1. Sleep escapes the estranged, homesickness overtakes him by night
Except his imagination visits when he journeys afar
١. ما نامَ بعدَ البين يَستَحلي الكرى
إِلّا ليطرُقَه الخَيالُ إِذا سَرى
2. Bound to your nearness, when distance kept him away
The shorter path he took in his travels
٢. كَلِفٌ بِقُربكَمُ فَلمّا عاقَهُ
بُعدُ المَدى سَلَك الطَريقَ الأَخصَرا
3. And when he pictured you in his memory
Of shadows and stars a sleepless night for him
٣. وَإِذا تَصوَّرَ أَن يُصورك الكَرى
فَمِن الظَلالِ لمقلَةٍ أَن تَسهَرا
4. How many companions now unreachable in speech
Visited him at night, unaware in the dark
٤. كَم نافِرٍ لا يُستَطاعُ كَلامُه
داريتَه بكرىً فَزارَ وَما دَرى
5. And a loved one, heavy in frame whose right
Is to be ever drunk, carrying the cup
٥. وَمُهَفهِفٍ ثِمِل القَوامِ وَحَقُّ مَن
حَملَ المُدامَةَ دائماً أَن يَسكَرا
6. A willow, leafy in darkness, its branches
Flowering fair in the morn and light
٦. رَيّانَ أَورقَ بالظَلامِ قَضيبُهُ
حُسناً فأزهر بِالصَباحِ وَنَورا
7. Reproach was harsh, though not seeing it as ignorance
I'm jealous with passion lest he be excused
٧. عَنفَ العَذولُ وَما رآهُ جَهالَةً
وَأَغارُ وَجداً أَن يَراهُ فَيُعذَرا
8. And prolonged was my blame unjustly, had he
But known whom he wrongs, it would have been curtailed
٨. وَأَطالَ عَتبي لاحياً وَلَو أَنَّهُ
عَرفَ الَّذي يُلحي عَليهِ لأقصرا
9. I left him and lost my patience after him
I missed him and lost composure to show strength
٩. فارَقته وَعدمتُ صَبري بَعدَهُ
فَفَقَدتُهُ وَفَقدتُ أَن أَتَصَبَّرا
10. Chide not my tears flowing, for the critic
Would that their flow formed no rainclouds, no downpour
١٠. لا تَنكرن فيضَ الدُموعِ فمنكَرٌ
أَن لا يَكونَ نَواهُ نَوءاً مُمطِرا
11. I weep remembering life, glory for its seeker
That life you weep not to recall it, does confound
١١. أَبكي لِذِكرِ العيشِ عِزَّ طِلابِهِ
وَالعَيشُ ما أَبكاكَ أَن يُتَذَكَرّا
12. O' he who sought estrangement, my murder intended
Did you think I'd remain when you abandoned me?
١٢. يا طالِباً بالبين قَتلي عامِداً
أَحسَبتَني أَبقى عَلى أَن تَهجُرا
13. A farewell, his tears the parting, his neck bent
Perplexed, in the hands of one pulling away
١٣. وَموَدُعٍ أَم التفرّقُ دمعَهُ
وَنَهَتهُ رِقبَةُ كاشِحٍ فَتَحيَّرا
14. A crescent seems through his hollowness
Were it under watch, a full moon it would appear
١٤. يَبدو هِلالٌ مِن خِلالِ سُجوفِه
لَو مُراقبةُ العُيونِ لأَبدَرا
15. Beware of eyes, he cannot be seen traveling
A beautiful face cannot cease to shine
١٥. حَذر العُيونِ فَلَيسَ يُلقى سافِراً
مِن حُسنِ وَجهٍ لَيسَ يَفتأ مُسفِرا
16. The caution of spies has concealed his appearance
But the secrecy of passion refuses to be obscured
١٦. مَنَعَت مُحاذَرةُ الوِشاةِ ظُهورَهُ
فَأَبى خَفيُّ الوَجدِ أَن لا يَظهَرا
17. And he aimed true, piercing iron with readiness
An arrow, and silk would not veil it hidden
١٧. وَرَمى فَأنفذ في الحَديدِ مُسرّداً
سَهماً وَما نَفَذ الحَريرَ مُسَتَرا
18. Bewitched she is, and has slain his eyelids
Or does her murder not suffice that she bewitches too?
١٨. سَحَرت وَقَد قَتَلت لِحاظ جُفونُه
أَوَما كَفاها القَتل حَتّى تَسحَرا
19. So beware the lion of the forest, a healer of maladies
And beware, yes beware, that wicked sorcerer
١٩. فَحَذارِ أُسدَ الغابِ رَبربَ عالِجٍ
وَحَذارِ ثُمَّ حَذارِ ذاكَ الجؤذَرا
20. And woe to him of feeble strength, whose bond
Of love grew strong, so he was left confused
٢٠. وَيلاهُ مِن واهي القُوى ذي رِقَّةٍ
قَويت عِلاقَةُ حُبّه فَتَحَيَّرا
21. I will take vengeance on a Joseph-like deceiver
An aide of Egypt's Joseph, victorious
٢١. فسأغتدي مِن يُوسُفيٍ مُقتَدٍ
بِعَزيز مصرٍ يوسُفٍ مستَنصرا
22. A king - when you see him you will meet
Good news of success, a herald
٢٢. مَلِكٌ اذا أَبصرتَه فَلَقيتَهُ
أَبصرتَ بِشراً بالنَجاحِ مُبشِّرا
23. Bestower of virtues in an era of generosity
Rewards the early starter as though late
٢٣. ردفُ الأَكارِم في مَدى بَذلِ النَدى
وَجَزى فَكانَ السابِقَ المُتأخِّرا
24. A gallant man - though years elapse
They count virtuous years thus he is great
٢٤. وَفَتىً اذا عَدوا السِنينَ فانَّهُم
عدوا السنى فَكانَ الأَكبَرا
25. He gained virtues and wore them as a mantle
A kingdom - though it can be borrowed and bought
٢٥. كسبَ الَكارِمَ فاكتَساها لابِساً
مُلكاً وَكانَت تُستَعارُ وَتُشتَرى
26. In his face beauty and sword assembled
His station, a raincloud; his palm, rain for the land
٢٦. في وَجهِهِ اِجتَمَعَ الجَمالُ وَسَيفُهُ
حَتفٌ وَكَفُّهُ غَيث الوَرى
27. No quarter has settled dusty, gloomy
Unless by his dew it turned green
٢٧. ما حَلَّ رَبعَ المحلِ أَغبرَ قاتِماً
إِلّا وَأَصبَحَ مِن نَداهُ أَخضَرا
28. Or a day of calamity came, bleak, sword-wielding
Unless it turned red from the blood of enemies
٢٨. أَو سَلَّ يَومَ الرَوع أَبيضَ صارِماً
إِلّا وَعادَ مِن الأَعادي أَحمَرا
29. Or it shook in war, dark, withered
Unless with the head of a tyrant made fertile
٢٩. أَو هَزَّ في الهَيجاءِ أَسمَرَ ذابِلاً
إِلّا وَآلَ بِرأسِ طاغٍ مُثمِرا
30. Battalions take aim, though when they pass
None can tell if lines or an army he dispatched
٣٠. تُردي الكَتائِبَ كُتبُه فاذا مَضَت
لم نَدرِ أَنَفَذ أَسطُراً أَم عسكرا
31. The foes above his verses fare not well
Unless it's that the army forms a barrier
٣١. لَم يحسُنِ الأَترابُ فَوقَ سُطورِها
إِلّا لأَنَّ الجَيش يَعقُد عِثيرا
32. O' you who overpaid for this precious praise
Without you it would be neglected, unsought
٣٢. يا شاري المَدحِ الثَمين مُغالِياً
لَولاكَ أَصبحَ كاسِداً لا يُشتَرى
33. You spent your money and gained eulogies
That remain through time while eras expire
٣٣. أَفنيت مالك واِقتنيتَ مَحامِداً
تَبقى مَدى الدُنيا وَتُفني الأَعصُرا
34. You ascended, self-elevated, leaving
Below the earth one whose wealth is below the turf
٣٤. فسموتَ مُنتعِل السِماك وَتارِكاً
تَحتَ الثَرى مَن ماله تَحتَ السَرى
35. And you made the realm of arts inhabited
By your dew, when it was a barren trace
٣٥. وَجعلتَ للآدابِ رَبعاً آهلاً
بنَدى يَدَيكَ وَكانَ رسماً مقفِرا
36. Your virtues dazzled those who praised you, though often
Exceeding all count, they cannot but dazzle
٣٦. بَهَرَت صِفاتُكَ مادِحيك وَطالَما
وَقَد جاوَزَ الاحصاءَ أَن لا يبهرا
37. So you came to him sincere, the proud sincerity
Shortened, not out of inadequacy
٣٧. فَأَتاكَ مُقلا واِنثَنى المُشنى
المبرز قاصِراً لا مُقصِرا
38. And Damascus, it has become your protected domain
After it healed, and the enemies hoped to subdue it
٣٨. وَالشامُ قَد أَضحى حِمىً بِكَ بَعدَما
أَشفى وَأَمّلت العِدى أَن تَظفِرا
39. It had been a dark night for the religion of light
Until you came so it became a radiant morn
٣٩. أَمسى لِنورِ الدينِ لَيلاً مُظلِماً
حَتّى أَتيتَ فَكانَ صُبحاً نَيّرا
40. As if it was calling and its call was answered
Or it was given a choice among all and chose
٤٠. فَكأَنَّهُ داعٍ أُجيبَ دُعاؤُهُ
أَو كانَ خُيِّرَ في الوَرى فَتَخيّرا
41. And the caliphate charter came to you gratefully
For restoring truth, alive and published
٤١. وَأَتاكَ منشورُ الخَلافَةِ شاكِراً
لَكَ أَن أَعدتَ الحَقَّ حَيّاً منشرا
42. Since you restored the rights to their people
And returned the pulpits to the deserving
٤٢. لما أعدتَ الحقَّ في أَربابِهِ
وَرددتَ لِلمستَوجبيهِ المِنبَرا
43. The Imam sent you the coat of arms painted
For people that you are painted on hearts
٤٣. بَعث الامامُ لكَ الشعارَ مُصوِّراً
لِلناسِ أَنَّكَ في الضَميرش مُصورا
44. And showed them the caliphate is your possession
You became its essence and jewel
٤٤. وَأَراهُم أَنَّ الخِلافَةَ مُقلَةٌ
أَصبحتَ أَنتَ سَوادَها وَالمحجَرا
45. So glory in what the Imam did over all people
And suffice in what the Caliph made pride
٤٥. فاِفخر بِما فَعَل الامامٌ عَلى الوَرى
وَكَفى بِما فَعَلَ الخَليفَةُ مفخرا
46. Robes of honor came to you, and for elevation in its style
A publishing, and the robes of your enemies published
٤٦. خِلَعٌ أَتَتكَ وَللعُلى في طَيِّها
نَشرٌ وَطَيّ عِداك في أَن تنشرا
47. And most deserving of these robes is Muyid
The robes of those who rebelled against them in times past
٤٧. وَأَحَقُّ مَن خَلعت عَلَيهِ مؤيد
خِلَعَ الَّذين بَغَوا عليهم أَعصُرا
48. The Abbasids, their rule smiles secure
While you are its pillar lest it be breached
٤٨. أَضحى بَنو العَبّاسِ يَضحك مُلكُهُم
أَمناً وَأَنتَ سَدادُهُ أَن يُثغَرا
49. Never in any era was poetry sang to a king
Like the beautiful singing to you fresh and pure
٤٩. ما زَفَّ في عَصرٍ لِلَلِكٍ مثلَما
زَفَّ الحِسانُ إِلَيك بِكراً مُعصِرا
50. A precious jewel are you, appreciating its value
And you've people who appreciate the essence
٥٠. عِقدٌ ثَمين أَنتَ عارِفُ قَدرِهِ
وَلَدَيكَ قَومٌ يَعرِفونَ الجَوهَرا
51. None can see contrary to what has been said
Except what only occurred, not contrived
٥١. ما مَن يَرى ضدَّ الَّذي قَد قالَه
مِثلَ الَّذي ما قالَ إِلّا ما سَرى
52. Praising kings is honesty - Joseph is Joseph
His true praise no fabricated tale
٥٢. مِدح المُلوكِ فِرىً وَيوسفُ يوسِفٌ
ما مَدحُهُ الوافي حَديثاً يفترى