
A vision brought me low from Tumadhir

ألمً خيال موهِناً من تُماضرا

1. A vision brought me low from Tumadhir,
Seeking refuge, though no early night had come.

١. أَلَمَّ خَيالٌ مَوهِناً مِن تُماضِرا
هُدُوّاً وَلَم يَطرُق مِنَ اللَيلِ باكِرا

2. Whenever it had need of anything from them,
It would go back, from Tumadhir, in retreat.

٢. وَكانَ إِذا ما اِلتَمَّ مِنها بِحاجَةٍ
يُراجِعُ هِتراً مِن تُماضِرَ هاتِرا

3. And truthful young men whose resolve does not waver,
When the bright star is likened to the shining ones.

٣. وَفِتيانُ صِدقٍ لا تَخُمُّ لِحامُهُم
إِذا شُبِّهَ النَجمُ الصُوارَ النَوافِرا

4. And the generosity of Luqman son of 'Aad is bounty,
And munificence, when the paths are hazardous and perilous.

٤. وَأَيسارَ لُقمانَ بنِ عادٍ سَماحَةً
وَجوداً إِذا ما الشَولُ أَمسَت جَرائِرا