
When one who adores you is led astray, do not reproach,

إذا ماس من يهواك تيها فلا عتب

1. When one who adores you is led astray, do not reproach,
And who can behold that beauty and not melt away?

١. إِذَا مَاسَ مَنْ يَهْوَاكَ تِيهاً فَلاَ عُتْبُ
وَمَنْ ذَا يَرَى ذَاكَ الجَمَالَ فَلاَ يَصْبُو

2. Who can be given your mention as coffee to drink,
And not sway drunkenly, amazed by glorious wonder?

٢. ومَنْ ذا الَّذي يُسْقَى بِذِكْرِكَ قَهْوَةً
وَلاَ يَنْثَنِي تِيهاً وَيَزْهُو بِهِ العُجْبُ

3. You have captured all creation with your veiled beauty,
Then what of one who adores you, should the veils fall away?

٣. سَبَيْتَ الوَرَى حُسْناً وَأَنْتَ مُحَجَّبٌ
فَكَيْفَ بِمَنْ يَهْوَاكَ إِنْ زَالَتِ الحُجْبُ

4. In the morning you were the beloved of every heart,
There is no mote in the cosmos that does not have a heart.

٤. وَأَصْبَحْتَ مَعْشُوقَ القُلُوبِ بِأَسْرِهَا
وَمَاذَرَّةٌ فِي الكَوْنِ إِلاَّ لَهَا قَلْبُ

5. When lovers grow drunk, you are their boon companion,
You are for them both the cup-bearer and the wine.

٥. إِذَا سَكِرَ العُشَّاقُ كُنْتَ نَدِيمَهُمْ
وأنتَ لَهُمْ سَاقٍ وَأَنْتَ لَهُمْ شُرْبُ

6. And when the lovesick sing your name and sway tipsily,
They desire nothing but you, and no other.

٦. وَإِنْ زَمْزَمَ الحَادِي وَمَالُوا صَبَابَةً
فَلَيْسَ لَهُمْ قَصْدٌ سِوَاكَ وَلا أَرْبُ

7. Why do lovers not melt away in fervor and passion?
For the authority of infatuation is their great love.

٧. وَلِمْ لاَ يَذْوبُ العَاشِقُونَ صَبَابَةً
وَوَجْداً وسُلْطَانُ المِلاَحِ لَهُمْ حِبُّ