
Congratulations and abundant generosity are ours,

لنا التهنئات وفرط الجذل

1. Congratulations and abundant generosity are ours,
While you are of the highest and most exalted status.

١. لَنا التَهنِئاتُ وَفَرطُ الجَذَل
وَأَنتَ أَجَلُّ وَأَعلى مَحل

2. Though this was the greatest opening of conquests,
Your destiny is beyond epochs.

٢. وان كانَ فَتحاً أَجَلَّ الفَتوح
وَلَكِنَّ قَدرك فَوقَ الأَجَل

3. What great and arrogant man
Can compare to your magnificent glory?

٣. وَأَيُّ عَظيمٍ وَمُستَكبِرٍ
إِلى جَنبِ مَجدِك لا يُستَقل

4. Horsemen marched against them,
Returning with spoils and as victors.

٤. فَمِن فَيلَقٍ سائِرٍ نَحوَهُم
لِغُنمٍ وَمِن غانِمٍ قَد قَفَل

5. Tidings that delight us to hear
And whose description distracts us from amorous verse.

٥. بَشائِرٌ يُطرِبُنا ذِكرُها
وَيُشغِلُنا وَصفُها عَن غَزَل

6. The clouds of your punishment overcast them,
Striking them down with its first drops.

٦. سَحابُ عِقابِكَ غَشّاهُمُ
فَأَودى بِهِم وَقعُهُ وَهوَ طَل

7. It destroyed their land with sprinkling,
So how will it be when it truly pours down?

٧. وَأَهلَكَ أَرضَهُمُ بالرَذاذِ
فَكَيفَ يَكونُ إِذا ما هَطل

8. How much enemy blood have you spilled,
Healing the sick and freeing prisoners?

٨. وَكَم قَد هَرَقتَ دِماءَ العِدى
تَصُحُّ عَليلاً وَتشفي غُلَل

9. How many raids preceded this one,
With none to match your tireless efforts?

٩. وَكَم لَكَ مِن غَزوَة قَبلها
وَما لِسواكَ سِوى مُرتَحل

10. You summoned the brave warriors,
And they dutifully brought their gifts.

١٠. شَحنتَ الشَوانيَ بالدارِعينَ
فَجاءَتكَ مُوقِرةً بالنَفَل

11. Cowards that flee the evils of conflict
And roar when the lions have gone.

١١. جَوارٍ تَطيرُ بأُسدِ الشَرى
وَتزأَرُ ما غابَ الأَسَل

12. They brought you captives of those
Who tyrannized, and whom you brought death.

١٢. حَملنَ اليكَ سَبايا الَّذي
طَغى فَحمَّلنَ اليهِ الأَجَل

13. Had the speartips not reached them first,
Their fear and anguish would have killed them.

١٣. وَلَو لَم تَصِل سابِقاتُ الرِماحِ
اليهم كَفَت سابِقاتُ الوَهَل

14. Had the swordblows not finished them off,
Their dread of your might around them would have.

١٤. وَلَو لَم يَمتهم قِراعُ السُيوفِ
أَماتَهُمُ خَوفُها وَالوَجَل

15. They knew repentance was futile,
When your prowess encircled them without escape.

١٥. وَقَد أَيقَنوا بالتَوى إِذ وَهى
لِبأسِكَ حَولَهُم وَالحِيَل

16. But the deceitful hopes of fate
Misguided them down wrong paths.

١٦. وَلَكِن تَعرَّضَهُم ضَلَّةً
كِذابُ المُنى وَخِداعُ الأَمَل