
The lover's eyes are burdened with his torment,

طرف المحب موكل بعذابه

1. The lover's eyes are burdened with his torment,
Do not blame him, lest you incur his reproach.

١. طَرفُ المحبّ مُوكَّلٌ بِعَذابِهِ
لا تَعذِلوهُ فَتأثموا بِعِتابِهِ

2. A liver worn by passion until it became
Its sighs have translated what ails it.

٢. كَبِدٌ تعاوَرها الغَرامُ فَأَصبحت
زَفَراتُهُ قَد تَرجَمَت عَمّا بِهِ

3. Misfortunes from his fate have befallen him,
The most intense being the scarcity of his loved ones.

٣. وَجرت عليهِ نَوائِبٌ مِن دَهرِهِ
وَأَشدُّها فيه قِلى أَحبابِهِ

4. So the caller of love in his body
Is like a sword that cuts him with its edge.

٤. فَكأَنَّ داعيةَ الهَوى في جِسمِهِ
سَيفٌ يُقَطِّعه بحدِّ ذُبابِهِ

5. His patience was depleted by what he endured
And his passion in the prime of his youth.

٥. شابَت لِما تَلقاهُ قُذَّةُ صَبرِهِ
وَغَرامُهُ في عُنفُوانِ شَبابِهِ

6. His tears did not flow down his cheeks
Except due to the sickness that crept beneath his clothes.

٦. لَم تَستَهِلَّ عَلى الخُدودِ دُموعُهُ
إِلّا لِسَقم دبَّ تَحتَ ثِيابِهِ

7. And exertions in which he spent his zeal,
Pleased with the adornment that eased his difficulties.

٧. وَتَنوفَة أَنفقت فيها همةً
راضَت مِن التَهذيبِ حَلَّ صِعابه

8. It earned for the heart an ailment of burning,
Lying down, so it changed in its wraps.

٨. أَكسبَت فيها القَلب عِلَّة حُرقَة
مُستأسِداً فاِختالَ في جِلبابِهِ

9. It sought for hopes a path of righteousness,
So it went competing vigorously for its requests.

٩. وَبَغيت للآمال منهج رُشدها
فَمَضَت تُنافِسُ في حَثيث طِلابِهِ

10. I will not blame fate for limiting its gifts,
Neither will I gauge and measure its clouds.

١٠. لا أَستَميحُ الدَهرَ سَيبَ عَطائِهِ
كرماً وَلا أَمتارُ وَبلَ سَحابِهِ

11. I made my patience a refuge, though the
Turning of time triumphed with its might against me.

١١. وَجَعَلتُ صَبري مَعقِلاً وان اِغتَدى
صَرفُ الزَمانِ بظفره وَبنابهِ