1. Your excuses appeared when you appeared,
And my excuse became serious love for you.
١. أَبَدى عِذارُكَ إِذ تَبَدّى
عُذري وَصارَ هَواكَ جدّا
2. My soul is your ransom - how small a price
For the beauty of your face to be ransomed!
٢. نَفسي فِداؤُكَ ما أَقَلَّ
لِحُسنِ وَجهِكَ أَن يُفَدّا
3. O you who are singular in beauty,
Transcending all others and unmatched,
٣. يا مَن تَفَرَّد بِالجَمالِ
عَن البَريَّةِ واِستَبَدا
4. Your beauty outshines that of gazelles
And shows the flaw of full moons.
٤. فَضَحَ الغَزالَةَ حُسنُه
وَأَبانَ نَقصَ البانِ قَدّا
5. The moles on your cheek vie
With myrtle and roses in beauty.
٥. وَحَمَت عَقارِبُ صُدغِه
آساً بوجنَتِهِ وَوَردا
6. Was our torment from your aloofness not enough
That you increased the distance?
٦. أَوما كَفاكَ عَذابنا
بِالصَدِّ حَتّى زِدتَ بُعدا
7. Do you forbid the lawful union
And make a habit of deliberate murder?
٧. أَتُحَرّمُ الوَصلَ الحلالَ
وَتَسحَتِلُّ القَتلَ عَمدا
8. I regret the joy, but out of
Fear of gossip, I say "My bliss!"
٨. أَسَفي عَلى سَعدٍ وَمِن
خَوفِ الوِشاةِ أَقول سُعدى
9. I feel the cold north wind though it
Burns my guts with chill.
٩. أَجد الشمالض وان جَرَت
حَرّى عَلى الأَحشاءِ بَردا
10. They said "You sleep," and I said "Out of
Yearning for your image I lay down deliberately."
١٠. قالوا تَنامُ فَقُلتُ مَن
شَوقِ الخَيالِ رَقدتُ قَصدا
11. Sleep reconciles us
And sleep is best for me and more fulfilling.
١١. النَومُ يُصلحُ بَينَنا
وَالنَومُ أَصلحُ لي وَأَجدا
12. If not for your love which
Always shows me the right way,
١٢. لَولا مَحبَّتُهُ الَّتي
أَبَداً تُريني الغيَّ رُشدا
13. I would have endured patiently
Since I am not one to despair of love.
١٣. لَصبرتُ عَنه تَجَلُّدا
إِذ لَم أَكُن في الحُبِّ جَلدا
14. I busied myself with guides and the rightly-guided one
Who guides me and shows me the way,
١٤. وَشَغَلتُ بِالهادي الدُعاةِ وَذا
كَ أَرشَدُ لي وَأَهدى
15. A king whom I wish safety
From calamities and the protection of helpers,
١٥. مَلِكٌ أَنامِلُهُ عَلى
العافي مِن الأَنداءِ أَندى
16. Whose reign is easy if
You support him - you bring good fortune.
١٦. سَهل خَلائِفُه إِذا
يَمّمتَهُ يَمَّمتَ سَعدا
17. He implanted skills in souls
Which then bore fruits of gratitude and praise.
١٧. غَرَسَ الصَنائِعَ في الأَنا
مِ فأَثمرت شُكراً وَحَمدا
18. Of the house of Ghassan the sublime
Who excelled mankind in might and glory,
١٨. مِن آلِ غَسّانَ الأُلى
فَضلوا الوَرى بأساً وَمَجدا
19. A spring of generosity through time
Ever increasing with loftiness and passion.
١٩. صَبٌّ عَلى طولِ الزَمانِ
يَزيدُ بِالعَلياءِ وَجدا
20. Good in nature he remains
To God in private and in public.
٢٠. حَسَنُ السَريرَةِ لَم يَزَل
لِلَّهِ ما أَخفى وَأَبدى
21. Firm against enemies, no enemy could challenge him,
He filled the horizon with armies
٢١. ماضٍ عَلى الأَعداءِ
لا فَلَّت لَهُ الأَعداءُ حَدّا
22. And blocked the land with barriers.
Like the sea with ships sailing behind them
٢٢. مَلأَ الفَضاءَ عَليهُمُ عَدَداً
وَسَدَّ الأَرضَ سَدّا
23. And cavalry over land in rows.
You pursued them aggressively and directly...
٢٣. كالبَحرِ يُجري خَلفَهُم
سُفُناً وَفَوقَ الأَرضِ جُردا
24. None like the two of them existed for the one
Of the two ages as supporters and soldiers.
٢٤. فَتَبعتَهُمُ مَسرىً وَمغَدا
25. Because of fear of them Gog and Magog
Erected against them the dam.
٢٥. ما كانَ مثلهُما لِذيـ
ـالقَرنينِ أَعواناً وَجُندا
26. With their swords
Piercing, burning, cutting.
٢٦. شادَت عَلَيها دونَتهم
مِن خَوفِها يأجوجُ سَدّا
27. They would not take
A gazelle or yearling as captive,
٢٧. بحتوفِهم طَعناً
واِحراقاً وَقَدّا
28. With their wounds, or chained
By the neck and fettered,
٢٨. أَلا ظَبيةَ
أَو شادِنٍ تَخذوهُ عَبدا
29. A warrior whom a lord with might rescued,
Escaping from the talons of the vultures.
٢٩. بِجِراحِه أَو مُوثَقاً
حَلَقاً وَقَيدا
30. Fleeing from calamity and dishonor is more calamitous.
Terror overwhelmed their young
٣٠. وَمُحارِبٌ نَجّاهُ ذو عُددٍ
يَفوتُ الطَيرَ شَدّا
31. And brought you white hair in youth.
You destroyed them and inherited
٣١. بِالفَرارِ مِنــ
ــالرَدى وَالعارُ أَردى
32. Their wealth, kingdoms, and offspring.
O best of Ghassan fathers
٣٢. هَولٌ أَشابَ صِغارَهُم
وَأَتوكَ شيبَ الرأسِ مُردا
33. And most rightful of them to rule,
You surpassed their precedence, and in the world
٣٣. أفنَيتَهُم وَورِثتَهمـ
ـمالاً وَمَملكَةً وَوِلدا
34. Attained might, high position, and fervor.
My master, the messenger would not stop thanking you
٣٤. يا خَيرَ غَسّانٍ أَباً
وَأَحقَّهم بِالمُلكِ جَدا
35. As long as I exerted effort,
Seeking to thank you as much as I am able, though the right of your thanks cannot be repaid.
٣٥. وَسبقتَ سَبقَهم الوَرى
بأَساً وَنَيلَ عُلىً وَجِدا
36. So forgive me, for if I erred in my heart,
I did so deliberately.
٣٦. مَولايَ لا وَقفَ الرَسولُ عَليَّـ
ــما أَبقَيتَ جُهدا
37. O joy of my days - may the days
Never lose you.
٣٧. طَلَباً لِشكركَ ما اِستَطَعـ
ـتَ وَحَقُّ شُكرِكَ لا يُرَدّا
٣٨. فاِغفر فان أَخطأتَ في قَلبي
فَقَد أَحسَستُ قَصدا
٣٩. يا بَهجَةَ الأَيامِ لا
ذاقَت لَكَ الأَيام فَقدا