. هَلا وَقَد رَكِبَ الأُسدُ الصُقورَ وَقَد
سلّوا الظُبى تَحتَ غاباتٍ مِن الأَسَلِ
10. The least pushed the greatest in their haste.
Only - they squandered their wits trusting
١٠. مِن كُلِّ ضافيَةِ السِربالِ صافيَة القِذاف
بالنَبل فيها الخَذف بالنبلِ
11. In their numbers...and many a confident one falls.
Sons of the blond! Your wiles brought you nothing,
١١. وَأَصبَحوا فِرقاً في أَرضهم فَرَقاً
يَجوس أَدناهُم الأَقصى عَلى مَهَلِ
12. For cunning in every man is kin to failure.
You returned with no noble captives. Only weaklings, followers, the dregs!
١٢. وانَّما هُم أَضاعوا حَزمَهُم ثِقَةً
بِجَمعِهِم وَلَكم مِن واثِقٍ خَجِل
13. You stripped the threshing floors, carried off Bare white grain bags, seized chickens from their coops!
Does he who takes horses match their riders for speed?
١٣. بَني الأَصيفر ما نِلتُم بمكرِكُمُ
وَالمَكرُ في كُلِّ انسانٍ أَخو الفَشَلِ
14. Is the man who takes arms like their owner in battle
Where conflict spins on the palm of the wrestler?
١٤. وَما رَجعتُم بأَسرى خابَ سَعيُكَمُ
غير الأَصاغِر والأَتباع وَالسَفَلِ
15. An army touched by the evil eye - though no army
Lacks some flaw, and this army of ours is peerless!
١٥. سَلَبتُمُ الجُردَ مُعراةً بِلا لُجُمٍ
والسُمرَ مَركوزَةً وَالبيضَ في الخِلَلِ
16. The day of Hunain remains their exemplar
As they are the best of all people with the Seal of Prophets among them.
١٦. هَل آخذٌ الخَيلِ قَد أَردى فَوارِسَها
مثالُ أَخذِها في الشَكلِ وَالطوَلِ
17. With a single strike they will squeeze you as though
You were but white chickens, quaking sparrows!
١٧. أَم سالِبُ الرُمحِ مَكوزا كَسالِبِهِ
وَالحَربُ دائِرَةٌ مِن كَفِّ مُعتَقِلِ
18. A king of utmost dignity, of proven integrity
In word and action purer than the immaculate pearl;
١٨. جَيشٌ أَصابَتهُمُ عينُ الكَمالِ وَما
يَخلو مِن العَينِ الّا غَيرُ مُكتَمِلِ
19. Dawn has not yet faded, the sun has not set,
No sword has snapped, no thongs have given way.
١٩. لهم بِيَومِ حُنَينٍ أُسوَةٌ وَهُمَ
خَيرُ الأَنام وَفيهم خاتمُ الرُسُل
20. What multitudes the light of Faith has saved
From darkness! What throngs, for the darkness thick within,
٢٠. سَيَتَضيكُم بِضَربٍ عِند أَهوَنِه
أَلبيضُ كالبيضِ والأدراع كالحُلَلِ
21. It has made to see! For how many, at the encounter
Did their eyes now modestly drop, gaze down in shame!
٢١. مَلِكٌ بَعيدٌ مِن الأَدناس ذو كَلَفٍ
بِالصِدق في القَول والاخلاص في العمل
22. A land where none was visible but some hero;
Now none is seen but some old pile of rubble.
٢٢. فالسمر ما أَصبحت وَالشَمسُ ما أَفلَتِ
وَالسَيفُ ما فُلّ وَالأَطواد لَم تَزُلِ
23. Say to them who have turned their backs:
"Where is your modesty? Hide your gaze, eyes downcast!"
٢٣. كَم قَد تَجَلَّت بِنورِ الدينِ مِن ظُلَمٍ
لِلظُلم واِنجابَ للاظلالِ مِن ظُلَلِ
24. The easy way spelled salvation, but had you clung
To your king, you'd have found the uphill path more sweet.
٢٤. وَكَم لِعُمري كفّوا الطَرف مِن جُبُنٍ
عِندَ اللِقاء وَغضّوا الطَرف مِن خَجلِ
25. You left him exposed, but he granted you quarter Such as if a mountain goat sought would not find!
Still you raced off, hoards lost, neither stumbling nor forced,
٢٥. وَبَلدةٍ ما يُرى فيها سِوى بَطَلٍ
فَأَصبحت ما يُرى فيها سِوى طَلَلِ
26. Bare steeds unsaddled, white stocks driven down no ravines,
Nor were you struck by the moan of bolts,
٢٦. قُل للمُولّين كُفّوا الطَرفَ مِن جُبُنٍ
عِندَ اللِقاء وَغضّوا الطَرف مِن خَجلِ
27. Nor were swords reddened for flesh in the evening light.
He stood alone
٢٧. طَلَبتُم السَهلَ تَبغونَ النَجاةَ وَلَو
لُذتُم بِمَلكِكُم لُذتم إِلى الجَبَل
28. Till his troops were around him, a band
To witness it leopards would drop their jaws -
٢٨. أَسلَمتُموهُ وَوَلَّيتُم فَسَلَّمَكُم
بِرِفقَةٍ لَو بَغاها الطَودُ لَم يَنَلِ
29. Some fled their reason, some firm-rooted stood stared,
Heedless of them, he walked his rage concealed,
٢٩. مُسارِعين وَلَم تُنثل كَنائنُكم
وَالسُمر لَم تُبتَذَل وَالبيض لَم تُذلِ
30. To press them the more as the back way means no escape.
Your nearest is farther than those you deem farthest
٣٠. وَلا طَرَقتُم بوَبلِ النَبلِ طارِقَةً
وَلا تَغَلغَلَت الأَسيافُ في القُلَلِ
31. As though you had no notion of his whereabouts.
His firmness in your horses' hearts preserved Your spirits beyond what nerveless breasts could bear.
٣١. فَقامَ فَرداً وَقَد دَلَّت عَساكِرُهُ
فَكانَ مِن نَفسه في جَحفَلٍ زَجِلِ
32. The lion in repose is seldom surprised,
Nor does fate allow the valiant mid assault rash harm.
٣٢. في مَشهَدٍ لَو لُيوثُ الغيل تَشدهُ
خَرَّت لأذقانها مِن شِدَّةِ الوَجلِ
33. God support you in your aim
As once he supported you in your first feats!
٣٣. وسطَ العِدى وَحدَه ثبت الجِنان وَقَد
طارَت قُلوبٌ عَلى بُعدٍ مِن الوَهَلِ
34. What spoils and wealth you gained without return!
What lands you took, keeping as your earned domains!
٣٤. يَعودُ فيهم روَيداً غَيرَ مُكتَرِثٍ
بِهِم وَقَد كَرَّ فيهم غَيرَ مُحتَفِلِ
35. What flow you gave high streams from a lordly cloth!
What settlements you watered from a hero's bowl!
٣٥. يَزدادُ قُدماً اليهم مِن تَيقُّنِهِ
أَنَّ التأخر لا يَحمي مِن الأَجَلِ
36. Dark blood of gashed throats his courser wades;
No flesh is sweeter than the meager evening meal!
٣٦. ما كانَ أَقربَهُم مِن أَسرِ أَبعدِكُم
لَو أَنَّهُم لَم يَكونوا عنه في شُغُلِ
37. Your sword harvesting the foe you let lie a season.
Shorter his respite, the less your saber dulled!
٣٧. ثَباته في صُدورِ الخَيلِ أَنقَذَكُم
لا تَحسَبوا وَثَباتِ الضُمَّرِ الذُلَلِ
38. Your arrows never miss their destined quoit;
No day has turned your hands from holding their course!
٣٨. ما كل حينٍ تُصابُ الأُسدُ غافِلَةً
وَلا يُصيبُ الشَديدَ البَطشِ ذو الشَلَلِ
٣٩. وَاللَه عَونكَ فيما أَنتَ مُزمِعُهُ
كَما أَعانَكَ في أَيّامِكَ الأَوَلِ
٤٠. كَم قَد ملكت لهم مُلكاً بِلا عِوَضٍ
وَحُزتَ مِن بَلَدٍ مِنها بِلا بَدَلِ
٤١. وَكَم سَقَيتَ العَوالي مِن طُلى مَلِكٍ
وَكَم قَرَيتَ العَوافي مِن قَرا بَطل
٤٢. وَأَسمَرٍ مِن وَريد النَحرِ مورِدُهُ
وَأَجَدلَ أَكلهُ مِن لَحمِ مُنجَدِلِ
٤٣. حَصيدُ سَيفك قَد أَعفَيته زَمَناً
لَو لَم يَطُل عَهدُه بالسَيفِ لَم يَطُلِ
٤٤. لانكَبَّت سَهمكَ الأَقدارُ عَن غَرَضٍ
وَلا ثَنَت يَدَكَ الأَيّامُ عَن أَمَلِ