1. This is the quest, not what the cups claim
And reality, not days of delusion
١. هَذا هُوَ السَعيُ لا ما يَدَّعي الواني
وَذي الوَقائِعُ لا أَيام ذبيانِ
2. You drew near when you made peace with Tameem
And you restrained the tyrannical ruby
٢. أَدنيتَ حَين تَميم حينَ صُلتَ بِهِ
وَرُعتَ ياقوتاً المُستَكبرِ الجاني
3. And your might lowered itself from its height
And your army conquered the pride of Turkhan
٣. وَحط بأسكَ عَن عَلياهُ مُرتَفِعاً
وَعزَّ جَيشُكَ قَهراً عِزّ طرخان
4. You still grant him kindness and harbor him
For him while he harbors deceit beneath cosmetics
٤. ما زِلتَ تُوليهِ احساناً وَتُضمَرهُ
لَهُ وَيُضمِرُ غَدراً تَحتَ اِدهانِ
5. He aspires to the sky hoping to reach it
In ignorance that before him Haman had perished
٥. يَبغي السَماءَ رَجاءً أَن سَيبلغها
جَهلاً بِهِ كانَ قَد ماهَلك هامانِ
6. I have not seen that hopes deceive a knight
With the extended hand of a seller toward Keywan
٦. ما خلتُ أَنَّ الأَماني تَخدَعَنَّ فَتىً
بِمَدِّ باعٍ قَصير نَحوَ كِيوان
7. Nor walked seeing mirage that would drown him
Toward clouds, glory not intoxicated
٧. وَلا مَشى وَيَرى الضَحضاحَ يُغرِقُه
نَحوَ العُبابِ مَجدٌ غير سَكران
8. And distance from the lion of war made him arrogant
Until he saw them above the hills
٨. وَغَرَّهُ البُعدُ عَن أُسدِ الشَرى فَطَغى
حَتّى رَآها تَبارى فَوقَ عُقبانِ
9. They traveled with the night, made merry by their trilling
From the light of the moon and lighting fires
٩. سَروا مَعَ اللَيلِ يُغنيهم تَهلُّلهم
عَن ضَوءِ بدر وَعَن اِيقاد نيران
10. With every blizzard when they approached
For peace, the day of panic, most ravenous wolves
١٠. مِن كُلِّ أَبلج مطعام إِذا جَنَحوا
للسلم أَشوسَ يَومَ الرَوع طَعّانِ
11. They marched to death smiling, you'd think them
Marching to meet an absent beloved
١١. ساروا إِلى المَوتِ بَسّامينَ تَحسَبُهُم
ساروا لِوَصلِ حَبيب غِبَّ هُجران
12. They find death pleasant, so for them belong
The beasts of the meadows and return of the thirsty
١٢. يَستَعذِبونَ المَنايا نَجدَةً فَلَهُم
إِلى ظُباة المَواضي وَردُ ظَمآنِ
13. Not one of them fears getting close to death, they are scattered
In every fray, some in pairs and some alone
١٣. لا يَرهبُ المَوتَ أَدناهُم فَهُم بَدَدٌ
في كُلِّ دَهماءَ مِن مثنى وَوحدانِ
14. He harbored love for the exalted, but saw ascent
Beyond it so he let it go, which ladder?
١٤. أَبدى هَوى بالعلى لِكِن رأى صَعَداً
مِن دونِها فَسلاها أيَّ سُلوانِ
15. If extended in its extension without hardship
Then every human would achieve the heights
١٥. لَو مُدىً في مَداها غَيرُ هيِّنَةٍ
ِذا لَنالَ المَعالي كُلُّ اِنسانِ
16. Does one become infatuated with the mention of Mariah
And the people of Jafnah except a confused mind?
١٦. أَيُغتَرى فِريةً في ذِكرِ ماريَة
وآلِ جَفنةَ إِلّا عَقل حَيرانِ
17. He used to roar the lions' roar when alone
And passed when she approached him, like a frolicking colt
١٧. قَد كانَ يَزأرُ زَأَرَ الأَسَدِ حينَ خَلا
وَمَرَّ لَمّا أَتَتهُ مَرَّ سَرحانِ
18. Regiments that blocked the sun in their great numbers
So Arabs shone beneath the crowns
١٨. كَتائِبٌ سَدَّ عَينَ الشَمسِ عثيَرُها
فَأَشرقَت عُرُبٌ مِن تَحتِ تيجانِ
19. The sky of Naqaa you see wherever you turn with it
A moon that wanders with the traces of a devil
١٩. سَماءُ نَقع تَرى حيث اِتجهتَ بِها
بَدراً يَكُرُّ بِنَجمِ اثر شَيطانِ
20. So he found humiliation's taste sweet, fearing death defeated
Seeking distance or excluding the nearer
٢٠. فاِستعذَب الذُلَّ خَوفَ المَوتَ مُنهَزِماً
يَستقربُ البُعدَ أَو يَستَبعِدُ الداني
21. Two bitter ends, the lands' extremities are
The advisor of precedents or bitter ends
٢١. أَمرانِ مُرّانِ أَطرافُ البِلادِ عَلى
ناجي السَوابِق أَو أَطرافِ مُرّانِ
22. And it was not understood, but they missed the glory of
Ranks from injustice and loss
٢٢. وَلَم يُفتَهَم وَلَكِن فاتَهُم شَرَف الا
قدامِ مِن غبن وَخُسرانِ
23. Woe to the fool whom ignorance seeks
And who spent the night intoxicated without joy
٢٣. فَوَيلَهُ مِن غَبيٍ بتَّ تطلِبُهُ
وَباتَ نَشوانَ خَمرٍ غَيرَ نشيانِ
24. And meeting death would have been better if allowed
Than a life that gloats over him, the critic
٢٤. وَكانَ نَيل المَنايا لَو تُباحُ لَهُ
خَيراً لَهُ مِن حَياةٍ تُشمِتُ الشاني
25. You have contained your revenge with might before taking it
So when you ruled, hope returned with kindness
٢٥. حاطَ اِنتِقامَكَ بأساً قَبلَ باشِرِهِ
فَمذ مَلكتَ رَجا مَعمودَ احسان
26. How excellent is pardon, pardon after ability
For the ugliest sin, blasphemy after faith
٢٦. ما أَحسَنَ العَفوَ عَفوٌ بَعدَ مَقدِرَةٍ
عَن أَقبحِ الذَنبِ كُفرٍ بَعدَ إِيمانِ
27. One with affection, so you meet them with fury
O you who remembers and whose stirrups
٢٧. هَذي مَصارِعُ شانيكُم يُبَصِّرُها
ذو احنةٍ فيُلاقيكُم بشنان
28. Depart from him when the despicable approaches intimacy
My tears of separation have clouded me with their clouds
٢٨. يا ذاكِري وَرِكابي عَنهُ نازِحَةٌ
إِذا اللَئيمُ عَلى قُربِ تَناساني
29. Raining upon me from the owner of the braids, who is close
As redemption even if he has seldom graced me with what
٢٩. مَدامِعُ البُعدَ أَغشَتني سَحائِبُها
عَليَّ يَهمينَ عَن ذي الهيدَبِ الداني
30. He did not give another graceless patron
He wishes if only the morning donned its hue
٣٠. فِدىً وان قَلَّ مَنّانٌ عَليَّ بِما
لَم يعطنيهِ لِمُعطٍ غَيرَ مَنّانٍ
31. Or the fleeting night gained of its vanishing life
When he saw the wonder his people had for his generosity
٣١. يَودُّ لَو كُسيَ الاصباحُ صِبغَتَهُ
أَو زيد في لَيلِهِ مِن عُمرِهِ الفاني
32. He gave them yesterday, today for the second time
Generosity, valor and patience, those are his traits
٣٢. إِذا رأى قَومه مِن جودِهِ عَجَباً
قِدماً أَتاكَ بِثَان يَومُه الثاني
33. Known forever in the clan of Ghassan
He builds upon your glorious renown, diligent
٣٣. جُودٌ وَبأسٌ وَحِلمٌ تِلكَ شيمَتُهُ
مَعروفة أَبَداً في آل غَسّانِ
34. Since no glory in truth belongs to any but the building heir
I have wasted my merit that I made known among the ignorant
٣٤. يَبنى عَلى مَجدِكَ المَعروف مُجتَهِداً
لا مَجدَ حَقاً لِغَيرِ الوارِث الباني
35. The virtuous among them is seeing among the blind
And I do not care if fate ordains that I meet you
٣٥. أَضاعَ فَضليَ أَنّي بَينَ جاهِلهِ
ذوُ الفَضلِ فيهم بَصيرٌ بَينَ عُميان
36. After what is wished for me by the patron
Exalting glory and making generosity immortal
٣٦. وَما أُبالي إِذا ما الدَهرُ قَيّض لي
لقياك مِن بعد ما يَمنى ليَ الماني
37. Not raising a palace or immortalizing a hall
A quest with seriousness and a quest sometimes the two
٣٧. اعلاءَ مَجدٍ وَتَخليدٌ لِمكرُمة
لا رَفعُ قَصر وَلا تَخليدُ ايوانِ
38. Matters differ but in purpose they are equal
٣٨. سَعيٌ بِجدٍّ وَسَعيٌ رُبَّما اِختلفَ الأ
مرانِ جدّاهُما في الأَمرِ سِيّانِ