
Leave me be, and do not blame me for my tears of passion,

دعني ولا تلحني في دمعي الهتن

1. Leave me be, and do not blame me for my tears of passion,
For I have not wept to the extent of my longing and yearning.

١. دَعني وَلا تلحني في دَمعيَ الهِتنِ
فَما بَكيتُ بقدر الشَجو وَالشَجَنِ

2. With patience, after the hands of fate toyed
With that beautiful sight.

٢. باِصطِبارٍ بعد ما عَبثَت
أَيَدي المَنايا بِذاكَ المَنظَرِ الحَسَنِ

3. How can I be patient, when I am laden with sorrow,
That makes the strongest forts totter?

٣. كَيفَ اِصطِباري وَما حُمِّلتُ من حَزَن
يَهُدُّ أَيسرهُ الحِصنين مِن حُصُنِ

4. In dreams I had a servant, and I was to him,
By virtue of my love for him, a servant without price.

٤. قَد كانَ في الحُلمِ لي عَبداً وَكُنتُ لَهُ
بِحُكمِ حُبّي لَهُ عَبداً بِلا ثَمَن

5. I did not want to forget him, so I could tease him,
Except that the shaking of the branch reminded me of him.

٥. وَما أَرَدتُ تَناسيه لأسلوَه
إِلّا وَذكرَّنيه هَزّةُ الغُصُن

6. I do not hope for his return in my waking, ever,
I wish he would return to me in my slumber and dreams.

٦. لا أَرتَجي عَودَه في يَقظَتي أَبَداً
فَلَيتَه رده في رقدتي وَسَنى

7. Oh, that after knowing him he had stayed with me,
Or that I had never known him.

٧. أَو لَيته دامَ لي مِن بعد مَعرِفَتي
أَو لَيتَ معرفتي أَيامَ لَم تَكُنِ

8. O delight of the eye, in earnest and in jest,
And death of the soul, in secret and openly.

٨. يا نزهة العَين في جدّ وَفي لَعِب
وَمُنية النَفس في سِرِّ وَفي عَلَنِ

9. Keenest of people in hunting, and best of them
In shooting, farthest from stinginess and cowardice.

٩. وَأحدقَ الناسِ في صَيد وأحسنهم
رَمياً وَأَبعَد مِن بخل وَمِن جُبُنِ

10. Since you left, my heart has not inclined
To anyone, in earnest or in jest, nor has my soul found rest.

١٠. ما مالَ بَعدَكَ لي قَلبٌ إِلى أَحدِ
وَجداً ولا سَكنَت نَفسي إِلى سَكَنِ

11. My eyes have not seen a sight, since you went away,
That pleases them, nor have my ears heard sweet singing.

١١. مَنظَراً مُذ غِبتَ يُعجِبُها
عَيني وَلا سَمِعَت مُسَحسَناً أُذُني

12. I yearn for him after being startled awake
By a lion devoid of guile, full of sagacity.

١٢. لَهفي عليه غَداة الرَوعِ مِن أَسد
خالٍ مِن الغِشِّ مَملوءٌ مِن الفِطَنِ

13. Of beautiful features, his manners pleasing,
Pure of lineage, gentle yet firm.

١٣. حاوِ الشَمائِلِ مَعسولٌ خَلائقُه
صافي الأَديمِ أَبيُّ لَينٌ خَشن

14. Fate aimed an arrow at his head and hit the mark,
Its quiver full of tribulations.

١٤. رَماهُ في رأسِهِ سَهماً فَأَقصدهُ
دَهرٌ كنائنُه مَلىء مِن المِحَنِ

15. The hands of a wanton jester, jesting,
Tore asunder the spirit and the body.

١٥. شَلَّت يَدا عابثٍ أَهوى بمُديَتِه
مَزحاً فَقَرَّقَ بَينِ الروح وَالبَدَنِ

16. Patience, for whatever events time brings forth,
For fate is tyrannical in its injustice.

١٦. صَبراً لما تحدث الأَيامُ مِن حَدَث
فالدَهر في جورِه جارٍ عَلى سَنَنِ

17. Patience is the most beautiful garment worn
By the afflicted, and consoling the best tradition.

١٧. فالصَبرُ أَجمَلُ ثَوب أَنتَ لابِسَهُ
لِنازِل وَالتَعزّي أَحسَنُ السُنَنِ

18. It alleviates anguish, for I see no one
Unperturbed after separation from a dear one.

١٨. وَهوَّن الوجد إِنّي لا أَرى أَحَداً
بِفُرقة الأَلِف يَوماً غير مُمتَحَنِ

19. O supporter of the faith, O peerless one,
Good fortune and you are paired together.

١٩. يا ناصِر الدين يا مَن لا شَبيهَ له
لا زِلتَ وَالسَعد مقرونين في قَرَن

20. May your abode remain populated by its dweller,
Bestowing joy and safe from sorrow.

٢٠. وَدامَ رَبعُك مأهولاً بِساكِنه
معطى السُرور وَمَمنوعاً مِن الحَزَن

21. O boldest of people, of non-Arabs and Arabs,
O most generous people, of Syria and Yemen.

٢١. يا أَشجَعَ الناس مِن عُجم ومن عَرَب
وَأَكرَمَ الناسِ مِن شام ومن يَمَن

22. Live in bliss without end,
All creation ransoms you with their souls.

٢٢. عِش سالِماً في نَعيم لا اِنقضاءَ لَهُ
يَفديكَ كُلُّ الوَرى من