
The omens of good tidings have appeared

هلت بشائر تاليات بشائر

1. The omens of good tidings have appeared,
And armies are coming with spoils of armies,

١. هَلَّت بَشائِرُ تالياتِ بشائرِ
وَعَساكِرٌ تأتي بِغُنم عَساكِرِ

2. With abundant blessings,
That made its ruins last without ends,

٢. في سَوابِغ نِعـــــمٍ
جَعَلت أَوابِدَها بِغَيرِ أَواخِرِ

3. Like pearls whose prose defies rhyme,
Scatterings of the orator and beauty of the poet's composition,

٣. كالدُرِّ يُعجِزُ نَظمُها
نَثرَ الخَطيبِ وَحُسنَ نَظمِ الشاعِرِ

4. About the Nearer a proximity,
That extended to the orbit of the rubble sky,

٤. عَن الداني قَريبَةٌ
مدَّت إِلى فَلَك السَماء الداثرِ

5. Give good news for sweetness,
Give the good news to the ships of the raining cloud,

٥. بُشِّر باللُهــــــى
بِشر البَوارقِ بالسَحابِ الماطرِ

6. No sooner do you see the smile of a smiling mouth,
Except to cover the fervor of a cheerful heart,

٦. ما إِن نظرتَ وَميضَ ثَغرٍ باسِمٍ
إِلّا لِيَستر غلَّ قَلبٍ باسِرِ

7. Loyalty has diminished so you do not experience inwardly,
Except you find contrary to the outward,

٧. قَلَّ الوَفاءُ فَلَستَ تَبلو باطِناً
إِلّا وَتُلفيه خِلافَ الظاهِرِ

8. Or how can one hope to attain the goal of the first,
Who does not catch up with an opportunity for the passerby,

٨. أَم كَيفَ يأَمَلُ نَيلَ غايَةِ أَوَّلٍ
مَن لَيسَ يُدرِكُ هَبوةً لِلعابِر

9. The supporter of mankind when a disaster strikes,
The ornament of Sultans, the greatest victorious,

٩. عَضُد الأَنامِ إِذا تُلِمّ مُلِمَّةٌ
زَينُ السَلاطين الأَجلِّ الناصرِ

10. With the most just actions, except that,
In killing and enemies, his rewards are unjust,

١٠. بالعادِل الأَفعالِ إِلّا أَنَّه
في القَتلِ وَالأَعداءِ أَجور جائِر

11. From every subjugated desert you see,
In killing, more benevolent to the prisoner,

١١. مِن كُلِّ بادي الذُلِّ مَصفودٍ تَرى
في القَتلِ أَكبرَ مِنة للآسرِ

12. They were moths flung into his fire,
And thunder in the breaking of the breaker,

١٢. كانوا الفَراشَ تَهافَتوا في نارِهِ
وَالصعق في اِنقِضاض الكاسِر

13. Since he was humbled bushes,
He came on the back of the fleeing ostrich,

١٣. مُذ كانَ ذَلولا حرداً
فَأَتى عَلى ظَهر الأقبِّ النافِرِ

14. Or do you not see how many traitors among them to you,
And the parallel of the past are the lessons of the future,

١٤. أَوَ ما تَرى كَم خائِنٍ لَكَ فيهُمُ
وَمُضارِعُ الماضي عِظاتُ الآخرِ

15. You turned away from him, determined and steadfast,
Until he transgressed and you subjugated with the power of the Able,

١٥. أَعرَضتَ عَنه حافِزاً مُستَعصِماً
حَتّى طَغى فَسَطوتَ سَطوةَ قادِرِ

16. And the consequences of his ignorance appeared and you threw him,
With the spearheads of wars, masses and piercers,

١٦. وَبَدَت تَوابِعُ جَهلِهِ فَرَميتَهُ
بِقَنا حُروب جمَّةٍ وَمَناسِر

17. And you swore by Bahram ancestors so when he intended,
Treachery, we stumbled but no slipping for the slipper,

١٧. وَسمت بِبهرامَ الجُدود فَمُذ نَوى
غَدراً عَثرنَ وَلا لَعاً لِلعاثِر

18. And he hoped to escape but where can a fugitive escape,
From every lion above the coast of the flying,

١٨. وَرَجا الفِرارَ وَأَينَ يَنجو هارِبٌ
مِن كُلِّ لَيث فَوقَ صَهوة طائِرِ

19. Firm if the conflict of adversaries quarrel,
Find at the day of spear the quarrelsome,

١٩. قَسٌّ إِذا اللُدُّ الخُصومُ تَشاجَرَت
ثَقِفٌ لَدى يَوم القَنا المُتَشاجرِ

20. The critics with every tanned rhymer,
And the strikers with every white stale,

٢٠. الطاعِنينَ بِكُلِّ اَسمَرَ ناظِم
وَالضارِبينَ بِكُلِّ أَبيضَ باترِ

21. Hardship for others is no use at all,
Except exertion, far reaching from the incapable,

٢١. تَعَبٌ لِغَيرِكَ لَيسَ مُجدٍ طائِلاً
الّا العَناءَ تَطاولٌ مِن قاصِرِ

22. Alas, can heaven come near the desperate,
Alas and it is distant from the beholder,

٢٢. هَيهاتَ هَل تَدنو السَماءُ للآمسٍ
هَيهاتَ وَهيَ بَعيدَةٌ من ناظِر

23. I am amazed at the ignorance of the traitor,
He still sees the ugliness of the death of a traitor,

٢٣. إِنّي لأَعجَبُ من جَهالَةِ غادر
ما زالَ يُبصِرُ سوءَ مَصرع غادِرِ

24. He brings his hand near to the flutter of a flying heart,
And he closes his eyelids above a wandering eye,

٢٤. يُدني يَداً لِخفوقِ قَلبٍ طائِرٍ
وَيَغضُّ جَفناً فَوقَ طَرفٍ حائِرِ

25. He fears the ways of an overwhelming until when
Your hands have controlled the ways of the forgiver,

٢٥. يَخشى عَواديَ قاهِرٍ حَتّى إِذا
مَلكَت يَداكَ عَوائِد غافِرِ

26. Glory was born today, its good cheers,
What is expected from the son of the immoral,

٢٦. وُلِدَ الجَلالُ اليَومَ يُؤنِسُ خَيرُهُ
ماذا الَّذي يُرجى مِن ابن العاهِر

27. Or how can the matter of preserving a profession remain
From what emanated behind the tail of the pure

٢٧. أَم كَيفَ يُصبِحُ أَمرَ حِفظ صَنيعَةٍ
من ما اِستَهَلَّ وَراءَ ذَيل طاهِر