1. Let us fulfill the duty to the most thirsty one
With the provision of tears, the spring of roses
١. هَلُمَّا نُقَضِّي الفَرْضَ لِلأَجْرَعِ الفَرْدِ
بِوِرْدِ المَطَايَا مَنْهَلَ المَدْمَعِ الوَرْدِ
2. For in a place like this a lover cools down
His burning with the plain of tears in the chilling place
٢. فَفِي مِثْلَ هذا السَّفْحِ يُبْرِدُ عَاشِقٌ
حَشَاهُ بِسَفْحِ الدَّمْعِ في مَسْحَبِ البُرْدِ
3. We stopped at Al-Amriyah quarter and took a stand
Where the freeman with generosity is like a slave
٣. وَقَفْنَا بِرَبْعِ العامِرِيةَِّ مَوْقِفاً
بِهِ الحُرُّ مَبذُولُ الحَشَاشَةِ كالعَبْدِ
4. Drunk, bleary-eyed, so it was as if
A lost guide led us astray from the intention
٤. سُكَارَى خَيَارَى أَعْيُنِ فَكَأنَّمَا
أَضَلَّ بِنَا حَادٍ مُجِدٍّ عَنِ القَصْدِ
5. And in the neighborhood there were others, almost
Their souls were distinctive from rage at us and from hatred
٥. وَفِي الحَيِّ غَيْرَانُونَ كَادَتْ نُفُوسُهُمْ
تَمَّيزُ مِنْ غَيْظٍ عَلَيْنَا وَمِنْ حِقْدِ
6. That is only jealousy of our staying
At Layla's abode, the honored place of delegations
٦. وَمَا ذَاكَ إِلاَّ غَيْرَةً منْ حُلُولِنَا
بِلَيْلَى مَحْلَ المُكْرَمِينَ مِنَ الوَفْدِ
7. And when we knew her fragrance, passion purified
The repugnance of her hostility from its face
٧. وَلَمَّا عَرَفْنَا عَرْفَهَا نَزَّهَ الهَوى
شَذَا عُرْفِهَا النِّدِّي عَنْ وِجْهَهِ النِّدِّ
8. So we saw only Arabic faces
Rendered ineloquent in Arabic from intensity of passion
٨. فَلَمْ نَرَ إلاَّ أَوْجُهاً عَرَبِيَّةً
عَلى العُرْبِ عُجْمَ اللَّفْظِ مِنْ شِدَّةِ الوَجْدِ
9. And how many livers seared, enduring what is in them
And cheeks' page on which tears have many a bruise
٩. وَكَمْ كَبِدٍ حَرَّى تُكَابِدُ مَا بِهَا
وَصَفْحَةِ خَدٍّ فِيْهِ للدَّمْعِ كَمْ خَدِّ
10. And how many plump cheeks for humming, not devoid
We pressed the kiss, a necklace upon necklaces
١٠. وَكَمْ ثَّمَّ جِيدٍ للرِّنَا لَيْسَ عَاطِلاً
ضَمَمْنَا عَلَيْهِ الَّثْمَ عِقْداً على عِقْدِ
11. And she did not leave Waraqa to weep alone
A suitor saying, I alone am concerned with her
١١. وَلَم يَدَعِ الوَرْقَاءَ لِلَّنْوحِ وَحْدَهَا
فَتَىً قَائلاً إِنِّي المُعَنَّى بِهَا وَحْدِي
12. And we died for her the length of life, and it appeared
In her era, and the pattern in pattern and era
١٢. ومِتْنَا لَهَا طُوْلَ الحَيَاةِ وقَدْ بَدَتْ
عَلَى عَهْدِهَا والرَّسْمُ فِي الرَّسْمِ والعَهْدِ
13. So whoever sees any loss from his demise, is not of
Loss, may God protect you O Saʿd from loss
١٣. فَمَنْ يَرَ بُدَاً مِنْ فَنَاهُ فَلَيْسَ مِنْ
فَنَاءٍ رَعَاكَ اللهُ يَا سَعْدُ منْ بُدِّ
14. And whoever sees distance from her kills, so what
I see is that killing nearness is better than distance
١٤. وَمَنْ يَرَ عَنْهَا البُعْدَ يَقْتُلُ فَالَّذِي
أَرَى أَنَّ قَتْلَ القُرْبِ أَرْجَى مِنَ البُعْدِ
15. Thus remains the one whose remaining is for his face
Everlasting, and the one whose remaining is to a limit perishes
١٥. فَيَبْقَى الَّذِي مَعْنَى البَقَاءِ لِوَجْهِهِ
دَوَاماً وَيَفْنَى مَنْ بَقَاهُ إلى حَدِّ