
He says, and I had reproached him when he visited me

يقول وقد عاتبته حين زارني

1. He says, and I had reproached him when he visited me
For being aloof: “Leave my early sins be.”

١. يقولُ وَقَد عاتَبتُهُ حينَ زارَني
عَلى الصَدِّ دَعني من ذُنوبي الأَوائلِ

2. So unveil the vision of union in the dark night,
And leave behind the time of reproach to pass through messages.

٢. وَفُضَّ بصيرَ اللَيلِ بالوَصلِ واتَّرِك
زَمانَ العتابِ يَنقَضي بالرَسائِلِ