
Who will protect me from an oppressor of towering height,

من مجيري من ظالم مستطيل

1. Who will protect me from an oppressor of towering height,
And aid me in exacting lengthy retribution?

١. مَن مُجيري مِن ظالِم مُستَطيلِ
وَمُعيني عَلى اِقتِضاءِ المُطولِ

2. One whose beauty is flawless though he shows no kindness,
And whose charm is peerless though it brings no joy.

٢. حَسَنٌ لَيسَ مُحسِناً بِمُحبٍ
وَجَميلٌ ما عِندَهُ مِن جَميلِ

3. My heart clings to him though he turns away,
Spurning me, and turns instead to his own fickleness.

٣. لجَ قَلبي بِه وَقَد لَجَّ في الإعراضِ
عَنّي وَلَجَّ فيهِ عَذولي

4. I thirst forever for the wine of his lips
With no path leading me to his sweet spring.

٤. أَبَداً ظامىء إِلى خمر ثَغرٍ
ما إِلى سَلسَبيله مِن سَبيلِ

5. The messenger will never return to him
As my envoy returned from Damascus.

٥. أَبَداً يَرجِعُ الرَسولُ اليهِ
مثل ما عادَ مِن دِمَشقَ رَسولي

6. My delegate whom I sent after long delay -
Oh my Master - and prolonged negotiation

٦. مَنعوده الَّذي تَطوَّلت يا مَولاي
بعد المطالِ وَالتَطويل

7. Found no acceptance from him for your missive
Save reverence and a kiss.

٧. لَم يَكُن عِندَهُ قَبولٌ لتوقيعك
غير التَعظيمِ وَالتَقبيلِ

8. They promise us much loyalty but grant us little
To bring us happiness, and nothing at all.

٨. يَعِدونا الوَفاءَ لا بِكَثير
يُسعِدونا منه وَلا بِقَليلِ

9. Oh most generous of the age, unique one
Of the time, best of all and most faithful ally,

٩. يا كَريمَ الزَمان يا واحدَ
العَصرِ وَخيرَ الوَرى وأَوفى مُسيل

10. I see Time and the Fates and the days
Have abandoned my dreams, left bare and empty.

١٠. قَد أَرى الدَهر وَالتنَزُّه وَالجو
سَق عافي الرَسوم خاوي الطُلول

11. And though I sing your praises as I always have,
I depend on your bounty as I always will.

١١. وَتَحَيَّزَتُ في الثَناءِ وَقَد كانَ
عَلى ما تَجودُه تَعويلي