
He wept, believing it had become a veil over love,

بكا آمناً أن صار ستراً عَلى الحب

1. He wept, believing it had become a veil over love,
While people erred in enslaving the tear of youth.

١. بَكا آمِناً أَن صارَ سِتراً عَلى الحُبِّ
خَطا الناسُ في اِسترقاقهم دمعة الصَبِّ

2. As misguided as the illusion of death is passion,
For through time they have not tasted of its bitter arrows.

٢. ضَلالاً كَذم المَوتِ عِشقاً فانَّهُم
عَلى الدَهر ماذاقوه مِن أَسهَمِ النَصبِ

3. They think my tears are from the speck in my eye, continually,
While in truth, nothing makes me shed them but the burning of my heart.

٣. يَظنونَ دَمعي مِن قَذى العين دامياً
وَجَدِّكَ ما يُدميه إِلّا جَوى القَلبِ

4. So they do not consider it a home if its inhabitants live there,
Except for the eyelids' clouds pouring down rain.

٤. فَلا يَعدُ داراً بانَ بالعيش أَهلُها
سوى واكف الأَجفان مِن وابِل السُحبِ

5. It is not out of stinginess towards it, but rather
I see that the course of its floods is ever dry.

٥. وَما ذاكَ مِن بُخل بِها غير أَنَّني
أَرى أَنَّ مَجرى سَيله دائم الجَدبِ

6. So occupy me from all things with one who is free,
A lover, though he be stingy of requited love.

٦. فَيا شُغلي عَن كُلِّ شيء بِفارغ
حَبيب عَلى بُخل مُعادٍ عَلى الحُبِّ

7. If I convey my night to him, he remains angry,
And if I convey my morning to him, he counts it a sin against me.

٧. إِذا بلَّغتُهُ سَلوَتي ظلَّ ساخِطاً
وان بَلَّغتُهُ صَبوَتي عَدَّها ذَنبي

8. When will I be rid of the injustice which I have borne,
While neither my heart nor my patience are with my companions?

٨. مَتى آنفِ الظُلمَ الَّذي سامَ حَمله
وَلا القَلبُ مِن صَحبي وَلا الصَبرُ مِن حِزبي

9. And oh my thirst between avoidance and intention
To my days between avoidance and reproach!

٩. وَيا ظَمأي بينَ التَحجُّبِ وَالنَوى
إِلى زَمَني بَينَ التَجَنّب وَالعتبِ

10. And my longing for a tryst, even if there is no truth in it,
For nothing longs for falsehood.

١٠. وَشَوقي إِلى وعد وان لَم يُجد بِهِ
وان كانَ لا يَشتاق شيءٌ مِن الكذبِ

11. Let the absent one traveling east carry your fragrance
To extinguish what they kindle on the west side.

١١. دَعو الغاديَ الشَرقيض يَحمِلُ عَرفكم
لِيُطفىء ما يَلقونَ في الجانِبِ الغَربي

12. Draw the beloved and the phantom away from me for a while,
For that is something which does no harm from being near.

١٢. أَزيروا الكَرى وَالطَيفَ عَنّيَ ساعَةً
وَذَلِكَ شيءٌ لا يَضُرُّ مِن القُربِ

13. And weeping in Damascus, either from a youthful whim
To family, or from rage at one incapable of books.

١٣. وَباكٍ بأَرض الشام امّا صَبابَةً
إِلى الاَهلِ أَو غَيظاً لِمعجز عَن الكُتب

14. He stayed so neither destinies decree his return to them
Nor bring him near the home of fertility.

١٤. أَقامَ فَلا الأَقدارُ تقضي بِعَوده
اليهم وَلا تُدنيهِ مِن مَنزِل الخِصب

15. If distance does not convey the discerning one,
Then far from bringing near is a moist cloud.

١٥. إِذا البينُ لَم يُوصِل إِلى ذي بَصيرة
وَهَيهاتَ تُجدي غُربة المندلِ الرطب

16. And of no use to me are faces that are as if
They were flint, though I have a severe frown.

١٦. وَما نافِعي عِندَ الوجوه كَأَنَّها
فَسا الصَخرِ صَخراً أَنَّني صارِمُ العضبِ