
Welcome to her and what she brought

أهلاً بها وبما أتتنما تحمل

1. Welcome to her and what she brought
Whatever she carries

١. أَهلاً بِها وَبِما أَتَتنما تَحمِلُ
خَلاً نَرى الاقبالَ ساعةَ تُقبِلُ

2. We see good fortune when it comes
As though beneath auspicious clouds it rained

٢. جاءَت تنزَّعُ تَحتَ أَكرم مَن مَشى
وَكَأَنَّها تَحتَ السَحابَة شَمأل

3. With it they are sustained, either I lead their camels
Swaying with howdahs and litters on their hump

٣. يَغُذُّ بهم إِمّا أَقبُّ مَطيّهم
نَهدُ المَراكِل أَو أَغرٌّ مُحَجَّل

4. As though above them a lad
Bedecked and gleaming or wandering astray

٤. وَكَأَنَّهُ مِن غِلمةٍ من فَوقِهِ
تَزهى فَيشمعُ أَو تَتيهُ فَيصهَل

5. She flew with it so he stayed, and his drinking-spot
Flowed, now rising, now spreading, now flooding

٥. طارَت بِهِ فَأَقامَ وَبلُ نَوالِهِ
يَجري فَيهمي أَو يَسُحُّ فَيَهطل

6. The sea of dew, the copious downpour with which she came
From us, and the stars of his munificence do not depart

٦. بَحرُ النَدى الغَمِرُ الَّذي رَحَلَت بِهِ
عَنّا وَأَنجمُ جُودِهِ ما تَرحَلُ

7. A lion when he meets enemies, facing them
A rain when it meets him, good and generous

٧. لَيثٌ إِذا لاقى الأَعادي مُشبِلٌ
غَيثٌ إِذا لاقاهُ عافٍ مُسبِلُ

8. And the eagle follows his army, and the partridges
Knowing their enemy will be overcome

٨. وَالنَسرُ يَتبعُ جَيشَه وَالأَجدَلُ
عِلماً بأَنَّ عَدوَّهُ سَيُجَدَّلُ

9. And his, when the rain singles out its path
Merit that benefits all the lands and their excelling

٩. وَلَهُ إِذا ما الغَيثُ خَصَّ بسيبهِ
فَضلٌ يَعُمُّ بِه البِلادَ وَمُفضِلُ

10. And if you come to it seeking aid
You will meet with it obliging and ready

١٠. وَإِذا عَرضتَ لِنَيلِهِ مُستَجدياً
لاقاكَ مِنهُ العارِضُ المتهمِّلُ

11. Truly time is commended by Muhammad
And by his fair and graceful deeds adorned

١١. إِنَّ الزَمانَ مُحَمَّدٌ بِمُحَمَّدٍ
وَبِفعلهِ الحَسَنِ الجَميلِ مُجمَّلُ

12. A towering glory, lofty and sublime, bearing what it bears
A sea of dew, enough for all it undertakes

١٢. طودُ العُلى السامي بِما يَتَحَمَّلُ
بَحرُ النَدى الكافي بِما يَتَكفَّل

13. Girded with the 'Muhammads', crowned
Allied with the 'Most Generous', clasped

١٣. متمنطِقٌ بِالمحمداتِ مُتَوَّجٌ
مُتآزرٌ بالمكرُمات مُسَربَكُ

14. His father was a firm root
To the kingdom, a base, and he is a taller branch

١٤. قَبلٌ أَبوه كانَ أَصلاً ثابِتاً
لِلمُلكِ قِدماً وَهوَ فَرعٌ أَطوَلُ

15. So he built on his father's foundation
A house with decayed palm-trunks as columns

١٥. فَبَنى عَلى أَساس والدِهِ لَه
بَيتاً دَعائِمُهُ الوشيجُ الذُبَّلُ

16. Wealth that hastens to whoever calls it, rushing
And to whoever does not call it, volunteering

١٦. مالٌ يُبادِرُ مَن دَعاهُ مُسارِعاً
وَعَلى الَّذي لَم يَدعِه مُتَطَفِّل

17. And dew that benefits all, not singling out or excluding
Glory cannot be attained without all-encompassing rain

١٧. وَنَدىً يَعُمُّ وَلَم يَخصَّ وَلا نَرى
مَجداً يُنالُ بِلا نَوالٍ يَشمَلُ

18. If they make you partner, they did not spend
On the day of dew, and in distress do not spend

١٨. إِن يُشرِكوكَ فانَّهم لَم يَبذُلوا
يَومَ النَدى وَلَدى الوَغى ما تَبذل

19. Might that the valiant man endures and so folds
And dew that the clouds witness and are ashamed

١٩. بأسٌ يُعانيهِ الشُجاعُ فَيَنثَنى
وَنَدىً يُعاينُهُ السَحابُ فَيَخجَلُ

20. And I have none but you
After God, upon whom I rely

٢٠. وَلَيـــسَ لــــي
بَعدَ الالهِ عَلى سِواكَ مُعَوّلُ