1. Her union does not appear, so it fades without fading
And I have no helping patience, so I betray her
١. فَلا وَصلُها يَبدو فَتَبلى بِلا بِلى
وَلا ليَ صَبرٌ مُنجِدٌ فأخونُها
2. The eyelid is delicate without illness
Thus are the Indian swords, their eyelids wear away
٢. نَحيلَةُ جَفنِ العينِ مِن غيرِ عِلَّة
كَذاكَ سُيوفُ الهندِ تَبلى جُفونُها
3. I see her blackness is permanent and most manifest in beauty
So why did I find her whiteness precious?
٣. أَرى سودَها أَمضى وأفتك في الحَشا
فَما بالُ أَنقاها بَياضاً ثَمينُها
4. And I did not forget her the day she was veiled
While the spy was heedless and her eyes disappeared
٤. وَلَم أَنسها يَومَ النَوى إِذ تَحَجَّبَت
وَقَد غَفلَ الواشي وَغابَت عيونُها
5. So the tears of my eyes overflowed until you saw me
Turning to the house, unable to discern it
٥. فَفاضَت دُموعُ العَينِ حَتّى رأَيتَني
تَلفَّتُّ نحو الدارِ لا أَستَبينُها
6. So why did you not let down your veil when you turned from her curtains?
More unwilling than what her eyelids let down
٦. فَما أَسبَلتِ إِذ أَعرضت من ستورها
بأَمنع مِمّا أَرسلَتها جُفونُها
7. If she had not betrayed her oath
And extended to bid me farewell with her right hand
٧. لَو لَم تَخُن في يَمينها
وَمُدَّت لِتَوديع اليَّ يَمينُها
8. A soul when it blows south breathes
Yearning, if only its lips smelled of its sighing
٨. وَنَفسٌ إِذا هَبَّت جَنوب تَنَفَّسَت
تَحِنُّ اِشتِياقاً لَو شَفاها حَنينُها
9. So by the honor but for her passion and gratitude
The call of the honor of Sharaf ad-Din Ibn Asrun his religion
٩. فبالشرف الا عَلى هَواها وَشُكرِها
نَدى شَرفِ الدين بنِ عصرون دينُها
10. When she intended in her ways without his glory
Neither an easy matter relieved her gloom
١٠. مَتى قَصَدت في طُرقها دونَ عزه
فَلا اِنفرجت عَن سَهلِ أَمرٍ حزونُها
11. And if she hoped from another for his bestowal
Neither were true the things she wished in her thoughts
١١. وَإِن طَمعَت مِن غَيرِهِ في نَوالِهِ
فَلا صَدقَت فيما رَجَتهُ ظُنونُها