1. He burdens me with more than I can bear, so I bear it,
And commands me not to awake, so I obey,
١. يُحَمِّلني مالا أُطيقُ فأَحملُ
وَيأمُرَني أَن لا أُفيقَ فَأَقبَلُ
2. And kills me intentionally, because I love him,
And is it any wonder that I love and am killed?
٢. وَيَقتلني عَمداً لأَنّي أُحِبُّهُ
وَمن عَجَبٍ أَنّي أُحِبُّ فأقُتَلُ
3. And he prevents me from passing by his door,
And catching a glimpse - though I pass, so he is bashful,
٣. وَيَمنَعُني من أَن أَمرّ بِبابِهِ
وَأَرمُقُه أَنّي أَمرُّ فَيَخجَلُ
4. I am humbled when love is mighty or moderate,
And when love is mighty, what can I do but humbly beseech?
٤. أَذلّ إِذا ما عَزَّ في الحُبِّ أَوسَطا
وَهَل لي إِذا ما عَزَّ إِلّا التَذَلّلُ
5. I complain of his tyranny, but passion judges in his favor,
And how can the judge of passion judge justly?
٥. وَأَشكو تَجنّيهِ فَيقضي لَهُ الهَوى
وَقاضي الهَوى في حُكمِه كَيفَ يَعدلُ
6. Would that the perfection of beauty were given to one who makes beautiful,
And the beauty of face to one who beautifies,
٦. فَلَيتَ كَمالَ الحُسنِ يُؤتاهُ مُحسِنٌ
وَلَيتَ جَمالَ الوَجهِ يُؤتاه مُجمِلُ
7. And a blamer, attacking at night, blames me,
Saying: "Do you not plead except by humble entreaty?"
٧. وَعاذِلَةٍ هَبَّت بَليلٍ تَلومُني
تَقولُ أَلا تصغي الا تَتوسَّلُ
8. So I said: "Chide me less, and consider:
For none remains to be hoped for, or depended upon."
٨. فَقُلتُ أَقَلّي العذَلَ لي وَتأَمَّلي
فَلَم يَبقَ مَن يُرجى وَلا من يُؤَمَّلُ
9. For though wealth fail me, I depend
On the generosity of the son of Shadi,
٩. فَلَستُ عَلى مالٍ وان فاتَ مُعوِلاً
وانّي عَلى جود ابنِ شاديَ مُعوِلُ
10. And I have a helper in the helper of the faith, ever-present,
Sufficient for me, and I have from his overflowing palms a fountain,
١٠. وَلي ناصِرٌ مِن ناصِرِ الدين حاضِرٌ
كَفيٌّ وَلي مِن سُحبِ كَفيهِ منهلُ
11. Generous with what he contains, and faithful to his promise,
He gives generously and enriches, or speaks and acts.
١١. جَوادٌ بِما يحوي وَفيٌّ بِوَعدِهِ
يَجودُ فَيُغني أَو يَقول فَيَفعل
12. A sea of bounty for the needy, a rain pouring down,
A towering refuge for those who come to him, a shelter,
١٢. وَبَحرُ نَدىً لِلمجتدين وَوابِلٌ
وَطودُ حِمىً للآجئينَ وَموئِلُ
13. Deeming abundant bestowal to be little, he sees
No gift, however repeated, to be inclusive and exceeding.
١٣. يَعدُّ كَثير النَيلَ قلاً وَلا يَرى
نَوالاً نَوالاً لا يعمُّ وَيفضلُ
14. When the heroes of war spurred on their steeds, he was foremost,
And if the youths of the land were counted, he was the first,
١٤. إِذا شَدَّ فُرسانُ الوَغى كانَ سابِقاً
وان عُدَّ فِتيانُ الوَرى فَهو أَوَّلُ
15. In days of bounty and privation he was the most generous,
When days were appraised and enumerated.
١٥. لَهُ يَومَ انعامِ وَبؤسٍ كِلاهُما
أَغَرُّ إِذا الأَيّام عُدَّت مُحَجَّلُ
16. Good fortune to you, a day the ages have not seen the like of,
More glorious, faithful, joyous, and excellent!
١٦. ليهنِكَ يَومٌ لا يَرى الدَهرَ مِثلُه
أَجَلُّ وَأَوفى في سُرورٍ وَأَفضَلُ
17. Appearances that made the ages pure again, and a joy
That returned the laughter of its wantonness, adorned anew.
١٧. ظُهورٌ أَعادَ الدَهر طُهرا وَفَرحَةٌ
أَعادَتِ بَكايا لَهوِهِ وَهيَ حُفَّل
18. So good fortune to you, severing every pleasure,
And a loss that increases glory and perfects it!
١٨. فَيالَك قِطعاً فاصِلاً كُلّ لذَّةٍ
وَنَقصاً يَزيدُ المَجدَ فَخراً وَيُكمِلُ
19. The blood that David shed, the swords attested,
Inspired to thrust against the skulls, and hastened.
١٩. وَإِنَّ دماً أَجراهُ داوودُ دونَهُ
سُيوفُ إِلى الهاماتِ أَوحى وَأَعجلُ
20. It pains him to attain the prey of kings, while his reaching
Is judged by a humble petitioner.
٢٠. يعزُّ عَلى صيدِ المُلوكِ مَنالُه
وَيحكُمُ فيهِ سُوقَةٌ مُتَذَلِّلُ
21. He extends a hand toward one whose attainment is beyond him,
Though hands of men and legs be cut off.
٢١. يَمُدُّ يَداً نَحوَ الَّذي دونَ نَيلهِ
تَقطَّعُ أَيدٍ مِن رِجالٍ وَأَرجُلُ
22. And were it not for piety, he would not have stretched his palm
To the torrent, to afflict it, while the lion cub frolics.
٢٢. وَلَولا التُقى ما مَدَّ للسَيل كَفّه
ليؤلمهُ وَاللَيثُ جَذلان يَرفُل
23. Neither have favor, victory, and guidance ceased
To accompany your travel, when you lodge and depart.
٢٣. وَلا بَرحَ الاقبالُ وَالنًصرُ وَالهُدى
لرحلِك صَحباً اذ تحلُّ وَتَرحَلُ