
Come hither for with me there is for love and passion

هلموا فعندي للمحبة والهوى

1. Come hither for with me there is for love and passion
An illness of infatuation I'm not skilled to remedy

١. هَلُمُّوا فَعِنْدي لِلمَحَبَّةِ وَالهَوَى
سِقَامُ غَرَامٍ لَسْتُ أُحْسِنُ طِبَّهُ

2. Bestow on me an eyelid whose tears reason controls
Else a heart patience governs its ardor

٢. هِبُوا لِيَ جَفْناً يَمْلِكُ العَقْلُ دَمْعَهُ
وَإِلاَّ فقَلْباً يَحْكُمُ الصَّبْرُ لُبَّهُ

3. My feet slipped in love inexperienced
And I found it sweetly intoxicating and delectable

٣. هَوَتْ قَدَمي فِي الحُبِّ عَنْ غَيْرِ خِبْرَةٍ
فَأَلْفَيْتَهُ حُلْوَ التَّجَرُّعِ عَذْبَهُ

4. It is honey mixed with poison and bitterness
I hope for its reproach and fear its blame

٤. هُوَ الشَّهْدُ مَمْزُوجاً بِسُمِّ وَعَلْقَمٍ
أُؤَمَّلُ عَتْبَاهُ وَأَحْذَرُ عَتْبَهُ

5. I loved one unworthy of his love
And how could one like me be his beloved

٥. هَوَيْتُ حَبِيباً لَسْتُ أَهْلاً لِحُبِّهِ
وَأَنَّي لِمِثْلِي أَنْ يَكُونَ مُحِبَّهُ

6. The crescent of my heart whenever I had a nap
And the morn of my eyes whenever I awakened

٦. هَلاَلُ فُؤَادِي كُلَّمَا ذُقتُ غَفْوَةً
وَصُبْحُ عَيَانِي كُلَّمَا أَتَنَبَّهُ

7. I intended to attain but fell short in awe
And my inability to attain is more apt and akin

٧. هَمَمْتُ بِإِدْرَاكٍ فَقَصَّرتُ هَيَبةً
وَعَجْزِي عَنِ الإِدْرَاكِ أَوْلَى وَأَشْبَهُ

8. Alas for a heart you ignited its spark
And a glance you neglected to veil

٨. هَفَا بِكَ قَلْبٌ أَنْتَ أَوْرَيْتَ زَنْدَهُ
وَنَالكَ طَرْفٌ أَنْتَ أَهْمَلْتَ سَحْبَهُ

9. Congratulations to the one who has your love
And blessings to the heart that has your love

٩. هَنِيِئاً لِهَذِي النَّفْسِ إِنْ كُنْتَ حِبّهَا
وَطُوبَى لِهَذا القَلْبِ إِنْ كُنْتَ حِبَّهُ