
If only my nurse with estrangement would visit me one day

لو أن ممرضه بالهجر عايده

1. If only my nurse with estrangement would visit me one day
It would relieve me of what I'm enduring

١. لَو أَنَّ مُمرضَهُ بِالهَجرِ عايَدَهُ
يَوماً لَخفَّفَ عَنهُ ما يُكابِدُهُ

2. May God not torment one who with aloofness torments me
Throughout my life and its vicissitudes, my injustice and its origins

٢. لا عَذَّبَ اللَهُ مَن بالصَدِّ عَذَّبَني
دَهري وَطارِفُهُ ظُلمي وَتالِده

3. I cry and he laughs at my tears, amazed by them
My lamentations, my sleepless nights, while he is indifferent to them

٣. أَبكي فَيَضحَكُ مِن دَمعي وَيُعجِبُهُ
شَجوي وَأَسهر ليلي وَهوَ زاهِدُهُ

4. Oh you who intentionally killed me unjustly without cause
Purposely, fear God in what you intend

٤. يا قاصِداً قَتلتي ظُلماً بِلا سَبَب
عَمداً خُفِ اللَهَ فيما أَنتَ قاصِدُهُ