
My Master Sa'd al-Din, the hopeful plea

مولاي سعد الدين دعوة آمل

1. My Master Sa'd al-Din, the hopeful plea
From the abundant grace of your hands, the best to hope for

١. مَولايَ سعدَ الدين دعوةَ آمِلٍ
مِن بَحر فَيضِ يَدَيكَ خير مُؤَمِّلِ

2. If my body departs from you, I still have
A heart that stays with you and does not leave

٢. إِن ارتَحِل بالجِسم عَنكَ فانَّ لي
قَلباً أَقامَ لَدَيكَ لَمّا يَرحلِ

3. I prepared it for eternity as the most useful preparation
And after God, it is on Him that I depend

٣. أَعدَدتُهُ لِلدَهر أَنفَعَ عُدَّةٍ
وَعَليهِ بَعدَ اللَهِ فيهِ مُعَوّلي

4. If any land fought another, it would fight
The land of Syria over which is the land of Mosul

٤. لَو حارَبَت أَرضٌ سِواها حارَبَت
أَرض الشامِ عليه أَرضَ الموصِل

5. The land of Syria and its people long for it
With the thirst of the thirsty for the coolness of water

٥. تَشتاقه أَرضُ الشامِ وَأَهلُها
شَوقَ العِطاشِ إِلى بَرود المنهَلِ

6. It is the rain of poverty, the refuge of the naked,
The shelter for the afflicted, the cloak for the helpless

٦. غَيثُ الفَقرِ المرمِلِ كهف الغَري
بِ المُبتَلى رَدءُ الضَعيفِ الأَعزَل

7. The Lord of courage, generosity and piety
The lion of valor, the protector and supplier of weapons

٧. ربُّ الشَجاعَة وَالسَماحَةِ وَالتُقى
أَسَدُ الوَغى الحامي وَزادَ المرمِلِ

8. And it increases my longing for him when I see
The people of virtue deprived of a benefactor

٨. وَيَزيدُني شَوقاً إِلَيهِ أَن أَرى
أَهلَ الفَضائِلِ عادِمي متَفضِّل

9. His generosity fulfilled the requests of those who asked
And it spread and encompassed all those who did not ask

٩. تَمَّت فَواضِلُهُ عَلى سُؤالِهِ
وَنَمت فَعَمَّت كُلَّ مَن لَم يَسألِ

10. You have made Sa'd al-Din the happiest hopeful one
And the essence of conversation and the delight of the contemplator

١٠. أَصبَحتَ سعدَ الدينِ أَسعَدَ آمِلٍ
وَجَنى الحَديثِ وَنزهَةَ المتأمِّل

11. And you supported Nur al-Din when you advised excellent
Opinion, and the chosen sword

١١. وَنَصَرتَ نورَ الدينِ حينَ نَصحتَ بالرَ
أيِ الأَصيلِ وَبالحُسامِ المُفضلِ

12. And courage forever ties down
The towering from the lowly and distinguishes the brave from the coward

١٢. وَشَهامَةٌ أَبَداً تقيِّدُ مَنزِلاً
عَن شاهِقٍ وَمُجَّدلاً عَن أَجدَلِ

13. It is an unceasing rain, a lion whose determination does not weaken
It is the rain of the land, the lion of valor whose resolve does not falter

١٣. غَيثُ الوَرى ذو ديمَة لا تَنجَلي
لَيثُ الوَغى ذو عَزمَة ما تأتَلي

14. The promise of the young man is an obligation, and your servant
In both cases did or did not do

١٤. وَعد الفَتى دينٌ وَعبدُكَ ساهِم
في الحالَتين فعَلتَ أَو لَم تَفعَلِ