1. He was not negligent of his affection,
Even if separation left anything of his determination.
١. ما كانَ واشٍ عَن تَلدّدِه
لَو غادَرَ البَينُ شَيئاً مِن تجلّدِه
2. He did not come to us with blood-stained fingertips,
Nor did the tip of his spear pierce my patience in his love.
٢. أَوما إِلَينا بأَطرافٍ مُخَضَّبةٍ
وَماسَ فآنآدَ صَبري في تَوَدّدِه
3. He glanced at me with his eyes but did not stretch out his hand to me,
So why should I pour out my passionate blood upon his hand?
٣. رَمى بِطَرفٍ وَلَم يَمدُد إِليَّ يَداً
فَما لِنَضح دَمي الهامي عَلى يَدِهِ