1. How amazing is the spring of his cheek from the water source,
And his eyes are from the eyes of roses.
١. عَجَباً لِمَنْهَلِ خَدِّهِ منْ مَوْرِدِ
وَعيُوُنُهُ هِيَ مِنْ عُيُونِ الوُرَّدِ
2. The glances are crowded, and with their tears,
They flow, and most of them make noise.
٢. تَتَزَاحَمُ الأَلْحَاظُ وَهْيَ بِدَمْعِهَا
رَيَّا وتَصْدُرُ عَنْهُ أَكْثَرُهَا صَدِي
3. O you who settled in the hearts as a beloved, in harmony,
Quietness with a heart in love is unaccustomed.
٣. يَا سَاكِناً حَبَّ القُلُوبِ خَوَافِقَاً
إِنَّ السُّكُونَ بِخَافِقٍ لَمْ يُعْهَدِ
4. What is with a heart in which you are, and its fire,
In the water of your beauty, was never extinguished?
٤. مَا بَالُ قَلْبٍ أَنْتَ فِيهِ ونَارُهُ
فِي مَاءِ حُسْنِكَ دَائِماً لَمْ تُخْمَدِ
5. You slipped in, so do not hold on tightly,
A sword from the eyelids, unsheathed.
٥. وَلقَدْ سَلَلْتَ فَلاَ تَكُنْ مُتَمَسِّكاً
سَيْفاً مِنَ الأَجْفَانِ لَيْسَ بِمُغْمَدِ
6. And you killed my patience, composure, and sorrow,
With my eyelash, its blood flowed, you did not deny.
٦. وَقَتلْتَ سُلْوَانِي وَصَبْرِيَ والكَرَىَ
وبِمُقْلَتِي دَمُهَا جَرَى لَمْ تَجْحَدِ
7. If the branches of coyness saw your charm,
They would slip, so how could they not bow to slipping?
٧. إِنْ شَاهَدَتْ عَطْفَيْكَ أَغْصَانُ النَّقَا
وَسَهَتْ فَكَيْفَ لِسَهْوِهَا لَمْ تَسْجُدِ
8. A veiled one sent the imagination of him to me,
My mind, due to the inability of the one dozing.
٨. ومُحَجَّبٍ أَهْدَى إِلىَّ خَيَالَهُ
فِكْرِي لِعَجْزِ النَّاظِرِ المُتَسَهِّدِ
9. So I attained the near, intimate one, even if he went far away,
And the far, distant one, even if he did not go far.
٩. فَظَفِرْتُ بِالدَّانِي القَريبِ وَإِنْ نَأَى
وَالنَّازِحِ النَّائِي وَإِنْ لَمْ يَبْعُدِ