
How many a fierce glance lies between your eyelids,

كم بين أجفانك من صارم

1. How many a fierce glance lies between your eyelids,
That its sharpness slides over the enthralled one.

١. كَم بَينَ أَجفانِك مِن صارِم
يسُلُّه اللَحظُ عَلى الهائِمِ

2. O unjust one whom I appointed as judge, yet you transgressed,
To you I complain of you, O my unjust one.

٢. يا ظالِماً حَكَّمتُه فاِعتَدى
اليكَ أَشكو مِنكَ يا ظالِمي

3. How far the oppressed one is from his right,
If the claim is upon the judge.

٣. ما أَبعَدَ المَظلومَ مِن حَقِّهِ
إِن كانتِ الدَعوى عَلى الحاكِمِ

4. I know not from where passion has painted me,
And my neighbor has deviated from his line of peace.

٤. لَم أَدرِ مِن أَينَ دَهاني الهَوى
وَجار بي عَن خَطِّهِ السالمِ

5. Was it from your kohl-lined eye, or your cheek's
Radiant dimple, or from your fragrant hair?

٥. مِن طَرفِكَ الأَكحَلِ أَم ثغ
ركَ الباسِم أَمِ مِن شعرك الفاحمِ

6. You have judged the lovers, so judge as
Muhammad judged the world.

٦. حكمتَ في العشاقِ فاِحكم كَما
مُحَمَّدٌ حُكَّم في العالِم