
Are they swords of rain or eyes of the eye

أظبى سيوف أم عيون العين

1. Are they swords of rain or eyes of the eye
And sickness of body or sickness of eyelids?

١. أَظُبى سُيوف أَم عُيون العَينِ
وَسِقامُ جِسم أَم سِقامُ جُفونِ

2. O stingy maiden of the shrine, I see not
Those with generosity console me.

٢. يا ظَبيَةَ الحَرمِ البَخيلة ما أَرى
ذاتَ التَكرُّم عَنكم تُسليني

3. Until every plain pours forth my tears
And my pain is not fulfilled, your debts to me.

٣. حتّامَ يَسفحُ كُلُّ سَفحٍ مَدمَعي
والامَ لا تُقضى لديك دُيوني

4. You knocked when the darkness slept, between us
A rugged mountain and flashes of lightning.

٤. طَرقَت وَقَد نامَ الخليُّ وَبيننا
جَبَلا زَرودَ وَبُرقَتا يَبرينِ

5. The ways of illusion, I cannot endure
The specter of past and specter of madness.

٥. طرق الخَيالَ فَلَستُ مَن يَقوى عَلى
طَيفين طَيفِ كرى وَطَيفِ جُنونِ

6. Enough my palms are busied by poverty beyond you
And my dwelling between its plains and sorrows.

٦. كَفّي كفى بالفَقرِ دونك شاغِلاً
وَسُرايَ بَينَ سُهولِهِ وَحُزون

7. The shirts of worry I carried
Caravans of praise to the beauty of faith.

٧. فَقَلائِصُ الهَمِّ الَّتي حَمَّلتُها
جُمَل المَديحِ إِلى جَمالِ الدينِ

8. Forgiving when witnesses of his generosity said
I hope, he said convictions.

٨. سَمِحٌ إِذا قالَت شَواهِدُ جودِهِ
أَرجوه قالَ عَقائِد

9. He is pleased without thanks from his asking
Generously and is not pleased for them.

٩. يَرضى بِدون الشُكرِ مِن سُؤالِهِ
كَرَماً وَلا يَرضى لَهم

10. So honor is like the protected sanctum in his giving
And his bestowal and wealth are unprotected.

١٠. فالعِرضُ كالحَرَمِ المَصون بِبَذلِهِ
وَنَوالُه وَالمالُ غَيرُ مَصونِ

11. No attaining him is accompanied by much requesting
Never and nor what he favored with provisions.

١١. لا نَيله كَدرٌ بِكَثرَةِ مَطلِهِ
أَبَداً وَلا ما مَنَّ بالتَموينِ

12. A judge who returns right, clear white
If the opinion of the misguided ruler erred.

١٢. قاضٍ يَرُدُّ الحقَّ أَبيضَ واضِحاً
إِن ضَلَّ رأيُ الحاكِمِ المأفونِ

13. O feast of every congratulator and hope of every
Expectant, O joy of the poor.

١٣. يا عيد كُلِّ مُعيِّدٍ وَرَجاءَ كُلِّ
مُؤَمِّلٍ يا فَرحَةَ المِسكينِ

14. Your favor's pleasure and righteousness succeeding them
Two feasts, feast of dew and feast of faith.

١٤. فَرضانِ شُكرِكَ وَالصَلاحُ يليهُما
عيدان عيدُ نَدىً وَعيدُ الدينِ

15. So submit despite the envious, immortalized
As long as birds sang atop branches.

١٥. فاِسلم عَلى رَغمِ الحَسودِ مُخَلَّداً
ما غَنَّتِ الأَطيار فَوقَ غُصونِ