
By your life, she did not neglect the comfort of her baby

لعمرُك ما ملت ثواء ثويَّها

1. By your life, she did not neglect the comfort of her baby
Halima, when she let go of her comfortable seat

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما مَلَّت ثَواءَ ثَوِيَّها
حَليمَةُ إِذ أَلقَت مَراسِيَ مِقعَدِ

2. Rather she took him into her hands as a guarantee
And a number of tribes gathered around her, obedient to her

٢. وَلَكِن تَلَقَّت بِاليَدَينِ ضَمانَتي
وَحَلَّ بِشَرجٍ مِنَ القَبائِلِ عُوَّدي

3. She spent two spring months with him
Bearing hardships and extended love

٣. وَقَد غَبَرَت شَهرَي رَبيعٍ كِلَيهِما
بِحَملِ البَلايا وَالحِباءِ المُمَدَّدِ

4. Those responsibilities did not distract her
She was steadfast, no matter what you wished of her

٤. وَلَم تُلهِها تِلكَ التَكاليفُ إِنَّها
كَما شِئتَ مِن أُكرومَةٍ وَتَخَرُّدِ

5. She is the daughter of noble roots that grew
Into a virtuous character, the brilliance of which is clear

٥. هِيَ اِبنَةُ أَعراقٍ كِرامٍ نَمينَها
إِلى خُلُقٍ عَفٍّ بَرازَتُهُ قَدِ

6. I will reward you, or someone will reward you on my behalf
It is enough that you be praised and lauded

٦. سَأَجزيكِ أَو يَجزِيكِ عَنّي مُثَوِّبٌ
وَقَصرُكِ أَن يُثنى عَلَيكِ وَتُحمَدي

7. If people give us hardship, we will be patient and wait
For a future reward, as though it were a long-awaited rain

٧. فَإِن يُعطَ مِنّا القَومُ نَصبِر وَنَنتَظِر
مِنى عَقِبٍ كَأَنَّها ظِمءُ مَورِدِ

8. If we are not given anything, we will not act ignorantly or complain
We will repay debts, then set out with purpose

٨. وَإِن نُعطَ لا نَجهَل وَلا نَنطُقُ الخَنا
وَنَجزِ القُروضَ أَهلَها ثُمَّ نَقصِدِ

9. Do not reveal the flaws of a person before his story is known
And after the person's trial, then blame or praise as deserved

٩. لا تُظهِرَن ذَمَّ اِمرِئٍ قَبلَ خُبرِهِ
وَبَعدَ بَلاءِ المَرءِ فَاِذمُم أَوِ اِحمَدِ