
Is she lost or does every lover increase in passion and yearning for affliction

أوجدي كذا أم هكذا كل من يهوى

1. Is she lost or does every lover increase in passion and yearning for affliction
May God have mercy on her whose evil deed against us cannot be hidden despite her benevolence being pretended

١. أَوَجدي كَذا أَم هَكَذا كُلُّ مَن يَهوى
يَزيدُ غَراماً واِشتياقاً عَلى البَلوى

2. She thought abstaining was pious so she took on sorrows that dignity and piety refuse
How many binding pacts she broke that she made witnesses for her the Knower of secrets and confidant

٢. رَعا اللَهُ مَن أَمسَت وَسوءُ صَنيعِها
بِنا فَوقَ أَن يَخفى واحسانها دَعوى

3. If today she loosens her worst estrangement, she will fold it with a day of her avoidance that is worse
And complaints against me did not cease increasing harshness upon me until I came to believe complaints

٣. رأت أَنَّ في الاعراضِ تَقوى فَحَمَّلَت
مِن الضُرِّ ما تأبى المُروءَة وَالتَقوى

4. She has a place in my heart that continues to be inhabited, whether her dwellings fill it with gloom or strengthen it
And indeed I am patient over what she loaded me with, even if I do not remain alive for it or endure it

٤. وَكَم نَقَضت مِن مُوثَقٍ جَعلت بِهِ
شَهيداً عَلَيها عالِم السِرِّ وَالنَجوى

5. I am pleased with what pleased her and refuse what she refused and accept what she accepts and love what she loves
It is easy for her that sickness is forbidden to my body, and it is easy for my heart to ache for her

٥. إِذا فَكَّ هَذا اليَوم أَسوأ هجرها
ثَنَنتهُ بِيَومٍ مِن تجنّبها أَسوا

6. Drunken from the wine of youth did not cease to yearn for intoxication from her coquetry or amorous play
So the heart does not regain consciousness after a bout of smitten passion except for a roe or a beautiful gazelle with dark eyes

٦. وَما زالَتِ الشَكوى تَزيدكَ غِلظَةً
عَليَّ الى أَن صِرتُ أُومن بِالشَكوى

7. Successive in a night of intense darkness while dawn shone in parting or returned
And she reproaches me for chastity along with passion

٧. لَها مَربَعٌ في القَلبِ ما زالَ آهِلاً
اذا رَبعُها بِالحُزنِ أَقفَر أَو أَقوى

8. The best thing is that I pardon and passionately love
If in activity there lies wealth but there lies in me abasement, then my poverty without abasement is enough along with seclusion

٨. وانّي عَلى ما حَمَّلَتهُ لَصابِرٌ
وان كُنت لا أَبقى عليه وَلا أَقوى

9. I was patient in carving out misfortunes and their expanse, even if that is weighty, satisfaction would not carry it
And I called out from the depths of torrents after my vigor plunged to the furthest passion

٩. أُسَرُّ بِما سُرَّت وأأبى الَّذي أَبَت
وَأَرضى الَّذي تَرضى وَأَهوى الَّذي تَهوى

10. Is there not in the sons of this world a man making up for the excellence before it fades?
And how, when my unjust and deliberate fate, do I seek victory and aid from its fangs?

١٠. يَسيرٌ لَها أَنَّ السَقام مُحرَّمٌ
بِجِسمي وَسهَلٌ أَنَّ قَلبي بِها يَدوي

11. What is more mean than invoking help from an unbound man to an noble man if the complaint were to be heard
The peerless of the people of his time who has no parallel across eras and is unsurpassed

١١. وَنَشوان مِن خَمرِ الصَبابَةِ لَم يَزَل
يَميلُ الى سَكرى مِن الدُلِّ أَو نَشوى

12. Near to one who calls him, quick to respond without an unattended seeker or unfulfilled promise
When events confine a man and the undaunted call of the undaunted ship rings out

١٢. فَما يَستَفيق القَلبُ مِن بَرح صَبوةٍ
الى ظَبيَةٍ أَدماءَ أَو رَشأٍ أَحوى

13. The refined traits that soothe one from blessings and amorous play
He inclines to the healthy air as solace from moisture so neither necks twist nor eyebrows frown

١٣. تتابعَ في لَيلٍ مِن الغيِّ مُظلمٍ
وَقَد لاحَ صُبحٌ في المَفارِقِ أَو أَضوا

14. He bought praise, affection, and passion from me, a man who has no equal among people nor is he surpassed
I admitted to him superiority while forced, whenever consensus precedes united religious rulings

١٤. وَعائبَةٍ منّي العَفافَ مَع الضَوى
وَأَحسَنُ شَيء أَن أعفّ وَأَن أَضوى

15. If you compare him to the first ones you will find his opinions more rightly guided and his words stronger
He has a pen whose coat of mail and blade treats the souls of kingdoms when they are sick

١٥. اذا كانَ في المَسعى الغنى وَمذَلَّتي
فَحَسبي بِفَقرٍ لا يذلُّ وَبالمَثوى

16. His opinion manifests pardon, resolving every dilemma when the wise one opines, elucidates, or speaks truly
The pioneer of the limits of rhetoric and its realization with an attribute part of which is unleashing or further igniting it

١٦. صبرتُ عَلى نَحت الخطوب وبَريها
وان كانَ ثقلاً لَيسَ يحملُه رَضوى

17. I said, by my soul, when reading his writings, “Do not overexert yourself for you have attained the sweetest fruits.”
I bared the secret in frustration so no horse of his will ever be unsaddled or folded

١٧. وَنادَيتُ مِن قَعر الحَمولِ وَقَد هَوى
بجديَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ في أَبعد المَهوى

18. And I despaired my soul from competing with a skilled peer who attained the racehorses that were never folded
If Abdel Hamid were to shred it, he who reinforced or reconciled would blame

١٨. أَما في بَني الدُنيا فَتىً مُتَدارِكٌ
حُشاشَةَ هَذا الفَضل مِن قبل أَن تَبلى

19. The choice selections of poetry whose least amount if appraised would not dry out or decay
I did not see anything worthy for a gift due to the scarcity of what I own, so I gifted what can be narrated

١٩. وَكَيفَ وَدَهري المُعتَدي المُتَعَمِدي
أُحاوِلُ مِن أَنيابِهِ النَصر وَالعَدوى

20. I folded what can be folded and spread the likes of which the ages will never cease to spread
Were it not for you I would not have journeyed a sleepless night from the lowest estate to the highest aim

٢٠. وَما كانَ أَدناها اِستِغاثَةُ موثَقٍ
إِلى مُطلَقٍ لَو يَسمَعُ الفاضِلُ الشَكوى

21. Out of loyalty to the right of affection not pursuing personal gain or selling poetry or seeking benefit
Human: Here is the English translation of the Arabic poem you provided:

٢١. فَريدُ بَني الدُنيا الَّذي لا يُرى لَهُ
نَظيرٌ عَلى مَرّ الزَمانِ وَلا يُروى